Homework 2: (10
Take the following steps to set up VM instances through AWS for later
- Follow the instructions from the TA to create an Amazon account (if you don't have one yet) and gain access to AWS cloud resources.
- Create and launch two basic Amazon EC2 instances using any Linux AMI of your choice.
- Assign an appropriate security group (with appropriate firewall settings)
to allow network traffic between your two instances.
- Configure "authorized_keys" for an ssh server and "known_hosts" for an
ssh client on each VM instance to allow passphraseless ssh login between
Note: Don't forget to shut down your VM instances when you finish your homework.
Submission requirements: A zipped file that
- A snapshot of the Amazon instance management web interface showing
the running state of each of your VM instances
- A snapshot of passphraseless ssh login between two of your VM