Past Announcements (Fall 2013)
12/06 Presentation List
Links L0 and L8 of Section C have been updated.
12/06 HW5
Solutions are available.
12/02 HW5
All email received through 13:40 have been acknowledged.
11/29 Sub10, BigTable, GoogleFileSystem
Subject 10 has been posted. It covers the Google File System (GFS) and BigTable.
A paper on GFS was already available; the paper on BigTable (2006) is reachable
through Section C. Subject 10 is in the Final Exam.
A subject 11 will cover material not in the Final Exam and
will be posted later today.
11/22 HW5.P6
Use an all-1/n vector as initial values for Problem 6/HW5.
(Other alternatives is all-1, or all-1/sqrt(n).)
11/22 Subject 9
has been posted.
11/22 HW4 solutions
have been posted.
11/17 HW4
All emails received through 08:57 Mon 18 Nov have been acknowledged.
11/11 HW 5
is available for download.
Addendum: For Problem 3 (of HW5), the texts are decapitalized, and plural removal is applied also but no
other stemming.
11/11 Subjects 7,8
are available for download.
11/01 Subjects 5,6
are available for download.
10/29 Exam1 solutions
are in section C.
10/29 HW6
an out-of-sequence homework that involves a paper presentation has been posted ahead
of its Nov 4 previously schedule publication date, as already announced in class.
10/25 Midterm class Performance
is available through section C1 and Exam 1 statistics through section C3.
10/25 Exam1
has been posted in Section C; solutions will become available on Monday (10/28).
Statistics are also available.
10/23 HW4
has been posted in Section B.
10/17 HW3 solutions
have been posted in Section C.
10/16 HW3 solutions
will be made available tomorrow Thu Oct 17 in early afternoon.
10/14 HW3
All emails received through 9:29 Mon Oct 14, 2013 have been acknowledged.
10/11 Subject 4, page 44 and Textbook page 147
There is a typo in the textbook. Page 44 of Subject 4 alerts you of that typo.
The formula that is in error in the textbook is the second bullet of page 147 that
involves k_dr. It reads "k_dr = k_d - ...". It should have been instead
"k_dr = (k_d +1) - ...". This is described in the first ''black'' bullet of page 44 of the
notes involving w1w2. The second subbullet involinvg w2 on page 44, uses the CORRECT
10/11 Pre-announcement (for midterm)
Reminder that in ten-days time, on 10/21 the midterm is scheduled. Solutions for
HW3 will be posted next week on Thu 10/24. The midterm would be based on material
covered in class from the first day of the semester including the lecture on Monday Oct 14.
Check Hand 1 for more info.
10/4 Subject 4 has been posted
in section C. In addition an updated Subject 3 has been posted; typos and
syntax errors were fixed.
10/4 Solutions for HW2 have been posted
in section C.
9/27 HW3 has been posted
in section B ahead of Monday's class.
9/27 HW1 solutions
have been posted in section C.
9/25 HW2 clarification and typo
Clarification and Typo (Problem 2) The web-page of the course for part b starts with and that's the URL that you should be exploring (and will save you time over alternative
searching). However the domain argument prior to it is up to you to set it
within no matter what you choose the log file should be large enough (in my case several
megabytes). While you experiment with webcrawler and python include a number as a fifth argument
that maintains a bound of pages visited;
keep it small say to 100 until you feel comfortable with using webcrawler.
In addition in Problem 2 part b.3 the last sentence in parentheses is bungled up:
The total number of unique
URLs requested is those URLs in the log (after sorting -u) whose first four charcters
in a line are http and those first four characters start from the leftmost margin with no
spaces preceding them.
Clarification (Problem 3) The number of retrieved docs are those listed on the pages you
received in the hard-copy (or the screen captures on the Web). Not the thousands reported by Google or
Bing. Thus it (number) is no more than a 2-digit number.
9/23 HW2
has been posted in Section B; 5 files related to
Problems 2 and 3 of HW2 can also be found there.
9/23 HW1
All email received Re HW1 have been acknowledged (9:05am, 9/23).
9/20 Subject 2
has been posted in Section C.
9/16 HW1 typos
In the statement of HW1, i say "the following 3 queries". If you count them the total is 6, the queries
that you need to perform is 5; nowhere is it apparent that a 3 can be inferred. So the 3 is a typo.
(But after you perform the queries or see the solutions you will realize that the 3 is not that wrong
either.) Something else, in query 13 of problem 3 on the last page of the assignment the
dash immediately precedes the a. The way it shows, it is as if there is a space between the
dash and the a.
9/16 HW1
have been posted in section B.
9/14 PA 1,2,3
have been posted in section B ahead of the projected 9/16 and 9/23 publication dates. (Note these
are the programming assignments, not the homeworks!)
9/9 Subject 1
has been posted in section C (protected area).
9/6 Handouts 0 (Course FAQ) and 1 (syllabus)
have been posted in section B.
9/6 Page under construction.
Links may change at any time.
- No announcements yet.