English 640: Health Communication


Professor Norbert Elliot
Professor W. Patrick Beaton

Course Description

This seminar will focus on the use of communication strategies to inform and influence individual and community decisions regarding health. The seminar will focus on the following contexts of health: the multidimensional nature of health communication; understanding empirical research in health communication; behavioral theories in health communication; rhetorical theories in health communication; legal and ethical concerns in health communication; the communication of risk and uncertainty; and the design of health campaigns. Students will be required (a) to research and prepare a health communication strategy for use in a specific context and (b) to design an accompanying print or hypertext document to be used that context.


Students must have graduate standing and are usually enrolled in the PTC Certificate or the MS in PTC. If you are not in these categories, permission of the instructor is required.


Gary L. Kreps and Barbara C. Thornton. Health Communication: Theory and Practice. 2nd ed. Long Grove, IL: Waveland P, 1992.

Edward W. Maiback and Roxanne Louiselle Parrot. Eds. Designing Health Messages: Approaches from Communication Theory and Public Health Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage P, 1995.

Ronald E. Rice and James E. Katz, eds. The Internet and Health Communication: Experiences and Expectations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2001.


Norbert Elliot and W. Patrick Beaton. Health Communication. NJIT: 2005.

Titles of Lectures:

1. Health Communication: An Introduction
2. Introduction to Empirical Research: A Conceptual Review Related to Health Communication
3. Overview of Analytic Techniques: Inquiry in Health Communication
4. Research Design: Understanding Processes of Validation in Health Communication
5. Data Generation: Understanding Types of Information in Health Communication
6. Introduction to Behavioral Theory: In the Context of Health Communication
7. Explanatory Theories in Health Behavior: The Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior
8. Clinical Theory of Health Behavior: A Transtheoretical Model-Stages of Change
9. Theories Useful to Health Studies: Health Belief and Social Cognition Theory
10. Introduction to Rhetorical Theory: In the Context of Health Communication
11. Ethical Concerns in Health Communication: Lessons from Philosophy
12. Communication of Risk and Uncertainty: Towards a Scientific Understanding
13. Analyzing Case Studies in Health Communication: Interpretative Techniques
14. Preparing the Project Proposal in Health Communication: Presenting an Argument
15. Preparing the Final Report in Health Communication: A Statement of Work Accomplished


Assignment 1: Understanding and Applying Models of the Multidimensional Nature of Health Communication (5 pts)
Assignment 2: Critical Reading of an Empirical Article in Health Communication (5 pts)
Assignment 3: Understanding and Applying Behavioral Theory in Context (5 pts)
Assignment 4: Using Rhetorical Theory to Understand a Health Communication Transaction (5 pts)
Assignment 5: The Ethics of Audience Analysis in Health Communication (5 pts)
Assignment 6: Critical Reading of an Article on the Communication of Risk in Health (5 pts)
Assignment 7: Statement of Project Intent Due. (The student's Statement of Project Intent is to incorporate the information provided in Weeks 1-6 in order to research and prepare a proposed health communication strategy for a specified context. In addition, the student is to identify one print document (e.g., an informed consent document or a brochure) or hypertext document (e.g., a website or a section of a website) to be used in the specified setting. The print or hypertext document-along with the completed health communication strategy that determines its use-will be due at the conclusion of the course. (15 pts)
Assignment 8: Case Study Analysis-Group Discussion and Individual Analysis (10 pts)
Assignment 9: Case Study Analysis-Group Discussion and Individual Analysis (10 pts)
Assignment 10: Case Study Analysis-Group Discussion and Individual Analysis (10 pts)
Assignment 11: Final Project Due to Seminar for Peer Comment and Revision (The student's Final Project-proposed in Week 7 as the Statement of Project Intent and deepened in Weeks 8-12 through the case studies-will include a researched health communication strategy and a print or hypertext document to be used in context.) (5 pts)
Assignment 12: Final Project Due to Instructor (20 pts)

The final grade will be based on your cumulative effort in the course; that is, your grade will be based on your improvement, not solely on a sum of grades.


