CS 667 Section 102 (Spring 2013)

Course Information
Course E-mail: alg667@cs.njit.edu   [alg667@oak.njit.edu DOES NOT WORK!] Time
Office Hours: Office hour schedule. Instructor: Alex Gerbessiotis.
Course Hours: Thu 6:00-9:05pm Room: TIERN 114 .
Course Assistant: TBA E-mail: TBA Assistant's Room: TBA
Assistant's Off. Hours:TBA Tel:(973) 596-TBA

A. Announcements

B. Course Syllabus, Homeworks, Programming Assignments and other Handouts

This is the link for handouts, homeworks, and detailed course information. If you are only interested in obtaining the syllabus of the course, you can retrieve it here: Syllabus in PDF. and in Syllabus in HTML

C. Solutions/Exams and Practice Problem Sets with Solutions

Last modified May 16, 2013, 10:31