CS610 Notes and Exams : (Section 103 in Fall 2016)

Copyright by A. Gerbessiotis (2009-2020). All rights reserved.
The copyrighted material downloadable from this page is to be used only by the students enrolled in CS610 under Prof. Gerbessiotis. Distribution of this material outside this group is NOT allowed for any reason.

C1. Midterm Performance and Exam Arrangements

C2. Problem Sets, Exams and Solutions

The programming assignments (aka HW) will be posted in the Handouts section. Solutions are not ordinarily provided however. A number of practice problems will be posted on the Web periodically with their solutions. First read the textbook, your notes, practice the problems we did in class, and then and only then try to solve these problems. Look at the solutions only when you exhaust all other alternatives.

C4. Statistics.

C5. Previous Exams

Note. Note that material covered in class changes from semester to semester; new material is being introduced as needed, and some other material may be deemphasized or order of presentation changed.

C6. Lecture Summaries

DISCLAIMER: The included material DOES NOT substitute the textbook for this class. It should be used in conjunction with the textbook and the material presented in class. If a statement in these "notes" seems to be incorrect, report it to the instructor so that it be fixed immediately. These "notes" are distributed to the students of CS610 offered by Dr. Gerbessiotis at the New Jersey Institute of Technology; distribution outside this group of students is prohibited. The material below will be uploaded in due time; an upload message will appear as soon as the corresponding document is uploaded.

Google and sorting 1,000,000 integers Read a snippet from a NY Times articles (Sunday December 2, 2007). Relevant text is underlined. Note that the pdf file is quite long (close to 3 megabytes) and you might have to rotate it counterclockwise. The article is also available at the NY Times site.

Last modified Dec 20, 2016, 17:17