Requirements for ECET 310 Labs and Lab Reports


In each program:

  1. In comment section at top
    1. Name of file and date
    2. Students’ names
    3. Brief description of what program does
  2. Org for data at $1500
  3. Org for program at $2000
  4. Comments throughout program but not simply what an instruction does


In the lab:


  1. Partnerships:

We will work with groups of three. For each new lab, the roles will rotate. Spokesperson/Scribe will interact with the instructor and maintain the lab notebook (see below). Facilitator will keep the team on task, setup equipment and boot-up system. Trouble-shooter will enter the programs and oversee debugging.

  1. General:

Show the instructor: (A) pre-lab work at the beginning of the lab -the pseudo code or flow charts of the programs to be implemented, (B) the working program and (C) be able to answer appropriate questions regarding your programs

  1. Lab Notebook:

(a) At the beginning of each session start on a fresh page with the date, the  lab you are working on, and each team member’s name and function for that day and get initialed by instructor.

(b) During the lab write down in the notebook the important activities, calculations, problems, etc.

(c) Draw lines for the signature(s) and time(s) for each point at which your instructor checks your required milestones during the lab

(d) At the end of each lab period show your notebook for your instructor’s  signature


The reports for each lab must include the following:


  1. Cover page with names of partners and the responsibility of each in the lab and report
  2. Table of contents with page numbers
  3. For each program include the following:
    1. Clear description of purpose of program
    2. Step-by-step algorithm as pseudo code OR a flow chart
    3. A printout of the program list file (extension will be .lst)
    4. A Memory Usage Table (list file will help with this) which will include: input data, program, results, and stack
    5. Using debug12, show correct results and final values in the registers and memory
  4. An explanation of any problems encountered