• FINAL EXAM INFORMATION. The CS 610 final exam (that is, EXAM 3) is scheduled for the only Tue of the examination period, commencing by 6:05pm at the regular classroom with duration 120minutes (333 points). If the exam date changes for any reason the registrar will update the link below appropriately. If i know of such a change in advance, I MAY update this announcement or send you an email through moodle. (As of today 4/29@09:46 there has been no change.) For up- to-date information click on the Registrar's page http://www.njit.edu/registrar/exams/finalexams.php, Seating arrangements are those used in prior exams. Logistics in Handout 1 (Syllabus).
    MAKE SURE THAT YOU SWITCH OFF ALL MOBILE DEVICES (CELL/MOBILE PHONES,COMPUTERS, DIGITAL PORTABLE DEVICES) before entering the EXAM ROOM. The material that will be covered includes (more details at the beginning of every online available subject) Subject 1 all the way through and including Subject 12 but not Subject 11 that was not covered in class. For Subject 12 definitions re poly-time, decision vs optimization problems, and inclusion to classes P or NP may only be examined. Text-book (GT) wise, this material is covered in Chapters 1-7 and Chapter/Section 9.3, and the outline/conclusions of Chapter 13. More detailed information is available on the front of each Subject that shows the correspondence to the textbook.