Document h1435s16.pdf contains the LATEST
information about this course.
Content might change through the first day of classes!
A course on algorithms and data-structures.
Advanced topics in data structures and algorithms, involving sequences, sets,
and graphs such as searching, sorting, order statistics, balanced search tree operations,
hash tables, graph traversals, graph connectivity and path problems. Algebraic and
numeric algorithms. Performance measures, analysis techniques, and
complexity of such algorithms.
Greedy algorithms and dynamic programming-based techniques.
String matching algorithms. Introduction to NP-completeness.
1.1 Contact Information
Alex Gerbessiotis |
E-MAIL: | |
GITC 4213, 4th floor |
TEL: |
(973)-596-3244 |
Wed 4:00-5:30pm and Thu 4:00- 5:30pm |
Else, by |
appointment Mon/Thu |
Assistant: |
TBA on course web-page |
Thu 6:00-9:05pm, CKB 220 |
Web Page:
Print Handout 1 from Web-page and compare the printout to this document! They must be identical.
1.2 Course Administration
- Prerequisites
- CS 241, CS 288.
- Textbook
- T.C.Cormen, C.E.Leiserson, R.L.Rivest, and C. Stein.
``Introduction to Algorithms'', 3rd edition, MIT Press, ISBN-10 : 0262033844,
(ISBN-13: 978-0262033848).
We abbreviate it in class as CLRS.
- CourseWork:
- 3 exams (including the final);
programming assignments ; an unnanounced quiz
may be given (maybe after week 8) of 40 points; if i don't give you a quiz you
get the points for free. If the Exam1 day is a snow day, then Exam1 will be held a week later;
if that day is also a snow day it will be scheduled for April 14 as Exam 2.5, a 110pt or
150pt exam.
- Grades:
- 1000 points = MP(160)+ Ex1 (110) + Ex2 (345) + Ex3 (345) + 40?
- MP
- A programming mini-project (MP) with 3 options each one worth 120 points.
A student may submit one or two options but NOT more; both options must be submitted as one email.
No more than 160 points of credit from the sum of the grades of the two options.
If a student receives a total of 60 points or less, 0 will be recorded towards the final grade; this
implies a threshold of 25\% for clearing the mini-project hurdle.
See Handout 2 for more details and how to submit it.
All options are due BEFORE noon of April 21, 2016 ; emails
received at noon time or later will have 40pts deducted per option, and so done at noon time
the following day(s), if applicable (i.e. there are points to deduct).
- PS
- Approximately eight problem sets PS1-8 will be
periodically posted along with their solutions. Exams may draw
from these problem sets.
- Exams
- Dates in Course Calendar. Exam 1 (or 2.5) is closed-everything.
The other exams (midterm and final) are open-textbook only. You may bring a hard-copy of the
textbook but you are not allowed to borrow one during the exam.
For the final, you may also bring in class a clean copy of Handout 5
on red-black trees in addition to the textbook.
Exam1 is on Thu Feb 11 , 45min, 110 points.
Exam2 is on Thu Mar 3, 2hrs, 345 points.
Exam3 is on Thu May 12, 2hrs, 345 points.
- Exam Conflicts
- This is a high-numbered required course.
In case of multiple exams on a same day, this exam has priority even if it
is the last exam of the day.
2.1 Course Objectives and Outcomes
- Objective 1
- Learn how to describe the asymptotic performance of algorithms and
data structure operations.
- Objective 2
- Learn how to derive and determine the asymptotic performance of algorithms
and data structure operations.
- Objective 3
- Learn how fundamental algorithms and data-structures operate, and understand
their characteristics. Be able to choose among a variety of similar ones based on
problem/program specification and requirements.
- Objective 4
- Learn how to compose more complex algorithms and data structures using as
building blocks the fundamental algorithms and data structures introduced in class.
- Objective 5
- Learn how to compose more complex algorithms using the algorithmic
design techniques introduced in class.
