SPRING 2025: CS610 Public Information
Copyright by A. Gerbessiotis (2006-2025). All rights reserved.
B1. Homeworks, SelfAssessments, Programming Project,
and Exams
- Homeworks will only be posted in the LMS
(Learning Management System) known as Canvas (or canvas).
A homework is for credit,
setup as a limited availability canvas quiz.
Three attempts can be made to submit;
the highest scored attempt counts.
Due before noon-time (12 o'clock noon, or 12PM for canvas;
note that for canvas 12PM is NOT MIDNIGHT but noon time)
on a day as specified in the calendar of the Syllabus.
Before noon-time means no later than 11:59:59am the time
of the server not the time of your computer; time is local
NJ time.
Solutions are in the feedback you receive through canvas;
a solution key might be made available either in
Canvas Announcements or Section C.2.
A graded HW in canvas becomes available in electronic form for a
two week period after grading is complete; correct answers are
shown along with student answers.
Do not rely on canvas for reminders about deadlines
(aka due dates).
'Due dates' are in the calendar of Document 1 i.e.
the syllabus or through the AVAILABLE UNTIL date
indicated in Canvas for the item in question
(eg Homework).
More information is provided in Document 1 (Syllabus).
Self-Assessments (SA) might earn you some bonus points.
One SA for each Subject (topic mapping in all cases
but Subject 0 to a chapter of the textbook).
Three attempts to submit;
highest score will be used.
Auto-graded by canvas no solution key, your
answers and solutions shown after your third attempt.
Take screenshots for archival purposes.
- Programming Project (PrP) .
It is available in Canvas Assignments.
A PrP is for credit, setup as an extended availability
canvas Assignment that allows for the upload of a file,
in .zip or .tar format, no more than 5MiB or 5MB.
You may submit multiple files
but the last uploaded properly named file
will be graded; sometimes it gets a name extension -1
or -2 in canvas if it is not the first time file uploaded.
The PrP is posted on the first day of
the semester for a reason: DO NOT BE LATE.
The deadline is firm.
Submission through Canvas per Document 3 guidelines.
Due before noon-time (12 o'clock noon which is 12PM for canvas)
on a day as specified in the calendar of the Syllabus.
Before noon-time means no later than 11:59:59am.
- Exams are posted on the medium provided
(paper ). If in canvas an exam is setup
as a limited availability canvas quiz.
One attempt to submit is only allowed.
Solutions are in the feedback you receive on paper
or through canvas as applicable;
a solution key will be made available in
Canvas Announcements or Section C.2.
More information is provided in Document 1 (Syllabus)
or Document P.
B2. Course Documents
Document 1: .
Document 1: Course delivery and
includes the official course syllabus:
In canvas Announcements in PDF there.
( Uploaded on 01/07 )
The Course Syllabus is the first 4 pages and contains
course information and policies; attached to it is an appendix
of 7 pages detailing instruction.
The course FAQ is the last (11th) page of Document 1 and details the
Subject line format of an appropriate email sent to the course
email address.
The full 11-page document is stored in canvas Announcements.
Document 1 that includes the syllabus is an official course document and
also deposited to NJIT, as requested/needed.
Includes some sensitive information (access credentials).
CS610 syllabus (PDF): First 4 pages of Document 1
( Uploaded on 01/07 ).
It does not contain the appendix.
The full syllabus including the appendix is in canvas Announcements.
CS610 syllabus (HTML) : Unofficial
( Uploaded on 01/07 ).
This HTML version is an automatic conversion.
It is not considered the official syllabus.
It is provided just for convenience and captures hopefully
correctly important information.
If you find any errors, let the instructor know of them.
The full syllabus including the appendix is in canvas Announcements
in the form of a PDF document.
Provost Statement
This is following an NJIT Provost email.
It has been incorporated into the syllabus but it is available
here in electronic (text) form.
( Uploaded on 01/07 ).
Cover page of textbook .
( Uploaded on 01/07 ).
Document 2: Computer Science Fundamentals.
( Uploaded on 01/07 )
In canvas Announcements.
Document 3: (PrP) Submission Guidelines.
( Uploaded on 01/07 )
Here and in canvas Announcements.
Correct tar structure.
( Uploaded on 01/07 )
Incorrect tar structure.
( Uploaded on 01/07 )
Correct zip structure.
( Uploaded on 01/07 )
Incorrect zip structure.
( Uploaded on 01/07 )
Programming project example instruction file.
( Uploaded on 01/07 )
Document 4: Writing Math and Writing Algorithms in .txt form.
( Uploaded on 01/07 )
Here and in canvas Announcements.
Document P: Canvas quiz taking and ProctorU
( Uploaded on 01/07 )
If applicable, in canvas Announcements.
ProctorU will only be utilized as instructed by NJIT
on emergencies (covid or SNOW).
B3. Other Reference Material
The first link below contains all the mathematics cs students need (or not).
The next three links offer an alternative to the textbook's
exposition to data structures and algorithms. None is a required or
recommended material. There are some Linux related links, if needed.
Mathematics for Computer Science (2015/5/18 version) by E. Lehman, F. T. Leighton, A. R. Meyer.
- Introduction to Algorithms (third edition)
by B. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, and C. Stein, MIT-Press.
(The previous edition was published by McGraw-Hill.)
- Computer Algorithms: Introduction to Design and Analysis
by Sara Baase and Allen Van Gelder, Addison Wesley.
- Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented
Design Patterns in Java
by B. Press, Wiley.
Linux for Beginners (pdf) , by J. Puls and M. Wegner,
University of Muenchen, Germany.
Introduction to Linux (pdf), by A. Abaris, Boston University.
YWCC @NJIT Computing Requirements. CS Department
computing requirements are those of the College.
Connecting to Unix/Linux at NJIT ,
by A. Gerbessiotis, NJIT, August 2024.
Unix and Linux compact tutorial,
by A. Gerbessiotis, NJIT, March 2024.
Last modified Jan 07, 2025 at 17:06
The material of this web-page is purely optional.
It is not required to study it. It is provided as is.
Classroom attendance is strongly recommended,
and so is studying the designated textbook.