Dr. Edward L. Dreizin: peer reviewed
The papers can be
downloaded from the NJIT web domain. If
you are not in the NJIT domain, please e-mail me directly (dreizin@njit.edu)
should you have interest in any of the listed below papers. I would be happy to send you a file right
away. Any questions and comments sent
by e-mail are also greatly appreciated.
Momtaz, M., McNanna,
J.L., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Effect of powder
characteristics on thermal oxidation of boron. Thermocimica
Acta 743 (2025) 179917
McNanna, J.L.,
Dreizin, E.L., Disruptive events in combustion of metal particles. Fuel
383 (2025) 133892
Gandhi, P.M., Schoenitz
M., Dreizin, E.L., Effect of particle morphology and added gallium on
reactivity of aluminum powders. Advanced Engineering Materials (2024)
Senyurt, E.,I., Das S., Kenny T., Groven
L.J., Schoenitz M., Dreizin E.L., Interaction of Diisopropyl methyl Phosphonate (DIMP) with magnesium oxide
at elevated temperatures. Applied Surface Science 672 (2024) 160853
Senyurt E.I., Arzideh S.M., Venerus, D.C.,
Gor G.Y., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin
E.L., Viscosity and density of organophosphorus liquids and their aqueous
solutions. Journal of Molecular Liquids 399 (2024) 124476
Leuchtmann, C., Gallegos D.F., Young, G., Schoenitz M., Dreizin, E.L., Combustion of solid fuels
containing boron, borides, and boron based composites in a solid fuel ramjet. Fuel
371 (2024) 132101
Sharma P., Gandhi P.M., Chintersingh K-L., Schoenitz M.,
Dreizin,E.L.,Liou S-C, Balasubramanian, G.,
Accelerated intermetallic phase amorphization in a Mg-based high-entropy alloy
powder. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 12 (2024) 1792–1798
Gandhi, P. M., Schoenitz,
M., Wainwright, E.R., Gottfried, J.L., Dreizin, E.L., Spherical composite
powders combining boron with ammonium and potassium nitrates. Combustion and Flame 266 (2024) 113525
Gandhi, P. M., Castillo, A., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Spherical solid fuel
particles combining boron and polytetrafluoroethylene. Fuel 371 Part A
(2024) 121918
Senyurt, E.I., Watson, K., Zambon,
A.C., Feldman, G., Sinha, N., Hoffmann, V.K., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Experimental characterization of the low-temperature thermal
decomposition of diisopropyl methylphosphonate
(DIMP). Chemical Engineering Journal 479 147832
Mukhopadhyay S., Homb K., DeJong A., Long T., Hufnagel T.C., Das A., Shanks
K.S., Schoenitz M., Dreizin, E.L., X-ray imaging of
powder particles driven from a surface by a nearby electrostatic discharge. Advanced
Powder Technology 35 (2024) 104472
Schoenitz, M., Chintersingh, K-L.A., Dreizin, E.L. Process-property
correlations for spherical composite Al·Ti powders
prepared by emulsion-assisted milling. Powder
Technology 428 118806 (2023)
Valluri, S., Salvati, L., Dreizin, E.L., Dlott, D.D. Fast reactions of shocked
energetic microporous metallic composites. Propellants
Explosives and Pyrotechnics
https://doi.org/10.1002/prep.202300031 (2023)
Gandhi, P.M., McNanna,
J., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Effect of morphology
of boron-potassium nitrate composite powders on their ignition and combustion. Combustion and Flame 255 112882 (2023)
Ivanova, E.V.,
Vasudevan, A., Senyurt, E.S., Schoenitz,
M., Khalizov, A.F., Dreizin, E.L., Gor, G.Y. Surface Tension of Organophosphorus Compounds:
Sarin and its Surrogates. Langmuir, 39,
5569−5578 (2023)
Gandhi, P.M.,
Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Evaluation and design of
metal-based gas-generating energetic materials. Combustion
and Flame 249, 112615 (2023)
S., Patel, K., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Removal
of powders from cavities in contaminated surfaces by shock and plasma generated
by an adjacent electro-static discharge. Powder
Technology 420,118407 (2023)
A., Senyurt, E.I., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Removal of diisopropyl methyl
phosphonate (DIMP) from heated metal oxide surfaces. Journal of Hazardous Materials 443,130154 (2023)
House, A., Kuna, A., Hastings, D.,
Rodriguez, N., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Guvendiren, M. Effect of particle shape on rheology and
printability of highly filled reactive inks for direct ink writing. Progress in Additive Manufacturing
Mursalat, M.,
McCann, H., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Effect of particle morphology on
characteristics of pressed aluminum-boron reactive powders. Journal of Energetic Materials https://doi.org/10.1080/07370652.2022.2147252
Mukhopadhyay, S.,
Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Effect of reactive B–Ti
powder morphology on its removal from a surface and ignition by electro-static
discharge. Journal of Electrostatics
120 103766 (2022)
M., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Effect of particle
morphology on reactivity, ignition and combustion of boron powders. Fuel 324 124538 (2022)
H., Esteve, A., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L., Rossi, C. Atomic scale insights into the first reaction
stages prior to Al/CuO nanothermite
ignition: influence of porosity. ACS
Applied Materials & Interfaces 14(25) 29451 - 2946129 (2022)
M., Skura, A., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Potential one-pot synthesis of spherical magnesium silicate
powder by mechanical milling. Powder
Technology 404 117458 (2022)
Gandhi, P., Valluri, S.K., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin, E.L. Effect of organic liquid process control agents on properties of
ball-milled powders. Advanced Powder Technology
13, 103332 (2022)
Hastings, D.,
Rodriguez, N., McCann, H., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin,
E.L. Titanium-boron reactive composite powders with variable morphology
prepared by arrested reactive milling. Fuel
310 122313 (2022)
Senyurt, E.I., Dreizin, E.L. At what ambient temperature
can thermal runaway of a burning metal particle occur? Combustion and Flame 236 111800 (2022)
Kautz, E.J., Weerakkody, E.N., Finko, M.S., Curreli, D., Koroglu, B., Rose,
T.P., Weisz, D.G., Crowhurst, J.C., Radousky, H.B., DeMagistris, M., Sinha, N., Levin, D.A., Dreizin, E.L.,
Phillips, M.C., Glumac, N.G., Harilal,
S.S. Optical spectroscopy and modeling of uranium gas-phase oxidation: Progress
and perspectives. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 106283
Vasudevan, A., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Effect of metal nitrate on
mechanochemical nitration of toluene. Reaction
Chemistry and Engineering 10.1039/D1RE00307K (2021)
Valluri, S.K., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin, E.L. Ignition Mechanisms of Reactive Nanocomposite Powders Combining
Al, B, and Si as Fuels with Metal Fluorides as Oxidizers. Combustion Science and Technology (2021)
Vasudevan, A., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Parameters affecting mechanochemical nitration of aromatic
precursors. Chemical Engineering Science
246, 116906 (2021)
S.K. Gandhi, P,M., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L.
