Selected Publications of Alexandros V. Gerbessiotis

Monographs, Tutorials, Notes, Briefs

  1. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``GPU Cuda programming tutorial'', 201 pages, August 22, 2023.
  2. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Foundations of Computer Science'', 386 pages, November 2023,August, 2023. Draft.
  3. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Connecting to UNIX/LINUX at NJIT'', 19 pages, May 25, 2023. Revised and augmented ``Connecting to UNIX/LINUX at NJIT'', 34 pages, June 14, 2024.
  4. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Brief of *NIX at NJIT'', 33pages, May 25, 2023.
  5. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Unix and Linux compact tutorial'', 68pages, November 24, 2023. Revised March 22, 2024.

Papers and Reports

  1. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``A study of integer sorting on multicores'', Parallel Processing Letters, 2018. A preliminary version is archived at ``arXiv:submit/2378733 A study of integer sorting on multicores'',
  2. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Extending the BSP model for multi-core and out-of-core computing: MBSP'' , Parallel computing 41 (2015) 90-102. Publisher Link (ScienceDirect Site) You might also access an earlier version (not the published one).
  3. A. V. Gerbessiotis, C. J. Siniolakis. ``A randomized sorting algorithm on the BSP model '' , Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, 6(4), December 2014. Publisher link
  4. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``An improved reliability bound of a probabilistic parallel integer sorting algorithm'' , Information Processing Letters, vol 112 (24), 31Dec2012, 976-979. link to IPL
  5. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Parallel option price valuations with the explicit finite difference method'' , International Journal of Parallel Programming, Volume 38, Issue 2 (2010), pages 159-182, Springer Netherlands. Source code is also available separately through the research linkof this webpage. Springer Link.
  6. S.M. Iyear, M.K. Nakayama, and A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``A Markovian Dependability Model with Cascading Failures'' . IEEE Transactions on Computers, Sep 2009, 9:1238-1249, IEEE Press.
  7. S.G. Ziavras, A. V. Gerbessiotis, and R. Bafna. ``Coprocessor design to support MPI primitives in configurable multiprocessors. '' , Integration - the VLSI Journal, Vol. 40, No.3, pp. 235-252, 2007, Elsevier.
  8. A. V. Gerbessiotis, C. J. Siniolakis. ``A probabilistic analysis of the Floyd-Rivest expected time selection algorithm''. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol 82, Number 5, May 2005, Taylor & Francis Publishers. An early manuscript circa 2002 is available in in Postscript.
  9. A. V. Gerbessiotis, S. Y. Lee. ``Remote memory access : A case for portable, efficient and library independent parallel programming'' , Scientific Programming, Vol 12., Number 3, 2004, pp. 169-184. A preliminary version is available here (in .ps), and a more-up-to-date there (in .ps). Source code of the experimental portion is available at the Cluster link of the homepage under Software: communication performance assessment benchmarks, matrix multiplication benchmarks, radix-sort benchmarks. The preliminary version is available as Techninal report CS-03-12 in Postscript.
  10. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``An Architecture Independent Study of Parallel Segment Trees'' , To appear in Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 2005. A very early preliminary version of this paper is available in Compressed/Postscript (162k).
  11. A. V. Gerbessiotis, C. J. Siniolakis. ``Probabilistic Integer Sorting'' , Information Processing Letters, 90(4), pp. 187-193, 2004, Elsevier B.V. An early manuscript is available in in Compressed Postscript(135K). Source code related to the journal version of the paper is also available through the research link of this webpage.
  12. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Trinomial-tree based parallel option price valuations'' , Parallel Algorithms and Applications, Vol 18, Number 3, December 2003, pp. 181-196. A presubmission version is available as Technical Report CS-02-03 (162k). Source code is also available separately through the research link of this webpage.
  13. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Architecture independent parallel binomial tree option price valuations'' , Parallel Computing journal, 30:2(2004), pages 303-318, Elsevier Science, BV. A presubmission version is available as Technical Report CS-02-02 (160k). Source code is also available separately through the research link of this webpage.
  14. A. V. Gerbessiotis, C. J. Siniolakis. ``Randomized selection in n+C+o(n) comparisons'', Information Processing Letters, 88(3), pp. 95-100, 2003. An early manuscript (presubmission version) is available in Compressed/Postscript (126k).
  15. A. V. Gerbessiotis, C. J. Siniolakis. ``Increasing the efficiency of existing sorting algorithms by using randomized wrappers'' , The Computer Journal, Vol 46(5), pp 498-504, 2003. An earlier presubmission version is available in Compressed/Postscript (205k).
  16. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Random Graphs in A Neural Computation Model'' , Internation Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol 80, June 2003, pp. 689-707. An earlier version is available at Available in Postscript (400k).
