1995 Ph.D., Environmental Engineering,
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL.
1995 M.ChE., Master of Chemical Engineering,
Illinois Institute of Technology.
1992 M.S., Environmental Engineering,
Illinois Institute of Technology.
1984 B.S., Geoscience, Geochemistry
Option, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
2006-Present Professor; New Jersey
Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ.
2000-2006 Associate Professor;
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ.
1995-2000 Assistant Professor;
New Jersey Institute of Technology.
1990-1995 Research Assistant/Environmental
Engineer; Argonne National Laboratory, IL.
1989-1990 Associate; A.T. Kearney,
Inc., Chicago, IL.
1986-1989 Project Scientist;
Roy F. Weston, In., Chicago, IL.
1984-1986 Chemist; LeaRonal,
Inc., Freeport, NY.