Boron-rich composite thermite powders with binary Bi2O3·CuO
oxidizers. Energy & Fuels, 35,
pp. 10327-10338 (2021)
Valluri, S.K., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin,
E.L., Combustion of Composites of Boron with Bismuth and Cobalt Fluorides in
Different Environments. Combustion Science and Technology 193: 8 pp.
1343-1358 (2021)
Mursalat, M., Huang, C., Julien, B., Schoenitz,
M., Esteve, A., Rossi, C., Dreizin, E.L.,
Low-Temperature Exothermic Reactions in Al/CuO Nanothermites Producing Copper Nanodots and Accelerating
Combustion. Applied Nanomaterials, 4, pp. 2811-3820 (2021)
Mursalat, M., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin, E.L., Neveu, A., Francqui,
F., Spherical boron powders prepared by mechanical milling in immiscible
liquids. Powder Technology, 388, pp. 41-50 (2021)
S., Dlott, D.D., Valluri,
S.K., Mursalat, M., Dreizin, E.L. Fast energy release
from reactive materials under shock compression. Applied Physics Letters,
118, 101902 (2021)
Senyurt, E.I., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Rapid destruction of sarin surrogates by gas phase reactions
with focus on diisopropyl methylphosphonate
(DIMP) Defence Technology, 17,
703-714 (2021)
S., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Vapor-phase
decomposition of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), a
sarin surrogate, in presence of metal oxides. Defence Technology 17(4) 1095-1114 (2021)
Huang, C., Shoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Ignition of zirconium powders
placed near an electrostatic discharge. Combustion and
Flame 226, pp. 1-13 (2021)
A.V., Sawant, S.S., Levin D.A., Huang C., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin, E.L., Study of particle lifting mechanisms in an electrostatic
discharge plasma. International Journal of Multiphase
Flow, 137, 103564 (2021)
Hastings, D., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Highly reactive spheroidal
milled aluminum. Materialia
15 100959 (2021)
Valluri, S.K., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin, E.L., Preparation and characterization of silicon-metal fluoride
reactive composites. Nanomaterials 10, 2367
Valluri, S.K., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin, E.L. Bismuth fluoride-coated boron powders as enhanced fuels. Combustion and Flame 221, pp. 1 - 10 (2020)
Sun, Y., Ren,
H., Jiao, Q., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L.,
Oxidation, ignition, and combustion behaviors of differently prepared
boron-magnesium composites. Combustion and Flame 221
pp. 11-19 (2020)
A.K., Schoenitz,M., Dreizin, E.L., Mechanochemical
nitration of toluene with metal oxide catalysts. Applied
Catalysis A: General 601, 117604 (2020)
Valluri, S.K., Ravi, K.K., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L., Effect of boron content in B·BiF3
and B·Bi composites on their ignition and combustion.
Combustion and Flame 215, pp. 78-85 (2020)
Hastings, D., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Zirconium-boron reactive composite powders prepared by
arrested reactive milling. Journal of Energetic
Materials 38(2), pp. 142-161 (2020)
M., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Effect of premilling Al and CuO in
acetonitrile on properties of Al·CuO thermites
prepared by arrested reactive milling. Combustion and
Flame 214, pp. 57-64 (2020)
Mursalat, M., Hastings, D.L., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Microspheres with Diverse Material Compositions Can be
Prepared by Mechanical Milling. Advanced Engineering
Materials 22(3), 1901204 (2020)
Chintersingh, K-L., Schoentiz,
M., Dreizin, E.L., Effect of Purity, Surface Modification and Iron Coating on
Ignition and Combustion of Boron in Air. Combustion
Science and Technology 193:9, pp. 1567-1586 (2021)
Mursalat, M., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin, E.L. Custom particle morphology in energetic nanocomposites prepared
by arrested reactive milling in immiscible liquids. Powder Technology 359, pp. 238-246 (2020)
X., Sims, A., Murzyn, C., Glumac, N.G., Dreizin, E.L. Iodine release by
combustion of composite Mg·Ca(IO3)2 powder. Combustion Science and Technology
https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2019.1680653, (2019)
Hastings D. L., Schoenitz M.,
Ryan K.M., Dreizin, E.L., Krumpfer J.W. Stability and ignition of a
siloxane-coated magnesium powder. Propellants
Explosives and Pyrotechnics 44 (2019) https://doi:10.1002/prep.201900272
S.K., Bushiri, D., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L.,
Fuel-rich aluminum–nickel fluoride reactive composites. Combustion and
Flame 210, pp. 429-453 (2019)
S.K., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Boron-Metal
Fluoride Reactive Composites: Preparation and Reactions Leading to Their
Ignition. Journal of Propulsion and Power
35 (4), pp. 802-810 (2019)
K-L., Schoentiz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Transition Metal Catalysts for Boron
Combustion. Combustion Science and Technology
https://doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2019.1696317 (2019)
Monk, I., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Combustion of a rapidly initiated fully dense nanocomposite
Al–CuO thermite powder. Combustion
Theory and Modelling 23(4), pp. 651-673 (2019)
Valluri, S.K., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L., Combustion of aluminum‐metal fluoride reactive composites in
different environments. Propellants Explosives and Pyrotechnics 44, pp. 1-11* (2019) doi.org/10.1002/prep.201900072
Huang, C., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Displacement of powders from
