Operations Management Research


The Operations Management Lab combines methodologies and tools from multiple disciplines, such as stochastic models and optimization techniques in operations research, game theory in economics, and human behavior in psychology, to study how enterprises can provide quality products and services efficiently by modeling the decision processes of businesses and consumers and by creating incentive devices.  Currently, there are three active research areas: (1) sustainable energy systems, (2) product design, pricing and management of e-commerce, and (3) data-driven decisions in healthcare systems.

Our Research has been funded by the following:

  1. National Science Foundation. CMMI - 1535762. Collaborate Research: Optimizing Incentives for Carbon Capture and Storage. September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2018. $162,850. Principal Investigator.

  2. National Science Foundation I-Corps Site at NJIT. Investigating the Impact of 3D Printing in Various Economic Sectors. March 1, 2017 - September 31, 2017. $3,000. Academic Lead.

  3. Leir Foundation. Ph.D. Student Scholarship for Health Care Research. Summer 2015. $5,000. Research Advisor.

  4. NJ-HITEC. Analysis of EHR Meaningful Use Gap Assessment Data. January 1, 2013 - December 31, 2013. $50,000. Co-Principal Investigator.

Please contact Dr. Selina Wenbo Cai for more information:

Dr. Selina Wenbo Cai

Assistant Professor

Director of Operations Management Lab

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Newark College of Engineering

New Jersey Institute of Technology

Email: cai@njit.edu

Phone: (973) 596-3338