- Outcome 1
- Be able to asymptotically compare functions using
o,O,omega,Omega, Theta, and be able to solve recurrences using the master,
the iteration/recursion tree, and the substitution method.
- Outcome 2
- Become familiar with a variety of sorting algorithms and their
performance characteristics (eg, running time, stability, space usage) and be able to
choose the best one under a variety of requirements.
- Outcome 3
- Be able to understand fundamental algorithms and
data structures and be able to trace their operations for problems such as sorting,
searching, selection, operations on numbers, polynomials and matrices, and graphs.
- Outcome 4
- Be able to identify the performance characteristics of fundamental
algorithms and data structures for problems such as sorting, searching, selection, operations
on numbers, polynomials and matrices, and graphs; be able to select among multiple available
solutions to meet desired needs.
- Outcome 5
- Be able to understand fundamental algorithm design techniques and understand
how to use them to design, implement and evaluate a variety of algorithmic problems.
- Outcome 6
- Be able to use the fundamental algorithms introduced in class to
design, implement and avaluate algorithms for more complex problems.
- Outcome 7
- Be able to use current algorithmic techniques and skills for
computing practice.
2.2 Topics to be covered
T1 : AL1(2)/AL2(1)/AL3(1): Introduction, Algorithm Design Techniques (Incremental, Divide-and-Conquer)
T2 : AL1(2)/AL2(1) : Sorting Algorithms (Insertion, Selection, BubbleSort, MergeSort) Asymptotic growth of f
T3 : AL1(2),DS3(1) : Recurrences
T4 : AL3(1),DS5(1) : Brief Review on elementary data structures (Stacks,Queues,Trees,Lists)
T5 : AL2(2),AL7(1) : HeapSort,PriorityQueues,Huffman Coding,and QuickSort(Worst-case and Average-case analys
T6 : AL3(2) : Distribution-based sorting(Count/Radix/Bucket-Sort).Lower bounds on comparison-based so
T7 : AL3(2) : Selection. Selection in Linear Time.
T8 : AL3(4),AL7(3) : Hashing, Balanced Binary Search Trees ( Red-Black Trees).
T9 : AL2(2),AL3(1) : Dynamic Programming and Chained Matrix Multiplication,Arithmetic problems
T10: AL3(2),AL7(1) : Union Find Algorithms; Introduction to Graph Algorithms
T11: AL3(3)AL7(2) : Depth First Search,Breadth First Search,Minimum Spanning Trees.
T12: AL3(3) : Shortest path Algorithms (Dijkstra and Floyd-Warshall)
T13: AL4(2) : NP-completeness.
Section 2.2 of the previous page contains a tentative list of topics that is
intended to be covered in class. The code $Ti$ refers to a topic. A topic may
spread over one or more lectures. The code $\mathrm{AL}i$ refers to the ACM
Computing Curricula 2013 topic description code. In parentheses, we provide
an approximate number of hours per topic. Hour coverage may change depending on
circumstances (eg. class pace, weather). Minimum time requirements of the topics covered
are. AL1 (basic analysis):4,
AL2 (algorithmic strategies): 6,
AL3 (fundamental data structures and algorithms):12,
AL4 (basic automata, computability and complexity) optional:2,
AL7 (advanced data structures, algorithms and analysis): elective,
DS3 (proof techniques):1, DS5(graphs and trees):1.
3.1 Tentative Course Calendar
Week** Thu PS with Solutions MP Comments
W1 ...... 1/21 PS1* ........... MP out
W2 ...... 1/28 PS2*
W3 ...... 2/4 PS3*
W4 ...... 2/11 .... ........... Exam1
W5 ...... 2/18 PS4*
W6 ...... 2/25 PS5*
W7 ...... 3/3 .... ........... Exam2
W8 ...... 3/10
W- ...... 3/17 .... ........... Spring Break
W9 ...... 3/24 PS6*
W10...... 3/31
W11 ...... 4/7 PS7*
W12 ...... 4/14 PS8*
W13 ...... 4/21 .... ........... MP in before noon
W14 ...... 4/28
W-- ...... 5/5 .... ........... 5/5 is a Reading Day
W15 ...... 5/12 Exam3........... Final Examination
* Problem Sets (PS) with solutions are not for credit. ** In this calendar, a week starts on a Tuesday
Any modifications or deviations from these dates, will be done in
consultation with the attending students and will be posted on the course Web-page.