surface by shock and plasma generated by electrostatic discharge Journal of Electrostatics, 100, 103353
Mursalat, M., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Composite Al∙Ti powders prepared by
high-energy milling with different process controls agents Advanced Powder Technology, 30(7), pp. 1319-132 (2019)
Chintersingh, K-l., Sun, Y., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L., Heterogeneous reaction kinetics for oxidation and combustion
of boron. Thermochimica Acta 682 (2019) 178415
Sun, Y., Chintersingh,
K.-L., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Reactive Shell
Model for Boron Oxidation Journal of
Physical Chemistry C, 123(18), pp. 11807-11813 (2019)
Valluri, S.K., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Fluorine-containing oxidizers for metal fuels in energetic
formulations. Defence Technology 15,
pp. 1-22 (2019)
Chintersingh, K.L., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Boron doped with iron: Preparation and combustion in air. Combustion
and Flame 200, pp. 286-295 (2019)
Liu, X., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Preparation, ignition, and combustion of magnesium-calcium
iodate reactive nano-composite powders. Chemical Engineering Journal
369, pp. 955-962 (2019)
Lagoviyer, O.S., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Effect of process parameters on mechanochemical nitration of
toluene. Journal of Materials Science 53, pp. 13690-13700 (2018)
Liu, X., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin, E.L., Combustion of Mg and composite Mg ·S powders in different
oxidizers. Combustion and Flame 195,
pp. 292-302 (2018)
Chintersingh, K.-L., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Combustion of boron and boron–iron composite particles in
different oxidizers. Combustion and Flame
192, pp. 44-58 (2018)
D.L., Dreizin, E.L., Reactive Structural Materials: Preparation and
Characterization. Advanced Engineering
Materials 20 (3) 1700631 (2018)
Liu, X., Chintersingh,
K.-L., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Reactive
Composite Boron–Magnesium Powders Prepared by Mechanical Milling. Journal of Propulsion and Power 34 (3)
pp. 787-794 (2018)
W., Grinshpun, S.A., Yermakov,
M., Indugula, R., Reponen,
T., Wang, S., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L.
Inactivation of aerosolized surrogates of Bacillus anthracis spores by
combustion products of aluminum- and magnesium-based reactive materials: Effect
of exposure time. Aerosol Science and
Technology 52 (5) pp. 579-587 (2018)
Nguyen, Q., Huang, C., Schoenitz, M., Sullivan, K.T., Dreizin, E.L. Nanocomposite
thermite powders with improved flowability prepared by mechanical milling. Powder Technology 327 pp. 368-380 (2018)
S., Schoenitz, M., Grinshpun,
S.A., Yermakov, M., Dreizin, E.L. Biocidal
effectiveness of combustion products of iodine-bearing reactive materials
against aerosolized bacterial spores. Journal
of Aerosol Science 116 pp. 106-115 (2018)
Hastings, D.L., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., High density reactive
composite powders. Journal of Alloys and
Compounds 735 pp. 1863 – 1870 (2018)
Lagoviyer, O.S., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin, E.L. Effect of milling temperature on structure and reactivity of
Al–Ni composites. Journal of Materials
Science 53 (2), pp 1178–1190 (2018)
I., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. The Effect of
Heating Rate on Combustion of Fully Dense Nanocomposite Thermite Particles. Combustion Science and Technology 190
(2) pp. 203-221 (2018)
S.L., Monk, I., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin E.L. Fuel-rich
aluminum–metal fluoride thermites. International
Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 16(1) pp. 81–101
Dreizin, E.L., Schoenitz,
M. Mechanochemically prepared reactive and energetic materials: a review Journal of Materials Science 52(20), pp.
11789-11809 (2017)
Liu, X., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Boron-based reactive materials
with high concentrations of iodine as a biocidal additive. Chemical Engineering Journal 325, pp. 495-501 (2017)
Lagoviyer, O.S., Krishtopa, L., Schoenitz, M., Trivedi, N.J., Dreizin, E.L. Mechanochemical
Nitration of Aromatic Compounds. Journal
of Energetic Materials pp. 1-11 (2017)
Wang S., Liu X., Schoenitz M., Dreizin, E.L., Nanocomposite Thermites with
Calcium Iodate Oxidizer. Propellants
Explosives and Pyrotechnics 42, pp. 284–292 (2017)
Liu X., Gonzales J., Schoenitz
M., Dreizin E.L., Effect of purity and surface modification on stability and
oxidation kinetics of boron powders. Thermochimica Acta
652, pp. 17-23 (2017)
Valluri S.K., Schoenitz M.,
Dreizin E.L., Metal-rich aluminum–polytetrafluoroethylene reactive composite
powders prepared by mechanical milling at different temperatures Journal of Materials Science 52 (12),
pp. 7452-7465 (2017)
Wang S., Schoenitz
M., Dreizin E.L., Combustion of boron and boron-containing reactive composites
in laminar and turbulent air flows. Combustion
Science and Technology 189 (4), pp. 683-697 (2017)
I., Schoenitz, M., Jacob, R.J., Dreizin, E.L.,
Zachariah, M.R. Combustion Characteristics of Stoichiometric Al-CuO Nanocomposite Thermites Prepared by Different Methods. Combustion Science and Technology 189
(3), pp. 555-574 (2017)
I., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Modes of Ignition of
Powder Layers of Nanocomposite Thermites by Electrostatic Discharge. Journal of Energetic Materials 35 (1),
pp. 29-43 (2017)
S.A., Yermakov, M., Indugula,
R., Abraham, A., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L.
