Name_____________________________________________ SID#_____________________________ Email____________________<rev 1/2008>


Freshman (31credits)                                                                               Grade                                                                                                                     Grade

MATH 138

General Calculus I (3-0-3)


MATH 238

General Calculus II (3-0-3)


PHYS 102

General Physics (3-0-3)


Phys 103

General Physics (3-0-3)



General Physics Lab (0-2-1)


Phys 103A

General Physics Lab (0-2-1)


CS 101

Comp Prog. and Prob. Solving (2-1-2)


ECET 201

Circuits I  (2-2-3)


HUM 101

Writing, Thinking, Speaking (3-0-3)


ECET 215

Intro. Digital Electronics (2-2-3)


MET 103

Eng Graphics & Intro/CAD(1-2-2)


Elective (GUR)

Hum 211, Hum 212 or Hist 213 (3-0-3)


ET 101

Intro. to Engineering Tech. (0-2-1)





Frsh Sem

Freshman Seminar (1-0-0)






Total:  (15)



Total:  (16)



Sophomore (32 credits)

Math 305 (or MNET 315)

Statistics (3-0-3)


ECET  205

Fund. of Analog Electronics  (2-2-3)


ECET 202

Circuits II (2-2-3)


ECET 214

Introduction to Communications (2-2-3)


ECET 210 or CPT 315

Introduction  to Microprocessors (2-2-3)


SS 201

Economics  (3-0-3)


Elective (GUR)

EPS 202/Rutgers Equiv. (3-0-3)



Technical (2-2-3)


Hum 102

Writing, Thinking, Speaking  II (3-0-3)



Free   [3-0-3]



Physical Education (0-1-1)



Physical Education (0-1-1)



Total:  (16)



Total:  (16)



Junior (33 credits)

Math 309

Math Analysis for Techs (4-0-4)


Mgmt 3903

Principles of  Mgmt (3-0-3)


ECET 303

Circuit Measurements  (1-3-2)


Math 322

Diff. Equations for Tech. (2-2-3)


ECET 310

Microprocessors (2-2-3)


ECET 300

Circuit Analysis-Transforms (3-0-3)


ECET 365

Digital Electronics II (3-0-3)


ECET 305

Integrated Circuit Applications (2-2-3)


Open Elective

Eng 3522(GUR) (3-0-3)


ECET 344

Numerical Computing for E.T.  (2-2-3)






Free   [3-0-3]



Total:  (15)



Total:  (18)



Senior (33 credits)

ECET 401

Senior Project I (2-0-2)


Chem 301

Chemical Technology (2-2-3)


ECET 410

Micro II (2-2-3)


ECET 402

Senior Project II (0-2-1)


ECET 444

Java Applications (2-2-3)


MNET 414

Industrial Cost Analysis(3-0-3)



Lit/Hist/Phil/STS: GUR (3-0-3)



Cap. Seminar: GUR [3-0-3]



Technical1,4 [3-0-3]



Technical1,4 [3-0-3]



Technical1,4 [3-0-3]



Technical1,4 [3-0-3]



Total:  (17)



Total:  (16)



1Concentrations [General: 4 T.E.;  Computer: CS 332, ECET 416, 2 T.E.;  Telecom: ECET 415, 416, 418, T.E.;  Biomed: ECET 440,BME 302, 489,T.E.]
2or Eng: 336, 339, 340, 360;

3 or HRM 301 or Entr 410;

4Additional Tech. Electives: ECET 350 & ECET 412.