Date created 4/16@12:20 Last modified 4/24@17:10 APPENDIX 1: LINKS ADDED;YouTUBE VIDEO URL ADDED APPENDIX 3: MORE DETAIL IN EXAM TAKING 1. CS610 Final Exam: Thu 14 May at 6pm CS610102 FinalExam Gerbessiotis for ProctorU 2. Who Proctors: ProctorU Review + 3. Exam place : Moodle Week 15 covering May 14 2020. 4. What does a student do ahead of time (14days) A:Technology check & Registration with ProctorU Follow through Appendix 1 5. What does a student also needs to do? Read rules of exam posted in Appendix 4 No questions during Exam; Ask questions now! 6. What does a student need to do on exam DAY Primarily BEFORE 1. Login credential and passwords are ok: Moodle : myUCID login + myUCID password ProctorU: login + password 2. Recheck tech Appendix 1 3. Recheck rules Appendix 4 [step 5] BEFORE and DURING 4. Check Appendix 3 7. Appendix 1 related Hardware, Software, Links, and ProctorU account 8. Appendix 2 related: IT IS OBSOLETE No exam registration is needed for ProctorU Review+ Exam registration is needed for ProctorU Live only 9. Appendix 3 related Day of exam activity 10. Appendix 4 related Rules of exam posted in Appendix 4. They are in the exam description but it saves time and effort if you read ahead of time. Debug them early no questions during the exam 11. MOODLE related Exam will be located @ WEEK 15 and made visible around Tue 4pm of EXAM DAY. Exam will be inaccessible before 6pm EXAM DAY and unlockable only by ProctorU plugin MOBILE PHONES Mobile phone in exam area must be completely powered down (equivalent to having its battery removed). Switching off the screen is not equivalent to powering the phone down. Even when powered down, phone must be placed inside a backpack/ bag and the bag should be at least 6ft away from you. 12. Instructor related Reachable through ProctorU for the duration of the exam 13. My limited understanding of exam taking with ProctorU. a. Follow Appendix 1 to decide on tech, browser. b. Follow Appendix 1 to get account with ProctorU c. Follow Appendix 1 to install plugin in browser d. Read Appendix 1, Apple OSX specific URL instructions PLUGIN will do 13.1 Capture ID, Textbook, Calculator, number of pages that you will use (max 4 pages in 2 sheets properly labeled) that you will carefully display in front of the camera. 13.2 Unlock the Moodle exam for you using a password available in ProctorU. 13.3 Proctor you. 14. I will post a 'SAMPLE TEST' in moodle for week 14 for you to familiarize with the moodle test environment. The exam will be open from 5:00 to 5:55pm on the class day Week 14. It will have two problems: Problem 1: Write your first name (1pt), Problem 2: Write your last name in capital case (1pt) The exam time will be set to '10mn'. Do as you please, and we discuss exam disaster recovery at the end of class. that day. **** COURSE EVALUATION ? ******* IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE a COURSE EVALUATION, I INVITE YOU TO DO A COURSE EVALUATION AND COURSE DELIVERY EVALUATION at about the time you do the 'SAMPLE TEST', if you have the time My limited understanding is it is possible to do a course evaluation through moodle. I won't have access to your individual comments, but only (anonymized) summaries when NJIT informs the college, the department, and me sometime in late June or early July. But if you have NOT done your course evaluation yet, consider addressing also technology issues related to remote delivery. I am very much interested in such comments as well. Course delivery (live vs voiceover/Webex-live vs else) Technology issues (in general as they relate to this course) Specific feedback (live, Webex-live, voiceover etc) If you are not satisfied with the mic level of some voiceover, it is both a technology issue and a specific feedback. It might have to do with my training on DL (none) or might have to do with Kaltura processing. If they do not know, no one will fix anything. Course delivery and Technology issues might be too late to deal with in our course, but there is a possibility that all courses will still be online next semester. If you don't say anything NJIT will assume that everything is fine. 14. APPENDIX A4 contains the instructions as they will appear inside WEEK 15. Read them carefully in advance to avoid any surprises. APPENDIX A1 ----------- A1.1 [HARDWARE] Computer, camera, audio, microphone. In laptops all of these are integrated. Check links below