Aluminum-based materials for inactivation of aerosolized spores of Bacillus
anthracis surrogates. Aerosol Science and Technology 51 (2)
pp. 224-234 (2017)
Abraham A., Zhong Z., Liu R., Grinshpun
S.A., Yermakov M., Indugula,
R., Schoenitz M., Dreizin E.L., Preparation,
Ignition, and Combustion of Mg·S Reactive
Nanocomposites. Combustion Science and Technology 188 (8), pp. 1345-1364 (2016)
K., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Oxidation kinetics
and combustion of boron particles with modified surface. Combustion
and Flame 173, pp. 288-295 (2016)
Abraham, A., Nie, H., Schoenitz, M., Vorozhtsov, A.B., Lerner, M., Pervikov,
A., Rodkevich N.,
Dreizin, E.L., Bimetal Al–Ni nano-powders for energetic
formulations. Combustion and Flame 173, pp. 179-186 (2016)
H., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin E.L., Oxidation of
differently prepared Al-Mg alloy powders in oxygen. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 685, pp. 402-410 (2016)
Wang, S., Mohan, S., Dreizin, E.L., Effect
of flow conditions on burn rates of metal particles. Combustion
and Flame 168, pp. 10-19 (2016)
K., Nguyen, Q., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L.,
Combustion of boron particles in products of an air–acetylene flame. Combustion and Flame 172, pp. 194-205
Wang, S., Abraham, A., Zhong,
Z., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Ignition and
combustion of boron-based Al·B·I2 and Mg·B·I2 composites.
Chemical Engineering Journal 293, pp.
112-117 (2016)
A.B., Lerner, M., Rodkevich, N., Nie,
H., Abraham, A., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin E.L.
Oxidation of nano-sized aluminum powders. Thermochimica Acta 636 pp. 48-56 (2016)
Abraham A., MacDonald,
N.A., Dreizin E.L., Reactive Materials for Evaporating Samarium Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics
DOI 10.1002/prep.201500263 (2016)
H., Schoenitz M., Dreizin E.L. Initial stages of
oxidation of aluminum powder in oxygen. Journal
of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 125 (1), pp. 129-141 (2016)
S., Schoentiz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Mechanically alloyed
magnesium–boron–iodine composite powders. Journal
of Materials Science 51(7), pp. 3585-3591 (2016)
A., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Energy storage
materials with oxide-encapsulated inclusions of low melting metal. Acta Materialia
107 pp. 254-260 (2016)
Guerrero, S.E., Dreizin, E.L., Shafirovich, E. Combustion of thermite mixtures based on mechanically
alloyed aluminum–iodine material. Combustion
and Flame 164, pp. 164-166 (2016)
Abraham A., Piekiel
N.W., Morris C.J., Dreizin E.L. Combustion of Energetic Porous Silicon
Composites Containing Different Oxidizers. Propellants,
Explosives, Pyrotechnics 41 (1) pp. 179-188. DOI: 10.1002/prep.201500108
Nie, H., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin,
E.L. Oxidation of Magnesium: Implication for Aging and Ignition. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2)
pp. 974-983 (2016)
Quijano, D., Corcoran, A.L., Dreizin,
E.L., Combustion of Mechanically Alloyed Aluminum-Magnesium Powders in Steam.
Propellants Explosives, and Pyrotechnics 40, pp. 749-754 (2015)
Dreizin, E.L., Schoenitz, M., Correlating ignition mechanisms of
aluminum-based reactive materials with thermoanalytical measurements. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science
50 pp. 81-105 (2015)
Monk, I., Williams, R., Liu, X., Dreizin,
E.L., Electro-static discharge ignition of monolayers of nanocomposite thermite
powders prepared by arrested reactive milling. Combustion Science and Technology 187 pp. 1276–1294 (2015)
Abraham, A., Obamedo,
J., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Effect of
composition on properties of reactive Al·B·I2 powders prepared by
mechanical milling. Journal of Physics
and Chemistry of Solids 83 pp. 1-7 (2015)
Rodriguez, D.A., Dreizin, E.L., Shafirovich, E., Hydrogen generation from ammonia borane
and water through combustion reactions with mechanically alloyed Al·Mg powder. Combustion
and Flame 162 pp. 1498–1506 (2015)
Aly, Y., Dreizin, E.L., Ignition and
combustion of Al·Mg alloy powders prepared by
different techniques. Combustion and
Flame 162 pp. 1440–1447 (2015)
Wang, S., Corcoran, A.L., Dreizin, E.L.,
Combustion of magnesium powders in products of an air/acetylene flame. Combustion and Flame 162 pp. 1316–1325
Sippel, T.R.,
Son, S.F., Groven, L.J., Zhang, S., Dreizin, E.L.,
Exploring mechanisms for agglomerate reduction in composite solid propellants
with polyethylene inclusion modified aluminum. Combustion and Flame 162(3) pp. 846-854 (2015)
Corcoran A.L., Wang, S., Aly, Y.,
Dreizin E.L., Combustion of mechanically alloyed Al·Mg
powders in products of a hydrocarbon flame. Combustion
Science and Technology 187, pp. 807–825 (2015)
Machado, M.A., Rodriguez, D.A., Aly Y., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Shafirovich,
E., Nanocomposite and mechanically alloyed reactive materials as energetic
additives in chemical oxygen generators. Combustion and Flame 161 pp. 2708–2716
Dreizin, E.L., Effect of surface
tension on the temperature of burning metal droplets. Combustion and Flame 161 pp. 3263–3266 (2014)
Williams R.A., Schoenitz,
M., Ermoline, A., Dreizin, E.L., Low-temperature
exothermic reactions in fully-dense Al/MoO3 nanocomposite powders. Thermochimica Acta 594 pp. 1–10 (2014)
E.L., Allen D.J., Glumac N.G. Depression of melting
point for protective aluminum oxide films Chemical
Physics Letters 618, 63-65 (2015)
Abraham, A., Zhang, S., Aly, Y, Schoenitz, M, and Dreizin, E.L. Aluminum-iodoform composite
reactive material Advanced Engineering
Materials 16(7), pp. 909-917 (2014)
Lakshman, S., Dreizin E.L., Schoenitz M., Evaluation
of K–H3O jarosite as thermal witness material. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 117 (1), pp. 141-149
Williams, R.A., Patel, J.V.,
Dreizin, E.L. Ignition of fully dense nanocomposite thermite powders by an
electric spark. Journal of Propulsion and Power 30(2), pp. 765-774 (2014)
Shaw, W.L., Williams, R.A., Dreizin, E.L.,
Dlott, D.D. Using laser-driven flyer plates to study
the shock initiation of nanoenergetic materials. Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Volume 500, Issue PART 18, 2014, Article number 182010.
