Fall 2002
Prof. Bruce Bukiet, Cullimore 518, phone: (973) 596-8392, email: bukiet@m.njit.edu
Office Hours: Tues. and Thurs. 10:00-11:30 AM and Thursday: 4:30-6:00 PM or by appointment.
Text: Epperson, An Introduction to Numerical Methods and Analysis , Wiley (2002)
Tentative Course Outline:
Week 1: Chapter 1, Calculus Review, Error and Numerical Computing.
Weeks 2 and 3: Chapter 2, Survey of Simple Methods and Tools.
Weeks 4 and 5: Chapter 3, Root Finding for Nonlinear Equations --
Bisection, Newton's Method, Secant Method, Fixed Point Iteration, Convergence
Week 6: Chapter 4, Interpolation and Approximation --
Lagrange Polynomials, Divided differences, Cubic spines
Week 7: Midterm Exam
Weeks 8 and 9: Chapters 4 and 5, Interpolation and Approximation and Integration --
Review Cubic spines, Least squares, Review numerical differentation, Trapezoidal,
Simpson, Midpoint methods and Richarson extrapolation and Romberg integration
Weeks 10-12: Chapter 6 -- Ordinary Differential Equations -
Initial value problems --
Euler's Method, and Taylor Series Methods and Consistency.
Runge-Kutta Methods and Multi-step Methods, Higher Order Systems.
Linear Systems of ODES,
Stability with respect to
step size, Stability with respect to round-off, Stiff ODEs.
Weeks 13-14: Chapter 7 -- Numerical Linear Algebra -
Gaussian Elimination, Partial pivoting, Back-substitution,
LU-decomposition, Determinants, Matrix Inverse, Storage,
Error growth, Tri-diagonal matrices.
Norms, Error analysis, Condition number, Iterative Methods
Nonlinear Systems
Week 15: Project Presentations and Final Exam
Grading: (Regular) Homework and Class Participation 20%,
Midterm Exams 25%, Final Exam 35%, Project 20%. Make-up
exams may be allowed if discussed with me prior to exam date.
Project is due November 28 -- 10% off for each day late. Project
must be approved by professor by November 1.
Ideas and Information