  17. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. `` Architecture Independent Parallel Selection with Applications to Parallel Priority Queues''. Theoretical Computer Science, 301/1-3, pp. 119-142, 2003.
  18. A. V. Gerbessiotis, C. J. Siniolakis, and A. Tiskin. ``Parallel Priority Queue and List Contraction: The BSP Approach''. Computing and Informatics, Vol. 21, 2002, 1-32.
  19. A. V. Gerbessiotis, C. J. Siniolakis. ``Merging on the BSP Model'', Parallel Computing, 27 (2001), page 809-822, Elsevier Science, BV. An earlier version is available Available in Compressed/Postscript (99k)
  20. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Architecture Independent Parallel Algorithm Design: Theory vs Practice'', Future Generation Computer Systems, 18(2002), 573-593, Elsevier Science B.V.
  21. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``Efficient Deterministic Sorting on the BSP Model''. Parallel Processing Letters, Vol 9, no 1 (1999), pp 69-79, World Scientific Publishing Company.
  22. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``Ordered h-Level Graphs on the BSP Model''. In special issue, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 49, pages 98-110, Academic Press, 1998.
  23. A.V. Gerbessiotis. ``Practical Considerations of Parallel Simulations and Architecture Independent Parallel Algorithm Design''. In Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 53, Academic Press, 1998.
  24. A.V. Gerbessiotis. ``A Graph-theoretic Result for a Model of Neural Computation''. Discrete Applied Mathematics 82(1998), pp 257-262. Elsevier Science B.V, 1998.
  25. A.V.Gerbessiotis. ``Close-to-Optimal and Near-Optimal Broadcasting in Random Graphs''. Discrete Applied Mathematics 63(1995), pp 129-150. Elsevier Science B.V., 1995.
  26. A.V.Gerbessiotis. ``Broadcasting in Random Graphs''. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 53(1994), pp 149-170. Elsevier Science B.V., 1994.
  27. A.V. Gerbessiotis and L.G.Valiant. ``Direct Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Algorithms''. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 22, pp 251-267. Academic Press, 1994.
  28. F.Petrini, F.Bassetti, and A.V.Gerbessiotis. ``A New Approach to Parallel Program Development and Scheduling of Parallel Jobs on Distributed Systems'', Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA) '99, Las Vegas, USA.
  29. N. S. Papaspyrou, C. E. Sgouropoulou, A. V. Gerbessiotis, P. Livadas and E. Skor-dalakis, ``A Multi-Agent Model for Content-Based Electronic Document Filtering'', in S. G. Tzafestas, editor, Advances in Intelligent Systems: Concepts, Tools and Applications, pp. 75-86, ISBN 0-7923-5966-6, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, November 1999.
  30. C. Sgouropoulou, A. Koutoumanos, A. Gerbessiotis, P. Livadas, and E. Skordalakis. ``A multi-agent model for content-based electronic document filtering'', in Prceedings of the EURISCON \& SOFTCOM conference, Athens (Greece), 1998.
  31. A.V.Gerbessiotis and F.Petrini. ``Network performance assessment under the BSP model'' , In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Constructive Methods for Parallel Programming, Marstrand/Gothenborg, Sweden, 1998. An extended version of this work is also available as Technical Report PRG-TR-03-98, Computing Laboratory, Oxford Unversity, 1998. (Compressed/PostScript,125k).
  32. A.V.Gerbessiotis, D.S.Lecomber, C.J.Siniolakis, and K.R.Sujithan. ``PRAM programming: Theory vs. Practice'', In Proceedings of 6th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Madrid, Spain, January, 1998, IEEE Computer Society Press. A preliminary version appeared as Technical Report PRG-TR-21-97, Computing Laboratory, Oxford Unversity, June 1997. (Compressed/PostScript,105k)
  33. N. S. Papaspyrou, C. E. Sgouropoulou, D. N. Petroglou, A. B. Gerbessiotis, P. Livadas and E. S. Skordalakis, "A Model for the Content-Based Electronic Document Filtering Using Intelligent Agents", in Proceedings of the 6th Panhellenic Conference in Computer Science, pp. 679-688, Athens, 1997.
  34. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``A note on probabilistic integer sorting'', In Proceedings of the Workshop on Randomized Algorithms in Sequential, Parallel and Distributed Computing (RALCOM'97), Santorini Island, Greece, October 1997. Also as Technical Report PRG-TR-14-97, Computing Laboratory, Oxford University,May 1997. (Compressed/PostScript,85K)
  35. A.V.Gerbessiotis, C.J.Siniolakis. and A.Tiskin ``Parallel priority queue and list contraction: The BSP approach'', In Proceedings of the Third International Euro-Par Conference (Europar97), Passau, Germany, LNCS 1300, Springer-Verlag, August 1997.
  36. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``A randomized sorting algorithm on the BSP model'', in Proceedings of the 11th International Parallel Processing Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, April 1997, IEEE Computer Society Press.
  37. (Compressed/PostScript,44K)
  38. A.G. Alexandrakis, A.V. Gerbessiotis, D.S. Lecomber and C.J. Siniolakis. ``Bandwidth, space and computation efficient PRAM programming: The BSP approach'', in Proceedings of the SUP'EUR '96 Conference, Krakow, Poland, September 1996. (Compressed/PostScript,64k)
  39. A.G. Alexandrakis, A.V. Gerbessiotis and C.J. Siniolakis. ``Portable and scalable algorithm design on the IBM SP2: The bulk-synchronous parallel paradigm'', in Proceedings of the SUP'EUR '96 Conference, Krakow, Poland, September 1996. (Compressed/PostScript,62k)