Shaw, W.L., Dlott,
D.D., Williams, R.A., Dreizin, E.L. Ignition of nanocomposite thermites by
electric spark and shock wave. Propellants,
Explosives, Pyrotechnics. 39 (3), pp. 444-453 (2014)
Lakshman, S., Mohan, S., Dreizin, E.L., Schoenitz,
M., Kinetics of thermal decomposition of a synthetic K-H3O jarosite analog. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
115 (1), pp. 609-620 (2014)
Aly, Y., Hoffman, V.K., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Reactive, mechanically alloyed
Al·Mg powders with customized particle sizes and
compositions. Journal of Propulsion and
Power 30 (1), pp. 96-104 (2014)
Aly, Y.,
Zhang, S., Schoenitz, M., Hoffmann, V.K., Dreizin,
E.L., Yermakov, M., Indugula,
R., Grinshpun, S.A. Iodine-containing aluminum-based
fuels for inactivation of bioaerosols. Combustion
and Flame 161 (1), pp. 303-310 (2014)
R.A., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Validation of the
Thermal Oxidation Model for Al/CuO Nanocomposite
Powder. Combustion Science and Technology
186, pp. 47-67 (2014)
A., Yildiz, D., Dreizin, E.L., Model of heterogeneous
combustion of small particles. Combustion and Flame 160 (12), pp.
2982–2989 (2013)
S., Dreizin, E. L., Reaction Interface for Heterogeneous Oxidation of Aluminum
Powders, Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
117 (27), pp. 14025–14031 (2013)
P.R., Ermoline, A., Dreizin, E.L. Discrete element
model for an attritor mill with impeller responding to interactions with
milling balls, Chemical Engineering
Science 101 pp. 366–373 (2013)
Nie, H., Zhang, S., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L., Reaction interface between aluminum and water, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
38 pp. 11222-11232 (2013)
S., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Nearly Pure
Aluminum Powders with Modified Protective Surface, Combustion Science and Technology, 185(9), pp. 1360-1377 (2013)
A., Mercati, S., Nie, H.,
Milani, M., Montorsi, L., Dreizin,M
E.L., Combustion of fine aluminum and magnesium powders in water. Combustion and Flame 160 (10) pp.
2242–2250 (2013)
P., Dreizin, E.L., Real time indicators of material refinement in an attritor
mill. AIChE Journal. 59 (4) pp. 1088-1095 (2013)
Vummidi Lakshman S., Mohan, S., Dreizin, E.L., Schoenitz, M. Kinetics of thermal decomposition of a
synthetic K–H3O jarosite analog. Journal of Thermal Analysis and
Calorimetry DOI 10.1007/s10973-013-3295-9
Aly, Y., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Ignition and combustion of
mechanically alloyed Al-Mg powders with customized particle sizes. Combustion and Flame 160 (4) pp. 835-842
Corcoran, A.L.,
Hoffmann, V.K., Dreizin, E.L. Aluminum particle combustion in turbulent
flames Combustion and Flame 160 (3) pp. 718-724 (2013)
Williams, R.A., Patel,
J.V., Ermoline, A., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Correlation of optical emission and pressure generated upon
ignition of fully-dense nanocomposite thermite powders Combustion and Flame 160 (3) pp. 734-741 (2013)
C., Dreizin, E.L. Combustion of micron-sized particles of titanium and
zirconium Proceedings of the Combustion
Institute 34 (2) pp. 2237-2243 (2013)
Zhang, S., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin E.L., Oxidation, ignition and
combustion of Al-hydrocarbon composite reactive powders. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion
11 (4) pp. 353–373 (2012)
Williams, R.A., Schoenitz, M., Ermoline, A.,
Dreizin E.L., On gas release by thermally-initiated fully-dense 2Al·3CuO
nanocomposite powder. International
Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 11 (3) pp. 275–292
C., Dreizin, E.L., On weak effect of particle size on its burn time for
micron-sized aluminum powders. Combustion
Science and Technology 184: 12, pp. 1993-2007 (2012)
Dreizin, E.L., Badiola, C., Zhang, S., Aly, Y., Particle combustion
dynamics of metal-based reactive materials. International
Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion. 10(4) pp. 297-319
Beloni, E., Dreizin E.L., Model of heating and
ignition of conductive polydisperse powder in electrostatic discharge. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 16 (6)
pp. 976-993 (2012)
D., Ermoline, A., and Dreizin E.L., A multi-step
reaction model for ignition of fully-dense Al-CuO
nanocomposite powders. Combustion Theory
and Modelling, 16 (6) pp. 1011-1028 (2012)
Grinshpun, S.A., Adhikari, A., Yermakov, M., Reponen, T.,
Dreizin, E., Schoenitz, M., Hoffmann, V., Zhang, S.
Inactivation of aerosolized Bacillus atrophaeus (BG)
endospores and MS2 viruses by combustion of reactive materials. Environmental Science and Technology 46
(13), pp. 7334-7341 (2012)
Nie, H., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin E.L. Calorimetric investigation of the aluminum–water reaction. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
37(15):11035-11045 (2012)
P.R., Dreizin E.L. Predicting conditions for scaled-up manufacturing of
materials prepared by ball milling. Powder
Technology 221:403–411(2012)
S., Badiola, C., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L. Oxidation, Ignition, and Combustion of Al∙I2
Composite Powders. Combustion and Flame
159:1980–1986 (2012)
Mohan, S., Ermoline, A., Dreizin, E.L., Pyrophoricity of nano-sized
aluminum particles. Journal of Nanoparticle Research
14:723 (2012)
Beloni E., Santhanam, P.R., Dreizin, E.L.
