How to access SAS on a "afs" systems?

From an NT window personal computer or your Unix

If you are already on a unix machine please start at step (iii),
after having completed (i).

(i) Getting the PC's  IP address

You will need the ip address of your NT window PC.
Open an MS DOS command prompt window and type in ipconfig
at the prompt, you will see among other things the result:

IP Address. . . . . . . . . : ***.***.***.*

the number with periods on the right side of the colon (:) is your ip address.

(ii) Using X-Win32 to start a session on your unix machine

(a) From the program menu on your NT window select X-Win32.
(b) From the menu for X-Win32 select XDMCP - broadcast
(c) In the XDMCP selection choose  your unix machine, (e.g. m)
(d) This will give you a login and password prompt for the unix machine (m).
(e) Give you unix machine's (m's) login name and password.
This will finally create a xterm session connecting you to your unix machine (m) and

"Tool" manager window.

(iii) Using your Unix account to get on to the "afs" system.

(a) In the xterm window at the unix% (m%) prompt type xhost +. There is
a blank space between xhost and +. You will get the result
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
(b) Next, in the xterm window at the unix% prompt type telnet
Instead of 5 you can type in any integer between 1 and 36 or 48-57.
(c) Use your megahertz account login id and password to get on to
The same is true for any of the accounts afs1 to afs36 or afs48 to afs57.
(d) At the afs system command  prompt type in
"setenv DISPLAY ***.***.***.*:0.0" if you are using the PC with NT window.
Where ***.***.***.* is your PC's  IP address from step (i).  If you are at the
unix machine ( e.g. m) then type  "setenv DISPLAY unix:0.0" ( e.g.
setenv DISPLAY m:0.0) Make sure you ignore the quotation marks and keep
DISPLAY capital letters as unix commands are case sensitive. Also note the
blank spaces in between.
(e) At the afs system command prompt type sas.

This will create four X window on your system one each for SAS Program Editor,
SAS Log, SAS Output and Tool Box for running sas.

For the SAS output to display in the SAS output window in 'View' choose
'Preferences' then "Display Manager" and then in the pull down menu choose


IF you are on a PC with X-Win32 5.0 you do not need to access afs
through another Unix but follow these steps.

In (a) to (c) you will create a session to launch windows to reach afs** (say,

(a) From the program menu on your NT window select X-Win32. This will create a
     X-Win32 5.0 button on your horizontal tool bar which is generally at the bottom of
     your screen
(b) right click the X-Win32 5.0 button at the horizontal tool bar and select X-config or
     X-Win32 Utility.
(c) In the Utility window select Sessions by left clicking it and then choose New Session.
    Then fill out the blanks as follows. For Session name type in afs** (e.g., afs10). In
    Connect using choose the XDMCP button. Fill in afs** for Host name. In
    XDMCP Mode choose Query and the click the save button.

In (d) below you will  launch the afs** (say, afs10) session.
(d) again right click the X-Win32 5.0 button at the horizontal tool bar and select Sessions
    and then select afs** (afs10) and left click it. This will create a X login_shell. With
   a user name prompt enter your afs user name and then click ok and then enter your
   corresponding afs password and click ok. It will be about a five minute wait to see
   all the afs systems windows pop up.

(e) Among the afs windows choose the window UCS dtterm. At the command prompt
    in this window type in sas. Again wait a few minutes and all the sas related windows
    will pop up.