It is imperative that students check the Course Web-page regularly and frequently.
3.2 Absenteeism
- Makeup
- It's up to you to make up for lost time; no make up if we give the quiz,
for any reason (including DOSS justified one). No MP extensions for any reason, medical or
otherwise; you have 3 months to submit it.
If you miss an exam and there is a valid documentation for
your absence, such documentation must be presented to the Dean of Student Services (DOSS) within
3 working days from the day the reason for the absence is lifted. The maximum accommodation will
be the number of missing days to the exam date. If you contact DOSS on the 3rd day and you
are accommodated for just one, you will not be given a make-up.
Let the instructor also know as soon as possible and simultaneously with DOSS.
4.1 Course Policies
- Programs
- Submitted code must conform to the requirements of Handout 2
and the MP. Code must be ANSI compliant and neither hardware-specific
nor OS-specific or library-specific.
Programming problems are graded based on test instances
decided by the grader on a test platform of the grader's choice (e.g.
Do not expect partial credit if your code fails to run on all test instances
unless you accompany your code submission with a DETAILED BUG REPORT.
- Extensions
- None: you are given 3 months to submit the MP.
- Grading
- Written work will be graded for conciseness and
correctness. Use formal arguments, be brief and to the point, and write
clearly. Material covered in class and appearing in the relevant notes
and chapters of the designated textbook can be used without proof.
DO NOT USE pencils to write down your solutions; if you decide to use a pencil
do not complain about grading AFTER AN/THE EXAM.
- Grades
- Check the marks in written work and
report errors promptly. Resolve any issue
before the first Reading Day, or for the case of Exam3 and MP, 7 calendar days from the
day grades were posted/made available.
If you believe a grade you received for the solution of a problem is not
representative of your effort, talk to the grader first and then to
the instructor (if different). For programming assignments an email with
your grade is sent back to you by
replying to the email submission of the MP.
The final grade is decided based on a 0 to
1000 point scale.
Any student getting 25\% (86 points) or less in the final exam will get an F,
irrespective of other performance metrics.
A student who otherwise collects at least 500 points and completes the minimum
programming requirements should expect a grade of C or better; 850 points
or more are usually required for an A but this threshold varies.
The instructor reserves the right to push a student's
grade up based on that student's significant programming effort.
- Incomplete
- A grade of I(incomplete) is given in rare cases
where work cannot be completed during the semester
due to documented long-term illness or absence (e.g. unexpected
national guard duty). A student needs to be in good standing
(i.e. passing the course before the absence)
and receives a provisional I if there is no time
to makeup for the documented lost time; a letter (or email) with a
timeline of what is needed to be done will be sent to the student. Note that for most
cases an I would be resolved withing few days, not months and not the following semester!
Not showing up in the final will probably get you an F rather than an I.
- Collaboration
- Collaboration of any kind is NOT allowed in the in-class exams nor in the mini-project.
Students who turn in code obtained through the Internet or otherwise, or is
product of another person's/student's work (same or other section, same or other year, etc),
risk severe punishment, as outlined by the University. The student will receive 0 in the MP
and so will any collaborators (even unwitting ones).
In addition to University penalties, the course grade will be reduced by one level
(a C+ would become a C) for all parties involved.
The work you submit must be the result of your own effort and you must safeguard it.
- Mobile Devices
- Switch off (not just silence) mobile devices before class.
- Email/SPAM
- Always use NJIT email address; NJIT spam filters
might be unpredictable. Include
Include cs435 in the subject line. Do not complain otherwise.
The NJIT Honor Code will be upheld; any violations will be
brought to the immediate attention of the Dean of Students.
Read this handout carefully!
A. V. Gerbessiotis 2015-12-22