Masters in Electrical Engineering

Focus Area: Computer Networking


Program Core Requirements*


ECE601- Linear Systems

Choose at least one out of {ECE673- Random Signal Analysis, or ECE620- Electromagnetic Field Theory}


Computer Networking


Area Requirements:   

ECE 683-Computer Network Design and Analysis

ECE 783-Computer Communication Networks


Suggested Electrical Engineering Electives: 

ECE 605-Discrete Event Dynamic Systems

ECE 637-Introduction to Internet Engineering

ECE 638-Network Management and Security

ECE 639-Principles of Broadband ISDN and ATM

ECE 642-Communication Systems I

ECE 644-Intro. to Wireless & Personal Comm. Systems

ECE 645-Wireless Networks  

ECE 658- VLSI Design

ECE 677-Optimization Techniques

ECE 681-Broadband Packet Switches

ECE 690-Computer Systems Architecture

ECE 742-Communications Systems II

ECE 745- Advanced Wireless Networks

ECE 785-Parallel Processing Systems

ECE 685-Network Interface Design

CIS 610- Data Structures and Algorithms

CIS 665-Algorithmic Graph Theory     

Math 661-Applied Statistics

Mgmt 685-Operations Research and Decision Making





*Students may take up to two courses outside the ECE Department. A minimum of 24 credits should be from ECE Department.In addition every student needs to register ECE 791 for two semesters.

Note that elective courses are amended periodically.