New Jersey Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Science

CS670 - Artificial Intelligence - Spring'2025

Monday 1:00 - 3:50 PM, KUPF 107    

Course Description | Outcomes | Readings | Tentative Contents | Grading Policy | Miscellaneous

 Professor Chengjun Liu

Phone: 973-596-5280

Office: GITC 4306
Office Hours: Monday 4:00-5:30PM & Wednesday 1:00-2:00PM or by appointment

Course Description Measurable Learning Outcomes Readings Tentative Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. Problem Solving
  3. Knowledge and Reasoning - Logical Agents
  4. Knowledge and Reasoning - First-Order Logic
  5. Knowledge and Reasoning - Inference in First-Order Logic
  6. Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning - Quantifying Uncertainty
  7. Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning - Probabilistic Reasoning (optional)
  8. Learning - Theory of Learning
  9. Learning - Unsupervised Learning
  10. Learning - Supervised Learning
  11. Learning -Probabilistic Models
  12. Learning - Other Popular Models (optional)
  13. Perception - Search in Spatial Domain and Frequency Domain (optional)
  14. Action - Robotics (optional)
Grading Policy
  • Homework 20%
  • Midterm exam 20%
  • Project and Presentation (topics are related to our course Contents) 20%
  • Class attendance and participation 10%
  • Final exam 30%

  • Statement on academic integrity:

    “Academic Integrity is the cornerstone of higher education and is central to the ideals of this course and the university. Cheating is strictly prohibited and devalues the degree that you are working on. As a member of the NJIT community, it is your responsibility to protect your educational investment by knowing and following the academic code of integrity policy that is found at: NJIT Academic Integrity Code.

    Please note that it is my professional obligation and responsibility to report any academic misconduct to the Dean of Students Office. Any student found in violation of the code by cheating, plagiarizing or using any online software inappropriately will result in disciplinary action. This may include a failing grade of F, and/or suspension or dismissal from the university. If you have any questions about the code of Academic Integrity, please contact the Dean of Students Office at

    Statement on the use of generative AI tools:

    Students should not use
    generative AI tools for homework and project assignments.