Electrical conductivity of a metal powder struck by a spark. Journal of Electrostatics 70 (1), pp.
157-165 (2012)
R.A., Beloni, E., Dreizin E.L., Ignition of Metal
Powder Layers of Different Thickness by Electrostatic Discharge. Journal of Propulsion and Power 28 (1),
pp. 132-139 (2012)
Ermoline, A., Stamatis, D., Dreizin, E.L.
Low-temperature exothermic reactions in fully dense Al–CuO
nanocomposite powders. Thermochimica Acta 527, pp. 52– 58 (2012)
D., Dreizin, E.L., Higa, K. Thermal initiation of
Al-MoO3 nanocomposite materials prepared by different methods. Journal of Propulsion and Power 27 (5),
pp. 1079-1087 (2011)
Y., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Aluminum-Metal
Reactive Composites. Combustion Science
and Technology 183: 1107–1132 (2011)
Badiola, C., Gill R.J., Dreizin E.L., Combustion
characteristics of micron-sized aluminum particles in oxygenated environments. Combustion and Flame 158: 2064–2070
Beloni, E., Dreizin, E.L. Ignition of Titanium
Powder Layers by Electrostatic Discharge. Combustion
Science and Technology 183: 823–845 (2011)
Ermoline, A., Dreizin, E.L. Equations for the
Cabrera-Mott kinetics of oxidation for spherical nanoparticles. Chemical Physics Letters 505 (1-3), pp.
47-50 (2011)
D., Dreizin, E.L., Thermal initiation of consolidated nanocomposite thermites. Combustion and Flame, 158 (8) pp.
1631–1637 (2011)
Ermoline, A., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L., Reactions leading to ignition in fully dense nanocomposite
Al-oxide systems. Combustion and Flame,
158 (6), pp. 1076–1083 (2011)
Dupiano, P, Stamatis, D., Dreizin, E.L.,
Hydrogen production by reacting water with mechanically milled composite
aluminum-metal oxide powders. International
Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 , pp. 4781 – 4791 (2011)
D., Zhu X., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Redner, P.
Consolidation and mechanical properties of reactive nanocomposite powders. Powder
Technology 208, pp. 637–642 (2011)
X., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L. Oxidation of
Aluminum Particles in Mixed CO2/H2O Atmospheres. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114,
18925–18930 (2010)
Ermoline A., Aly Y., Trunov
M.A., Schoenitz M., Dreizin E.L., Preparation and
Characterization of Granular Hybrid Reactive Materials. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical
Propulsion 9(3), pp. 267–284 (2010)
R.J., Badiola, C., Dreizin, E.L., Combustion Times
and Emission Profiles of Micron-Sized Aluminum Particles Burning in Different
Environments. Combustion and Flame, 157 (11) 2010, pp. 2015-2023 (2010)
S., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Iodine Release,
Oxidation, and Ignition of Mechanically Alloyed Al−I Composites. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114
(46), pp 19653–19659 (2010)
L.J., Schoenitz, M. Dreizin, E.L., Dave, R.N.,
Johnson, C.E. The effect of surface modification of aluminum powder on its
flowability, combustion and reactivity. Powder
Technology 204, pp. 63–70 (2010)
M., Patel, B., Agboh, O., Dreizin, E.L., Oxidation of aluminum powders at high
heating rates. Thermochimica Acta 507–508, pp. 115–122 (2010)
S.A., Li, C., Adhikari, A., Yermakov, M., Reponen, T., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin, E., Hoffmann, V., Trunov, M., Method for
Studying Survival of Airborne Viable Microorganisms in Combustion Environments:
Development and Evaluation. Aerosol and
Air Quality Research, 10, pp. 414–424 (2010)
S.A., Adhikari A. Li, C., Reponen T., Yermakov, M. Schoenitz M.,
Dreizin, E., Trunov, M., Mohan, S., Thermal
inactivation of airborne viable Bacillus subtilis spores by short-term exposure
in axially heated air flow. Journal of
Aerosol Science 41, 352–363 (2010)
Zhang S., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L., Mechanically alloyed Al–I composite materials. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
71, pp. 1213–1220 (2010)
P.R., Hoffmann, V.K., Trunov, M.A., Dreizin E.L.,
Characteristics of aluminum combustion obtained from constant volume explosion
experiments. Combustion Science and
Technology, 182, pp. 904-921 (2010)
Stamatis, D., Jiang,
X., Beloni, E., Dreizin E.L. Aluminum Burn Rate Modifiers Based on
Reactive Nanocomposite Powders. Propellants
Explosives and Pyrotechnics, 35, pp. 260 – 267 (2010)
S., Furet, L., Dreizin E.L., Aluminum particle ignition in different oxidizing
environments. Combustion and Flame,
157 pp. 1356–1363 (2010)
Beloni, E., Dreizin, E.L., Ignition of aluminum
powders by electro-static discharge. Combustion
and Flame, 157 pp. 1346–1355 (2010)
S.L., Aly, Y. Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L.,
Characterization of fine aluminum powder coated with nickel as a potential fuel
additive. Journal of Propulsion and Power,
26 (3) pp. 454-460 (2010)
C., Schoenitz, M., Zhu, X., Dreizin, E.L.
“Nanocomposite thermite powders prepared by cryomilling,”
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 488
pp. 386–391 (2009)
Mohan, S., Trunov, M.A., Dreizin, E.L. “On possibility of vapor-phase
combustion for fine aluminum particles.” Combustion
and Flame 156 (11) pp. 2213–2216
Gill, R.J., Mohan, S., Dreizin, E.L.
“Sizing and Burn Time Measurements of Micron-Sized Metal Powders.” Review
of Scientific Instruments 80, 064101-1 – 064101-7 (2009)
E., Dreizin, E.L. “Experimental study of ignition of magnesium powder by
electro-static discharge.” Combustion and
Flame 156 (7) pp. 1386–1395 (2009)
Jiang, X., Trunov
M.A., Schoenitz M., Dave, R.N., Dreizin, E.L.