(Below is a sample syllabus. While the basic elements of the course remain consistent across semesters, elements of the course change. For distance learning courses, the final syllabus is provided on the WebCT site.)

Part I: Design-A Framework for Health Communication

Week 1

Topic: The Multidimensional Nature of Health Communication

Objective: To enable students to understand the complex interaction of literacy and health within texts, media, and the internet

Streamed Audio/PowerPoint Lecture 1: A Stakeholder Analysis of Health Communication-Theory and Practice in the 21st Century (Elliot)


Kim Witte and Gary Mayer. "Bringing Order to Chaos: Communication and Health." Communication Studies 47.3 (1996): 229-242.

J. Gregory Payne and Skye K. Schulte. "Mass Media, Public Health, and Achieving Health Literacy." Journal of Health Communication 834 (2003): 124-125.

Sally J. McMillan. "Health Communication and the Internet: Relations Between Interactive Characteristics of the Medium and Site Creators, Content, and Purpose," Health Communication 11 (1999): 375-390.

Rima Rudd et al. Literacy and Health in America. Princeton: ETS, 2004.

Roxanne Louisville Parrot. "Motivation to Attend Health Messages: Presentation of Content and Linguistic Considerations." Maiback and Parrot 7-23.

John McGrath. "The Gatekeeping Process: The Right Combination to Unlock the Gates." Maiback and Parrot 199-216.

Ronald E. Rice. "The Internet and Health Communication: A Framework of Experiences." Rice 5-46.

Roxanne Louisville Parrot, et al. "Enabling Health: Policy and Practices at a Crossroads." Maiback and Parrot 270-283.

Gary L. Kreps and Barbara C. Thornton. "Communication and Health Care." 1-10.

Gary L. Kreps and Barbara C. Thornton. "Health Communication Processes and Theories." 13-40.

Assignment 1: Understanding and Applying Models of the Multidimensional Nature of Health Communication (5 pts)

Week 2

Topic: Understanding Empirical Research in Health Communication

Objective: To provide basic concepts of empirical research (e.g., sampling plans, variable construction, instrument design, and information analysis) so that students can begin to read critically the research that informs health communication practices.

Streamed Audio/PowerPoint Lecture 2: Towards a Behavioral Model for Health Communication-Design, Execution, and Analysis (Beaton)


M. K. Paache-Orlow, H. A. Taylor, F. L. Brancati. "Readability Standards for Informed-Consent Forms as Compared with Actual Readability." New England Journal of Medicine 348.8 (2003) 721-726.

R. M. Parker, D. W. Baker, and M. V. Williams." The Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults: A New Instrument for Measuring Patients' Literacy Skills." Journal of General Internal Medicine 10.10 (1995): 537-541.

Raja Najem, Sharique Aslam , Amy Davidow, and Norbert Elliot. "Youth Homicide and Racial disparities: Gender, Years, and Cause." Journal of the National Medical Association 2004 96(4): 558-66.

U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy People 2010: Understanding and Improving Health. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: GPO, 2000.

Michael D. Slater. "Choosing Audience Segmentation Strategies and Methods for Health Communication." Maiback and Parrot 186-198.

Assignment 2: Critical Reading of an Empirical Article in Health Communication (5 pts)

Week 3

Topic: Behavioral Theories and Context in Health Communication

Objective: To introduce behavioral theory, with special attention to the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Theory of Planned Behavior, so that students may better understand basic principles of health education

Streamed Audio/PowerPoint Lecture 3: A Theory of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior (Beaton)


Martin Fishbein. "AIDS and Behavior Change: An Analysis Based on the Theory of Reasoned Action." Interamerican Journal of Psychology 24.1 (1990): 37-56.

Icek Ajzen. "The Theory of Planned Behavior." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 50 (1991): 179-211.

Michael D. Slater. "Integrating Application of Media Effects, Persuasion, and Behavior Change Theories to Communication Campaigns: A Stage-of-Change Framework." Health Communication 11.4 (1999): 335-354.

Karen Glanz, et al. "The Scope of Health Communication and Health Education." Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997. 3-18.