and documentation For OSX users check specific link and document below. [NJIT] [ProctorU] [ProctorU test your equipment URL] If you have trouble, connect with a live tech assistant from ProctorU to troubleshoot (and if that fails, put in a ticket with the NJIT Service Desk). [ProctorU and OSX users] Turn on screen-sharing/recording per instructions Added the following link on 20-04-24 [ProctorU Resource Center] [Student registration link with ProctorU] [Chrome Plugin for student (?) Same with instructor?] [Firefox Plugin for student (?) Double check it. May also work for instructor] [ProctorU video may be non for Moodle.] [ProctorU Help] Live Chat, or Call 855-772-8678 or \\ You can also click on the owl icon in your browser bar and click "Help" End of link update on 20-04-24 A1.2 [SOFTWARE] Make sure you have an up to date version of Flash. Check ProctorU for details? A1.3 [BROWSER] Uptodate version of Chrome or Firefox. This step needs to be verified also on the day of the exam, prior to the exam A1.4 [PROCTORU-addon] Prior to exam day install ProctorU addon/plugin/extension through ProctorU and test it A1.5 [PROCTORU-account] Get an account with ProctorU. Your ProctorU account and password can (should) be different from your UCID login and UCID password. Make sure you write them down and do not forget or misplace them (I almost did it myself!) A1.6 [myUCID PASSWORD, MOODLE EMAIL] Make sure the myUCID password is not set to EXPIRE around exam day! Make sure the email address you have in Moodle is the one you are actually using! A1.7 [MORE] Additional details per ProctorU. Complete these steps A1.1-A1.7 as early as possible. THE COST TO YOU FOR ALL THESE STEPS is 0. A1.8 [NJIT IST] For assistance go to (Link available next to W09to15 on Course web-page.) A1.9 [Dean of Students] For personal assistance go to the Dean of Students. They might provide you with hardware or assist you financially, independent of citizenship or immigration status. A1.10 [PROCTORU-CHAT] Any problems with ProctorU use the chat option to talk to them APPENDIX A2 ----------- Prior information available here has been erased. I was told ProctorU Review+ does not require registration with an exam, only ProctorU Live requires such registration We are using ProctorU Review+ per item 2. APPENDIX A3 ----------- A3.0 VERIFY A1.1-A1.5 before the exam Make sure area of the exam is clear of clutter: paper books etc. A3.1 [NJIT-ID] NJIT says NJIT ID is ok, though ProctorU might flag it. It will be ignored. A3.2 [TEXTBOOK] Make sure you have the designated textbook with you A3.3 [CALCULATOR] A scientific calculator is allowed (not that it is needed). A3.4 [2xSHEETS PAPER] Two sheets of blank paper labeled as explained: At the very top of each one of the four pages of the two sheets, write you first name, write your last-name in capital-case and PAGE-1-of-4 through PAGE-4-of-4 as applicable. It is for your convenience only; discarded, not graded A3.5 [LOGIN-PROCTORU] Login to ProctorU using the browser with the ProctorU plugin. This means USE THE BROWSER PLUGIN (the blue owl on the top right area of the browser window to connect to ProctorU) to LOGIN TO ProctorU. MOBILE PHONES: Your mobile phone in your exam area must be completely powered down (equivalent to having its battery removed). Switching off the screen is not equivalent to powering the phone down. A powered down phone must be placed inside a backpack/ bag and the bag should be at least 6ft away from you. A3.6 [LOGIN-MOODLE] Login to moodle at 6pm or a bit afterwards and go the exam area around Week 15 and click on taking the exam. The exam is not starting yet. A3.7 The Plugin might take over and then you need to use your camera -Show A3.1 [ID] show your ID next to your face (ProctorU might instruct you to do so separately) -Show A3.2 [TEXTBOOK] with cover page and side views. -Show A3.3 [CALCULATOR] your calculator if any. -Show A3.4 [2xSHEETS PAPER] i.e. 4 PAGES. -automatically input a password and guide you. If you are asked for an access code it means you are not logged into the ProctorU browser plugin. Click the owl icon in your browser (as described in STEP A3.5 to log in and begin again.) Exam time has not started YET. A3.8 The Exam area in Week 15 contains the description outlined in Appendix A4. Read it -You will be writing answers using a keyboard in moodle. - Answer all questions. Moodle will be using 30 