CS610 Handouts (Spring 2016) Copyright by A. Gerbessiotis (2006-2016). All rights reserved.

B1. Programming Project, Problem Sets, and Exams

Problem sets with solutions are periodically posted in the protected area. Exams and some solutions (including past exams) also in the protected area (aka area C).

Before you do the programming project, read Handout 2 below. If you don't and you get 0 points in the project, do not complain about the grade. For due date(s), please check the syllabus or the project itself.

B2. Handouts

B2a. Syllabus and Course FAQ

  1. Handout 1: Course Syllabus (**** 12/23/2016 ****). Handout 1: Course Syllabus in HTML (**** 12/23/2016 ****).
  2. B2b. Other Course Handouts

  3. Handout 2: Programming Guidelines (**** 12/23/2016 ****).
  4. Handout 3: Brief Notes on Asymptotic Notation and Recurrences (**** 12/23/2016 ****).
  5. Handout 4: Formulae Collection (**** 12/23/2016 ****).

B3. Other Reference Material

You may find the following material useful, as far as the coverage of asymptotic growth of functions and recurrences are concerned.
  1. Mathematics for Computer Science (2015/5/18 version) by E. Lehman, F. T. Leighton, A. R. Meyer.
  2. Introduction to Algorithms (second edition) by B. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, and C. Stein, McGraw-Hill.
  3. Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design and Analysis by Sara Baase and Allen Van Gelder, Addison Wesley.
  4. Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in Java by B. Press, Wiley.

Last modified Jan 14, 2016, 16:26