These data are from a 1980 survey conducted by the University of Wisconsin
Small Business Development Center. Source: Jonathan D. Cryer &
Robert B. Miller. Statistics for Business. Belmont, California: Duxbury /
Wadsworth, 1994.

Business outlook:

Business Outlook 1= very unfavorable; 6 = very favorable.


Estimated market value of business in $1,000s


Type of business. 1 = Fast Food; 2=Supper Club; 3=Other


Type of ownership. 1=Sole proprietorship; 2=Partnership; 3=Corporate


Size of restaurant 1 = 1-9 Full Time Equivalent Employees.

2 = 10-20 full-time equivalent employees 3= More than 20 full-time equiv.

Obs: 279 (max= 600) Vars: 14 (max= 25) 29 Jul 1995 10:59 Var*Obs: 3906 (max= 4000) cells

1. id                                                           Identification Number
2. busoutlk                         Business Outlook 1=very unfavor
3. sales                                            Gross 1979 Sales in $1,000s
4. capital                                       New capital invested in 1979
5. value                                     Est. market value of business $
6. costper                               Cost of goods sold as % of sale
7. wageper                                                Wages as % of sales
8. advper                                       Advertising $ as % of sales
9. type                                   Type 1=fast food; 2=supper club
10. seats                                                Number of dining seats
11. owner                                                     Type of Ownership
12. ftempl                                       No. of Full-Time Employees
13. ptempl                                      No. of Part-Time Employees
14. size                                                     Size of Restaurant


The above described data has been stored as two files
1) a text file that is tab delimited restau.txt

2) as an excel 4.0 work sheet restau.xls


Study the data and write a case report on the data that includes
statistical analysis. Using modeling or otherwise find out
which restaurants are 1) well established 2) may be popular
3) or both.
In case there is any statistical modeling that is presented please
also include the program, log, etc.