Past Announcements for Fall 2024
(12/18) Final Exam (Exam 3) grading
The final exam has been graded. More information through
the link below. Statistics in Section C or Canvas.
Letter grades would be posted late Thur (12/18) or Fri (12/19).
The info of this web-page will be reset sometime next week.
Archive info of interest. Canvas material would become inaccessible
by the end of this semester (usually just before the start of
the Winter term).
(12/6) Hw3 solution key
Posted in Section 3 and in Canvas.
(12/5) PrP grading completed
The PrP has been graded and grades are in Canvas
(12/5) (11/25) Subject 9 typo
On slide 45, Problem 3, input description a matrix indicator
M has subscipts 0 and n. It should be 0 and n-1 respectively
so that this is consistent with the rest of the discussion.
Same also in the line that starts with Output: two lines later.
On the same slide "but not necessarily" should
continue with "but not necessarily commutative. Dynamic
(11/21) Final Exam i.e. Exam 3 info
See the link below: it contains preliminary info
re the final exam.
(11/27) PrP
At about 10:30am I could see a full class submission for the PrP.
Which means each one of you submitted at least once.
(11/27) Canvas misbehaving
As of 10:10am Canvas seems to be misbehaving. I tried to post an item
under Announcements (seating arrangements for the final) but it is not
clear if it has been posted.
If you see this item posted, send me an
Apparently it was posted; i had to get out of canvas and go again
into Announcements to confirm that it was posted!
(11/26) Subject 8 typo
On slide 31, Line 9, change the less sign into a
greater sign! Subject 8 will be updated and the
updated copy will be posted in section C of the
CWP at 11:30am today.
(12/5) (11/25) Subject 9 typo
On slide 45, Problem 3, input description a matrix indicator
M has subscipts 0 and n. It should be 0 and n-1 respectively
so that this is consistent with the rest of the discussion.
Same also in the line that starts with Output: two lines later.
On the same slide "but not necessarily" should
continue with "but not necessarily commutative. Dynamic
(11/22) PrP and Canvas Assignments
Around 16:10 today, just after class, I fixed a problem
with Canvas Assignments; one of you had a problem uploading a
submission. This has been fixed. While doing this I have
increased the number of submissions from 3 to 4 as well.
(11/15) Typos (omissions) Subject 6
Slide 26, Thm 8, add before
"in the worst-case"
a "comparisons" so that it then reads
"comparisons in the worst-case".
Slide 37, Problem 3, add to the end of first
"and uniformly at random distributed".
(11/15) Typos Subject 7
Slide 14, comment of Line 2 (Dselect):
"swap x with A[r]" should become
"swap x with M[q-1]".
(11/02) Exam 2 grading
The exam has been graded. Solutions would
be posted in Section C and Canvas Announcements
next week.
Statistics are
available in Section C and Canvas Announcements.
Midterm class performance is
available in Section C and Canvas Announcements
and is based on HW1-HW2, Ex1-Ex2 but not on the
Self Assessments. They correspond to 50% of the
course points.
(10/25) Exam 2 next week
Exam 2 (a.k.a. Midterm) is scheduled for Fri Nov 1.
Note that it is a 2hour exam; 360pt.
Test material includes Subjects 1,2,3,5 plus the corresponding
textbook sections/chapters (as indicated on the cover page of the
(10/28) (10/25) Reminders SA 3,4,5, HW 2
HW 2 is due before noon today (Fri 10/25);
a solution key will appear on Monday
in Section C and Canvas/Announcements. A solution key for HW2
has been made available (Section C and Canvas/Ann.).
SA 3 is due before noon today (Fri 10/25);
SA 5 is due before noon Monday (10/28) extended
from today (Fri 10/25); SA 4 is due before noon Nov 8 extended because
of the swapping of
Sub 5, Sub4 coverage in class. (In an earlier version of this item the due
dates for SA4 and SA5 were swapped; in class the correct dates were
announced when written on the whiteboard, and of course canvas overrules
(10/23) HW2 minor typo
In Question 2(a)
'Give the running time a time efficient'
should have read
'Give the running time of a time efficient'.
At the end of Question 2(b) there is a hanging right bracket
as in 'correct]'. Ignore it or replace it with a period!
Q3 'given a array' should read 'given an array'.
In Q4 in one of the POSSIBLE answers a right parenthesis is missing: add it.
(10/23) SA05 clarification and extension
Q3 asks you to find whether the keys of A are distinct or not.
SA05 deadline extended to Mon 28 Oct 12PM (canvas for noon time).
(10/15) Subject 3
The exposition of Kleinberg's algorithm and PageRank have
been streamlined. The rest of the material has not been
affected. A second revision of Subject 3 is available
in Section C of the course web-page (indicated as Newly revised).
(10/11) Subject 5
Some typos got corrected. An Updated version is available
in Section C of the course web-page.
(10/8) Exam 1 grading etc
Exam 1 has been graded. Statistics are available
in Section C and Canvas Announcements.
The paper exam will be returned at 2:30pm this Friday
during the class break.
A solution key will be posted thereafter.
(10/4) Exam 1 today
Exam 1 seating arrangements have been posted in
Section C and Canvas (Announcements).
Test material includes Subjects 1, and 2 (not iteration,
not substitution methods).
Practice with SA01, SA02, and HW1.
