Last Change Aug 27, 2015. THIS PAGE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Document hand1.pdf contains the LATEST information about this course. Until contents are finalized this web-page might reflect material of another course or OF A PREVIOUS SEMESTER OFFERING. PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION. MATERIAL CHANGES. It will be finalized on Sep 2, 2014 @ 5:30pm.

An introductory course on web-searching. Information vs data retrieval. The architecture of a search engine. Web crawling. Processing text (tokenization, stemming, stopwords, link analysis and markup). Ranking algorithms based on indexes and links (eg. Kleinberg"s HITS, Google"s PAGERANK). Retrieval Models. Search engine evaluation. Case studies (e.g. Google cluster architecture).

1.1 Contact Information

INSTRUCTOR: Alex Gerbessiotis E-MAIL:
OFFICE: GITC 4213, 4th floor TEL: (973)-596-3244
OFFICE HOURS: Tue 4:00-5:30pm and Thu 4:00- 5:30pm    
OFFICE HOURS: By appointment Mon/Tue/Thu    
CLASS HOURS: Mon 10:00-12:55 (GITC 1205)    

Web Page:

The following also works:

1.2 Course Administration

CS 280 and one of CS 241/CS 252. Last 4 digits of your NJIT id.
Search Engines: Information Retrieval in Practice by B. Croft et al., Addison-Wesley, ISBN-10: 0136072240, 2010.
2 exams (including the final); Assignments

1000 points = Exam1(335) + Exam2(335) + Best-5-of-7(330). HW1-HW4 are ordinary homeworks, HW5-6 are programming projects, and HW7 is a paper presentation; HW5-7 handed-out out of sequence. Each one is worth 66 points. For HW5-HW6 ONLY, a maximum of three students can work together and each one would collect the assigned graded points. HW7, the paper presentation requires a 20-minute reservation slot to be booked in advance, a one-page summary advance submission (see homework for details) and presentation.

All exams are open-textbook only. You may bring a hard-copy of the textbook but you are not allowed to borrow one during the exam or bring in class other material. Exam1 is on Mon Oct 26, 90mins. Exam2 is on Final Week, 120mins on a date to be announced by the Registrar.

Per University regulations.

Due Dates
Paper (aka Hard-copy) submissions for HW1-HW4 before class; email submissions (txt or pdf or MSWord) by midnight the day they are due. We acknowledge submissions promptly. It's up to you to properly form and submit an email. Use an NJIT email address and include a Subject line as specified in Handout 0. 11 pts deducted from grade at deadline plus 2 minutes, 22 pts every 24hrs thereafter.

Tentatitive list of topics

2.1 Course Objectives and Outcomes

Objective 1
Learn the fundamentals of Web searching.
Objective 2
Learn how a search engine works and identify the components of its architecture.
Objective 3
Learn the requirements and characteristics of web crawling, document fetching and processing.
Objective 4
Learn how to use fundamental data structures to index and store information for processing web search requests.
Objective 5
Learn the fundamentals of ranking and ranking algorithms.
Objective 6
Learn how high performance computing can benefit web searching. DT>Outcome 1
Be able to explain fundamental concepts related to Web searching and the architecture of search engines.
Outcome 2
Be able to identify and explain the output of search engines in the context of web searching.
Outcome 3
Be able to understand ranking and indexing algorithms and their limitations.
Outcome 4
Be able to design a search engine architecture based on input design requirements.
Outcome 5
Be able to effectively use high performance computing in the design of a Web search infrastructure.
Outcome 6
Be able to effectively apply ranking algorithms.

2.2 Tentative Course Calendar

Week Mon HWout HWin Comments
W1 Tue* 9/8 HW5 out HW6 out HW5, HW6 are mini-projects
W2 9/14 HW1out    
W3 9/21      
W4 9/28 HW2 out HW1in  
W5 10/05 HW3out HW2in  
W6 10/12      
W7 10/19   HW3in  
W8 10/26 Exam1    
W9 11/02 HW4 out   Mon Nov 2: Withdrawal Deadline
W10 11/09   HW5in  
W11 11/16   HW4in  
W12 11/23     Thanksgiving week: Tue is a Thu
W13 11/30   HW7? HW7 presentation?
W14 12/07   HW6in, HW7 HW7 presentation
W15 Exam2** Tue Dec 15-Mon Dec 21 is Final Exam Week

* First day of classes is the Tuesday after Labor Day (9/8) that is ''Monday'' for NJIT ** Check with the Registrar

Any modifications or deviations from these dates, will be done in consultation with the attending students and will be posted on the course Web-page. It is imperative that students check the Course Web-page regularly and frequently.

Course Policies

Written work will be graded for conciseness and correctness. Be brief and to the point and write clearly. Programming problems will be graded based on test instances decided by the instructor on an AFS machine (afsconnect1,afsconnect2,osl11). Do not expect partial credit if your code fails to run on all test instances, and you do not provide a bug report.
Check the marks in written work and report errors promptly. Resolve any issue no later than the Reading Day. For students who submit programming work or have a paper presentation, an email with your grade will be sent back to you. The final grade is decided based on a 0 to 1000 point performance. A 50% or more is C or better, 85-90% or more usually guarantees an A.
Collaboration of any kind is NOT allowed in the in-class exams and the homeworks. An exception to this rule is HW6-HW7 that explicitly allow collaboration (teams of no more than 3); in such a case collaboration is allowed between members of the team only for the specific homework only. Students who turn in work/answers to questions sourced through the Internet or otherwise, or is product of another person's/student's work, risk severe punishment, as outlined by the University. The work you submit must be the result of your own effort.

Mobile Devices
Mobile phones/devices and/or laptops/notebooks MUST BE SWITCHED OFF (NOT JUST SILENCED) before the class exams. Switch off noisy devices before class.

Send email from an NJIT email address. NJIT spam filters or we will filter other email address origins. Use the appropriate subject line as specified in Handbout 0. Include CS 345 in the subject line then.
Missing class
If you miss a class and there is no Exam or Homework due it's up to you to make up for lost time.
Missing Exam
If you miss an exam and there is a valid documentation for your absence, such documentation must be presented within 3 working days from the day the reason for the absence is lifted. The maximum accommodation will be the number of missing days to the exam date. You also need to present your case to the Dean of Student Services (DOSS); we will respond after receiving confirmation from DOSS.
Missing HW
If you are sick (see Missing Exam for the procedure) there is no notion of a make-up homework or delayed submission of a homework other than the penalties specified on page one of this document. Per DOSS and Instructor approvals, a homework grade might get extrapolated from the final exam grade (EX2).
Follow submission guidelines for HW5-HW6, if you plan to do it/them.
Follow submission guidelines for HW7, if you plan to do it.

The NJIT Honor Code will be upheld; any violations will be brought to the immediate attention of the Dean of Students. Read this handout carefully!

A. V. Gerbessiotis 2015-08-27 (13:29)