First Experience w/Dragon 12: Assembling, Downloading and Executing a Test Program



Check PC’s Port




¨Click “my computer”



¨Double click “system”



¨Select “device manager”



¨Open “ports” menu



Look for “USB to serial port” and note Com X





Start software




¨Double click “ASMIDE,” lighting symbol, in Dragon 12 folder





Check Dragon 12’s Port agrees w/PC found in #1 above




¨Click on “view” and then “options”



¨If port doesn’t agree with value of X, change



¨Be sure “Enable the terminal window” is checked





Access and assemble ex1




¨Open file ex1



¨Click “build” and then “assemble (bottom screen



should indicate 0 errors in assembly)





Prepare board and download machine code




¨Click “terminal” tab in lower screen



¨Press “reset” button, SW6, on board and:



     (a) 8 LEDs will flash in sequence



     (b) “>” prompt appears on lower screen



¨At > type in “load” and <cr>



¨In upper screen, click on “build” and “download”



[“Open” menu appears with ex1 shown as filename- meaning the assembled ex1 (an S19 file) is ready for downloading to the microcontroller]

¨Click on “open”




>  appear in lower screen indicating machine code has been loaded





Execute the program




¨Type in “g 2000” telling microcontroller to start executing at hex address 2000





Test program

¨Use dip switches and watch how LEDs respond (look at upper screen to see comments in program)


Now try another example program.