Study the textbook and the notes.
It is a paper exam/quiz. 60min@100pts. Starts at 2pm.
Closed everything. See Syllabus (part of Document 1).
A prior notice is available in Past announcements.
(10/4) SA and HW
All graded works whether an SA or a HW will
become available in canvas for a 2 week period,
after their grading. Then you can see the correct
answers and your answers.
Take screenshots or make electronic copies. After the
expiration of that period talk to a fellow student of yours
for e-copies. For a HW a solution key will be provided
in Section C of the CWP or Canvas Announcements usually
after the grading.
SA01A was graded and has been made available on 9/23@09:00 for
2 weeks.
SA01B was graded and has been made available on 10/1@09:30 for
2 weeks.
HW1 was graded and has been made available on 10/2@017:00 for
2 weeks.
Correct answers for HW1 are provided by
canvas (you would be able to see your answers and
the correct answers). A separate solution key
has been made available in Section C and
canvas Announcements.
SA02 eventually would be graded and released but this
is going to happen after the first
exam, Exam 1. If you submit however 10 times you would be
able to see the correct answers after the 10th submission
and thus correct answers can then become available before
the time of Exam 1.
(10/3)(10/2) HW1 and SA02 and if needed SA01B
would be has been
released in canvas at 5pm for a two week period; take
screenshots for your records. A solutionkey key is provided by
canvas (you would be able to see your answers and
the correct answers). A separate solution key
would be made has been made
available in Section C and
canvas Announcements. Check around that time
the corresponding source.
For SA02 you should be able to see the correct answers after
the tenth attempt. Even if you expect to submit once,
submit nine additional times
to view the correct answers; highest score is recorded
anyway. SA02 eventually would be released but this
is going to happen after the first
exam, Exam 1. SA01B has already been released in canvas.
(9/27) Exam 1 next Fri 4 Oct
Starts at 13:00, 100pts, 60mn class resumes at approx. 14:10.
Closed everything: Subject 1 and Subject 2 (no iteration method,
no substitution method).
(9/30) Logistics
HW1 is due before noon time (canvas 12pm) this
coming Wed; it was extended from last friday
9/27. SA02 is due before noon time (canvas 12pm) this coming
Friday. If you want to view the correct answers
either wait past 12pm this coming Friday or submit 10 times.
Note that the description of SA02 talks about
'3 submissions'; this is a typo.
(9/27) Active assignments 2
SA01B is due before noon today. HW1 is due next week.
(9/26) Typos in Subject 2
A typo on slide 4 in Definition 4 and Definition 5 was
corrected: it used a small
case letter theta instead of capital case.
On slide 26 the subcases M1,M2,M3 of Method 1 of the master method
have been relabeled m1,m2,m3 respectively and this is reflected in
Method 2. Note that we will be using in class Method 3 that was left
To avoid further confusion
Subject 2 was revised. Both the previous and new versions are available
from Section C of the course web page ONLY (canvas has the old version
(9/23) SA01A graded
SA01A has been graded, grades recorded outside of canvas (rounded up if they
have decimal digits),
and SA has become available for 2 weeks (take screenshots for your
later records). Grades in Canvas/Grades are not rounded up.
SA01B is due before noon this coming Fri (12pm for canvas is noon time).
And HW1 has been extended to Oct 2.
(9/23) Seating Arrangements Exam 1 and Exam 2
In Canvas Announcements and also Section C.1.b of the course web-page.
(9/19) (9/13) Typos in Subject 1
On page/slide 81, Proof, line 3, it says "l=1, r=n".
They should be "l=0, r=n-1" instead; the former is Pascal
indexing the latter C++/Java. Note the typo is
Page/Slide 38, Header there is a "comparisons)". Should
obviously have been "(comparisons)". Line 2 should have
been "(sign(temp)-sign(-temp))/2".
Page/Slide 21, last line, "we shall write n!=". It should
have been "we shall write lg(n!)=".
Page/Slide 23, geometric series should start "i=0" not the
indicated "i=1". For the F function likewise but it does
not matter as the "i=0" term is 0 anyway.
Subject 1 has been updated to reflect those typos.
Page 46, has a "(A(n))" in the running time T(n).
It should have been "(n)" instead.
On slide 62 there is an "ODDD"; it is quite odd to encounter
three consecutive D's.
(9/13) Activity in Canvas
SA01A is available and so is SA01B the former for one more week,
the latter extended and thus for two more weeks.
HW1 is also available. Homeworks are for credit SA are optional
and earn you bonus points.
(8/26) Notice for Fall 2024
The CWP (Course Web-page) for Fall 2024 is being prepared.
Section B has been populated with information including the
syllabus. Additional material can be found in the LMS
(Learning Management System) that is canvas. Canvas information
will be published August 28, 2024. It includes info on
getting access to section C of the CWP.
Notice for 2024 (12/22@13:10)
This is the CWP (Course Web Page) for 2024.
If you are a prior semester student click on the link (URL)
in the Previous Offerings subsection.
If you are a FALL 2023 semester student click on this link
Fall 2023 CWP
to get access to the F2023 course web-page.
No items
Last updated on Dec 23, 2024 at 10:45
The material of this web-page is purely optional.
It is not required to study it. It is provided as is.
Classroom attendance is strongly recommended,
and so is studying the designated textbook.