“Mechanical alloying and reactive milling in a high energy planetary
mill.” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 478, pp. 246–251 (2009)
Zhu X., Schoenitz M., Dreizin, E.L. “Aluminum Powder Oxidation in
CO2 and Mixed CO2/O2 Environments.” Journal
of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (16), pp 6768–6773 (2009)
M., Chen, C-M., Dreizin, E.L. “Oxidation of Aluminum Particles in the Presence
of Water.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B,
113 (15), pp 5136–5140 (2009)
E.L. “Metal-based reactive nanomaterials.”
Progress in Energy and Combustion
Science. 35, pp. 141 – 167 (2009)
D., Jiang, Z., Hoffmann, V.K., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin, E.L. “Fully dense, aluminum-rich Al-CuO
nanocomposite powders for energetic formulations.” Combustion
Science and Technology 181 (1), pp. 97-116 (2009)
S.M., Chen C-M., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin E.L. “On
problems of isoconversion data processing for
reactions in Al-rich Al–MoO3 thermites.” Thermochimica Acta 477 (1-2), pp. 1 – 6 (2008)
E., Hoffmann V. K., Dreizin E. L. “Combustion of Decane-Based
Slurries with Metallic Fuel Additives” Journal
of Propulsion And Power 24(6) pp. 1403
-1411 (2008)
S., Trunov, M.A., Dreizin E.L. “Heating and Ignition
of Metal Particles in the Transition Heat Transfer Regime” Journal of Heat Transfer 130, pp. 104505-1 – 105505-52008 (2008)
M.A., Hoffmann, V.K., Schoenitz, M., and Dreizin E.L.
“Combustion of Boron-Titanium Nanocomposite Powders in Different Environments” Journal of Propulsion and Power 24 (2)
pp. 184-191 (2008)
S.M., Seshadri, S., Schoenitz, M., Hoffmann, V.K.,
and Dreizin E.L. “Aluminum-Rich Al-MoO3 Nanocomposite Powders
Prepared by Arrested Reactive Milling” Journal
of Propulsion and Power 24 (2) pp. 192 – 198 (2008)
Mohan, S., Trunov, M.A., and Dreizin E.L. “Heating and Ignition of
Metallic Particles by a CO2 Laser” Journal of Propulsion and Power 24 (2) pp. 199 – 205 (2008)
M., Umbrajkar S., and Dreizin E.L. “Kinetic
Analysis of Thermite Reactions in Al–MoO3 Nanocomposites” Journal of Propulsion and Power 23 (4)
pp. 683 – 687 (2007)
T., Glumac, N., Krier, H.,
Ward, T.S., Schoenitz, M., and Dreizin, E.L.,
“Reflected Shock Ignition and Combustion of Aluminum and Nanocomposite Thermite
Powders” Combustion Science and
Technology, 179, pp.457–476 (2007)
Umbrajkar, S.M.., Broad, R., Trunov, M.A.., Schoenitz, M.,
Dreizin E.L., “Arrested Reactive Milling Synthesis and Characterization of
Sodium-Nitrate Based Reactive Composites” Propellants
Explosives and Pyrotechnics, 32 (1), pp. 32-41 (2007)
Zhu, X., Schoentiz,
M., Dreizin E.L., “Mechanically Alloyed Al-Li Powders” Journal of Alloys and Compounds 432, pp. 111-117 (2007)
Umbrajkar, S.M., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin E.L., “Exothermic reactions in Al-CuO nanocomposites” Thermochimica Acta
451, pp., 34-43 (2006)
Umbrajkar, S.M., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., Control of Structural
Refinement and Composition in Al-MoO3 Nanocomposites Prepared by
Arrested Reactive Milling Propellants
Explosives and Pyrotechnics, 31(5), pp. 382-389 (2006)
X., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., “Oxidation Behavior
of Al-Rich Al-Ti Mechanical Alloys” Oxidation
of Metals, 65(5/6) 357-376 (2006)
T.S., Trunov, M.A., Schoentiz,
M., Dreizin, E.L., “Experimental Methodology and Heat Transfer Model for
Identification of Ignition Kinetics of Powdered Fuels” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 49 (25-26), pp.
4943-4954 (2006)
M.A., Umbrajkar, S.M., Schoenitz,
M. Mang, J.T., Dreizin, E.L. "Oxidation and
Melting of Aluminum Nanopowders" Journal
of Physical Chemistry B, 110(26), pp. 13094-13099 (2006)
M.A., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L., “Effect of
Polymorphic Phase Transformations in Alumina Layer on Ignition of Aluminum
Particles” Combustion Theory and
Modeling, 10 (4) pp. 603-624 (2006)
Y.L., Dreizin, E.L., “Particle combustion rates for mechanically alloyed Al–Ti
and aluminum powders burning in air” Combustion
and Flame 145 (4) pp. 714-722 (2006)
Shoshin, Y.L., Trunov,
M.A., Zhu, X., Schoenitz, M., and Dreizin, E.L.,
“Ignition of aluminum-rich Al–Ti mechanical alloys in air” Combustion and Flame 144 (4) pp. 688–697 (2006)
Ermoline A., Schoenitz,
M., Dreizin, E.L., “High Temperature Phase Equilibria in the System Zr-O-N” Journal of Materials Research, 21 (2),
pp. 320 - 228 (2006)
W., Schoenitz, M., Ward, T.S., Dave, R.N., and
Dreizin, E.L., “Numerical Simulation of Mechanical Alloying in a Shaker Mill by
Discrete Element Method” KONA Powder and
Particle No 23 pp.152 -162 (2005)
S. M., Schoenitz, M., Jones, S.R., and Dreizin, E.L.,
“Effect of Temperature on Synthesis and Properties of Aluminum-Magnesium
Mechanical Alloys” Journal of Alloys and
Compounds, V. 40 No 1-2, pp. 70-77, 2005
M., Zhu, X., Dreizin, E.L., “Carbide Formation in Al-Ti Mechanical Alloys” Scripta Materialia,
53(9), pp. 1095-1099 (2005)
Ward, T.S., Chen, W., Schoenitz,
M., Dave, R.N., Dreizin, E.L., “A study of mechanical alloying processes using
reactive milling and discrete element modeling” Acta Materialia
53, pp. 2909–2918 (2005)
Trunov, M.A., Schoenitz,
M., Zhu, X., Dreizin, E.L., “Effect of Polymorphic Phase Transformations In Al2O3
