Homework 2: (10 pts)

Take the following steps to set up VM instances through AWS for later use:

  1. Follow the instructions from the TA to create an Amazon account (if you don't have one yet) and gain access to AWS cloud resources.
  2. Create and launch two basic Amazon EC2 instances using any Linux AMI of your choice.
  3. Assign an appropriate security group (with appropriate firewall settings) to allow network traffic between your two instances.
  4. Configure "authorized_keys" for an ssh server and "known_hosts" for an ssh client on each VM instance to allow passphraseless ssh login between them.

    Note: Don't forget to shut down your VM instances when you finish your homework.

    Submission requirements: A zipped file that contains

    • A snapshot of the Amazon instance management web interface showing the running state of each of your VM instances
    • A snapshot of passphraseless ssh login between two of your VM instances