Homework 1: (30 pts)

  1. Measure the speed of the following activities:
  2. Submission requirements: A PDF file that describes the network setting and system configuration, measurement tool/method/program, and throughput performance in Mbps or Gbps for each activity (10 pts).

  3. Identify a "Big Data" application, and write a survey paper with a title and a detailed description of the following:
    • Application domain and background
    • Four V's of big data
    • Big data challenges (storage, management, computing, analysis, transfer, etc.)
    • Existing approaches to big data-related problems
    • Possible solutions proposed by you
    • Value of the big data application  

    Submission requirements: A zipped file that contains

    • A PDF file of the report: ≥5 full pages, single space, single column, 12 pts font, 1-inch margins (10 pts)
    • A PPT file of <=15 slides for a 15-min presentation and a 5-min Q&A in class (10 pts)