Film on Oxidation Kinetics of Aluminum Powders” Combustion and Flame, V. 140 No 4, pp. 310-318 (2005)
M.A., Schoenitz, M., and Dreizin, E.L., “Ignition of
Aluminum Powders under Different Experimental Conditions” Propellants Explosives and Pyrotechnics, V. 40, No 1, pp. 36-43
Schoenitz, M., Ward, T.S., and Dreizin, E.L., “Fully Dense
Nano-Composite Energetic Powders Prepared By Arrested Reactive Milling” Proceedings of The Combustion Institute
30 pp. 2071-2078 (2005) link to manuscript
Ermoline, A., Schoenitz,
M., Hoffmann, V.K., and Dreizin, E.L., “Experimental Technique for Studying
High-Temperature Phases in Reactive Molten Metal Based Systems” Review of Scientific Instruments V. 75
No. 12, pp. 5177-5185 (2004)
M., and Dreizin, E.L., “Oxidation Processes and Phase Changes in Metastable
Al-Mg Alloys” Journal of Propulsion and
Power V. 20, No. 6, pp. 1064-1068 (2004)
Y.L., Dreizin, E.L., “Laminar Lifted Flame Speed Measurements for Aerosols of
Metals and Mechanical Alloys” AIAA
Journal, V. 42, No. 7, pp.1416-1426 (2004)
M., Zhu, X., and Dreizin, E.L. “Mechanical Alloys in the Al-rich Part of the
Al-Ti Binary System” Journal of
Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials, Vols. 20-21, pp. 455-461 (2004)
B. Z., Hoffmann V. K., Schoenitz M., Dreizin E. L.,
“Combustion of Aerosolized Spherical Aluminum Powders And Flakes In Air” Combustion Science and Technology, 176
(7): 1055-1069 (2004)
M., Ward T., and Dreizin E.L. “Preparation of Energetic Metastable
Nano-Composite Materials by Arrested Reactive Milling,” Materials Research Society Proceedings, V. 800, pp: AA2.6.1-AA2.6.6
Zhu, X., Schoenitz,
M., and Dreizin, E.L., “Oxidation Processes and Phase Changes in Metastable
Al-Ti Mechanical Alloys” Materials
Research Society Proceedings, V. 800, pp: AA3.4.1-AA3.4.6 (2004)
E.L., "Effect of Phase Changes on Metal Particle Combustion
Processes" Combustion Explosion and Shock Waves, 39 (6):92-96
Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L.,
"Structure and Properties of Al-Mg Mechanical Alloys" Journal of Materials
Research 18(8): 1827-1836 (2003)
Shoshin, Y., and Dreizin, E., "Particle
Combustion Rates in Premixed Flames of Polydisperse Metal – Air Aerosols" Combustion
and Flame, 133:275-287 (2003)
Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E.L.,
and Shtessel, E., "Constant Volume Explosions of
Aerosols of Metallic Mechanical Alloys and Powder Blends" Journal of
Propulsion and Power, 19(3): 405-412 (2003)
E.L., Shoshin, Y.L., Murdyy,
R.S., and Hoffmann, V.K., "Constant pressure flames of aluminum and
aluminum-magnesium mechanical alloy aerosols in microgravity" Combustion
and Flame 130:381–385 (2002)
A., Schoenitz, M., Dreizin, E., and Yao N.,
"Production of carbon-coated aluminium
nanopowders in pulsed microarc discharge" Nanotechnology 13:638–643
Y., and Dreizin, E., "Production of well-controlled laminar aerosol jets
and their application for studying aerosol combustion processes" Aerosol
Science and Technology 36:953-962 (2002)
Thipse, S.S., Schoenitz,
M., and Dreizin, E.L., "Morphology and composition of the fly ash
particles produced in incineration of municipal solid waste" Fuel
Processing Technology 75:173-184 (2002)
Shoshin, Y.L., Mudryy,
R., S., and Dreizin, E.L., "Preparation and Characterization of Energetic
Al-Mg Mechanical Alloy Powders" Combustion and Flame 128:259 -269
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in products of incineration of municipal solid waste" Chemosphere
46:837 -849(2002)
Thipse, S. S., Sheng, C., Booty, M.R., Magee,
R.S., and Dreizin, E.L., "Synthetic fuel for imitation of municipal solid
waste in experimental studies of waste incineration" Chemosphere
44(5):1071 - 1077 (2001)
S., Dreizin, E.L., and Law, C.K., "Combustion of Aluminum Particles in
Carbon Dioxide" Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 164:209 -
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E.L., and Hoffmann, V.K., "Experiments on magnesium aerosol combustion in
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E.L., Berman, C.H., and Vicenzi, E.P.,
"Condensed-phase modifications in magnesium particle combustion in
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E.L., "Phase Changes in Metal Combustion" Progress in Energy and
Combustion Science, 26 (1): 57-78 (2000)
E.L., Hoffmann V.K., Vicenzi, E.P., "High
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E.L., Keil, D.G.., Felder, W., and Vicenzi, E.P.,
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E.L., Hoffmann V.K., "Constant Pressure Combustion of Aerosol of Coarse
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E.L., "On the Mechanism of Asymmetric Aluminum Particle Combustion", Combustion
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E.L., "Experimental Study of Aluminum Particle Flame Evolution in Normal
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E.L., Suslov, A.V., and Trunov, M.A., "General
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Dreizin, E.L., Suslov, A.V., and Trunov,
M.A., "Aerodynamic Resistance to the Movement of High-Temperature Metal
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Dreizin, E.L., Suslov, A.V., and Trunov,
M.A., "Study of Combustion of Monodisperse Metallic Particles Produced by
an Impulse Arc," Combustion, Explosions, and Shock Waves 4, 394
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