line textboxes -Include the exam question before every answer. If you answer question (3.1), then write in the text area (3.1) and then your answer. - Make sure you are brief and to the point. - No pdf needs to be attached. - YOU HAVE ONE ATTEMPT TO DO THE EXAM A3.9 Moodle will give you 150mn for the 120mn 'thought time' exam. This includes A3.7 activity. A3.10 I think at the end of the exam moodle will submit it automatically, but pay attention to this. Monitor your time. A3.11 Additional details per ProctorU If you encounter technical difficulties with your exam, (a) contact ProctorU's technical support via Chat, or (b) call 855-772-8678, or (c) click on the blue owl icon in your browser and click "Help". APPENDIX A4 ---------- In moodle in the area of the Final Exam and in the ProctorU environment the following text will appear in the form of instructions for the exam. Familiarize with it now. Better now than then! -------------------- The final exam is a 120mn live exam per syllabus. To cover for technology upsets/failures I will time it for 150mn. For students requesting accommodations through OARS well ahead of EXAM time the 2hr limit is used for OARS related requests and then 30mn will be added to it. Solve all problems for 333 pts in 120 mn of actual 'thought' time. Moodle wil end you exam after 150mn. So if technology goes bad you have a 30mn slack. The exam time will start after you finish the preliminaries (ID etc) with ProctorU. 1. Solve all the problems in the moodle space provided. 2. For redundancy, write down the Problem number with your answer in the box/space available. 3. Read the Instructions and Problems carefully; do not complain later 4. Per instructions already provided through the course web-page, (a) a scientific calculator is allowed (b) the hard-copy of the designated textbook (with cover page as in section B of the course web page) is allowed; no alternatives are allowed. (c) 2 sheets of blank paper (4 page) as explained in Web-based document re the final exam avalable in the course web-page and preannounced in class. 5. WARNING: MOBILE PHONES OR DEVICES PER HANDOUT 1 (SYLLABUS) MUST BE POWERED DOWN AND IN BACKPACK/BAG and OUT OF SIGHT. More in document CS610Final.txt available through the course web-page. 6. There are 8 problems worth 333 points. 7. Based on Moodle, as soon as time expires (150-th minute), moodle 'autosubmits' the exam. If you finish ahead of time, press the submit button before you exit. There is only 1 attempt to do the exam (per IST instructions). 8. Monitor the 150mn duration of the exam used by moodle. 9. Note that math expressions would potentially be marked with a starting \. Thus \lg(n) means lg(n). Do not get surprised. Moreover you might also see a $n \lg{n}$. The dollars are to indicate the start and the end of an expression. 2**n or 2^n means 2 raised to the n-th power. Thus 2**3 is 8, 2^0 is 1. little-oh is o as in o(n) . You may write little-oh(n) big-oh is O as in O(n^2). You may write big-oh(n^2) little-omega You may write little-omega (n^2 ) big-omega You may write big-omega (n lgn) Theta You may write theta(n) or Theta(n) 10. Provide / Give / Show means present an algorithm, briefly and comcisely show that it works as claimed and analyzer its running time by providing an asymptotically tight bound. Rumblings or pseudocode with out further description or proof of claims is neither 'give an algorithm' nor ''show how'' nor 'provide'. The algorithm universe, the set of algorithms introduced/discussed in class can be used without further discussion. Efficient means space and time efficient. ---------------------- Sample solutions for HW4 in a format compatible with Appendix 4 --------------------------------------- (Q1) $O(n)$; If graph has no cycles then $m <= n-1$. (Q2) $O(n^3 )$; Floyd-Warshall must be used per introduction (negative weights). (Q3) $O(n+m)$. Instead of a Heap use 13 buckets $0 ... 11,12$. NO edge is more than 11, 12 is the new infinity. A linked list is used in place of a Heap. Total time $O(n+m)$. More details in PS4! (Q4) $O(n)$. Start from $k=n/2$. After running Select half of the keys greater than the current statistic are eliminated from the next round. (Q5) $n$ Insert followed by $n$ DeleteMedian operations. A=<5,3,1,7,2,6,4> (after n insert operations aka input) Fill in the details! End of sample solutions for HW4 -------------------------------------