  40. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``Communication efficient data structures on the BSP model with applications in computational geometry'', in Proceedings of EuroPar'96, Lyon, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, August, 1996. (Compressed/PostScript,48k)
  41. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``Selection on the Bulk-synchronous parallel model with applications to priority queues'', in Proceedings of the 1996 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA '96), Sunnyvale, California, USA, August 9-11, 1996. (Compressed/PostScript,111k)
  42. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``Deterministic sorting and randomized median finding on the BSP Model'', Proceedings of the 8-th ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, Padova, Italy, June, 1996. (Compressed/PostScript,91k)
  43. A.V.Gerbessiotis and L.G.Valiant. ``Direct Bulk-synchronous parallel algorithms'', Third Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory, Helsinki, Finland. Springer-Verlag, 1992 (invited paper).
  44. A.V. Gerbessiotis, J.G.Kollias, and M. Hatzopoulos. ``Towards an optimal allocation of fragments of relations'', In Research into Networks and Distributed Applications , R. Speth (Ed.), pp 1093-1106, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), 1988.
  45. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``ArXiV 1992561: Integer sorting on multicores: some (experiments and) observations'', August 30, 2017.
  46. A. V. Gerbessiotis and F. Petrini. ``Network Performance Assessment under the BSP Model''. Technical Report PRG-TR-03-98, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, April 1998. Available in Compressed/Postscript
  47. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Algorithmic and Practical Considerations for Dense Matrix Computations on the BSP Model''. Technical Report PRG-TR-32-97, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, October 1997. Available in Compressed/Postscript, and in revised form, also available in Compressed/Postscript.
  48. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``An Experimental Study of Sorting Algorithms on the BSP Model: Theory, Practice and Experience''. Technical Report PRG-TR-06-97, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, February 1997. Available in Compressed/Postscript
  49. A. V. Gerbessiotis and C. J. Siniolakis. ``Dynamic Data Structures: The BSP Approach''. Technical Report PRG-TR-11-97, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, 1997. Available in Compressed/Postscript
  50. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``A Note on Probabilistic Integer Sorting''. Technical Report PRG-TR-14-97, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, May 1997. Available in Compressed/Postscript
  51. A. V. Gerbessiotis, D. S. Lecomber, C. J. Siniolakis and K. R. Sujithan. ``PRAM Programming: Theory vs. Practice''. Technical Report PRG-TR-21-97, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, June 1997. Available in Compressed/Postscript
  52. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``Converting Sorting Algorithms to Fast Randomized ones via Searching''. Technical Report PRG-TR-22-97, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, June 1997. Available in Compressed/Postscript
  53. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``Primitive Operations on the BSP Model''. Technical Report PRG2396, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, 1996. Available in Compressed/Postscript
  54. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``Concurrent Heaps on the BSP Model''. Technical Report PRG-TR-14-96, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, 1996. Available in Compressed/Postscript
  55. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``Efficient Deterministic Sorting on the BSP Model''. Technical Report PRG-TR-19-96, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, November 1996. Available in Compressed/Postscript , and in revised form, also available in Compressed/Postscript .
  56. A.V.Gerbessiotis and C.J.Siniolakis. ``Communication Efficient Data Structures on the BSP Model with Applications''. Technical Report PRG-TR-13-96, Computing Laboratory, The University of Oxford, 1996. Available in Compressed/Postscript , and in revised form, also available in Compressed/Postscript .
  57. A.V. Gerbessiotis. ``Connectivity Properties of $G_{n,1/\sqrt{kn}}$ Random Graphs Related to a Model of Neural Computation''. Unpublished manuscript, 1992.
  58. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Broadcasting on the BSP Model: Theory, Practice and Experience''. An Experimental study of two scalable and portable broadcast algorithms including commented code. December 1996. (Compressed/PostScript,35K)
  59. A. V. Gerbessiotis. ``Parallel-Prefix on the BSP Model: Theory, Practice and Experience''. An Experimental study of two scalable and portable parallel-prefix algorithms including commented code. December 1996. (Compressed/PostScript,41K)
  60. A.V.Gerbessiotis. ``Topics in Parallel and Distributed Computation''. PhD Thesis, Harvard University, January 1993. Also, as Technical Report, TR-03-93, Aiken Computation Laboratory, Harvard University. Available in Postscript Converted in 2023 into PDF but I am not sure about the quality and faithfulness of the output. Available cautiously in PDF

Last modified June 13, 2024 at 14:10