Karen Glanz, et al. "Linking Theory, Research, and Practice." Health Behavior and Health Education: Theory, Research, and Practice. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1997. 19-35.

Edward W. Maibach and David Cotton. "Motivating People to Behavior Change: A Staged Social Cognitive Approach to Message Design." Maibach and Parrot 41-64.

Michael Pfau. "Designing Messages for Behavioral Inoculation." Maiback and Parrot 99-113.

Gary L. Kreps and Barbara C. Thornton. "The Interpersonal Health Communication Context." 41-64.

Gary L. Kreps and Barbara C. Thornton. "Group Communication in Health Care." 65-90.

Gary L. Kreps and Barbara C. Thornton. "Organizational Communication in Health Care." 91-118.

Gary L. Kreps and Barbara C. Thornton. "Culture and Health Communication." 157-178.

Assignment 3: Understanding and Applying Behavioral Theory in Context (5 pts)

Week 4

Topic: Rhetorical Theories in Health Communication

Objective: To introduce rhetorical theory, with special attention to the Dramatic Pentad and Narrative Theory, so that students may analyze health messages within a language-oriented framework.

Streamed Audio/PowerPoint Lecture 4: Theories of Communication Processes, Theories of Communication Contexts (Elliot)


Robert Wade Kenny. "Toward a Better Death: Applying Burkean Principles of Symbolic Action to Interpret Family Adaptation to Karen Ann Quinlan's coma. Health Communication 13.4 (2001) 363-384.

Laura L. Ellingson and Patrice M. Buzzanell. "Listening to Women's Narratives of Breast Cancer Treatment: A Feminist Approach to Patients." Health Communication 11.2 (1999): 153-174.

Kim Witte. "Fishing for Success: Using the Persuasive Health Message Framework to Generate Effective Campaign Messages." Maiback and Parrot. 145-166.

Assignment 4: Using Rhetorical Theory to Understand a Health Communication Transaction (5 pts)

Week 5

Topic: Legal and Ethical Concerns in Health Communication

Objective: To introduce complexities of legal and ethical concerns in health communication and to provide a philosophical framework for analysis of these complexities

Streamed Audio/PowerPoint Lecture 5: Utilitarianism, Kantianism, and Social Justice Theory-From Law, Codes, and the Ethical Impulse (Elliot)


Scott C. Ratzan. "Editorial: Health Communication Ethics." Journal of Health Communication 3.4 (1998): 291-295.

Mary Abrums. "'Jesus Will Fix it After Awhile': Meanings and Health." Social Science and Medicine 50 (2000): 89-105.

Roxanne Parrot. Special Issue: The Role of Spirituality in Health Communication. Health Communication 16.1 (2004).

Gary L. Kreps and Barbara C. Thornton. "Ethical Communication in Health Care" 179-194.

Assignment 5: The Ethics of Audience Analysis in Health Communication (5 pts)

Week 6

Topic: The Communication of Risk and Uncertainty

Objective: To provide basic concepts of risk and uncertainty (e.g., the ability to explain expert opinion in a variety of ways to a variety of audiences) so that students can begin to read critically the research that informs health communication practices.

Streamed Audio/PowerPoint Lecture 6: Translating Expert Knowledge to Lay Audiences (Beaton)


Beverly Sauer. "Embodied Knowledge: The Textual Representation of Embodied Sensory Information in a Dynamic and Uncertain Environment." Written Communication 15 (1998): 131-69.

Beverly Sauer. "Communicating Risk in a Cross-cultural Context: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Rhetorical and Social Understandings in U.S. and British Mine Safety Training Programs. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 10.3 (1996): 306-329.

Robert J. Griffin and Sharon Dunwoody. "The Relation of Communication to Risk Judgment and Preventative Behavior Related to Lead in Tap Water." Health Communication 12.1 (2000): 81-107.

Richard C. Rich, Robert J. Griffin, and Sharon M. Friedman. "The Challenge of Risk Communication in a Democracy." RISK: Health, Safety and Environment 10 (1999): 189-196.

Steven B. Katz and Carolyn R Miller. "The Low-Level Radioactive Waste Siting Controversy in North Carolina: Toward a Rhetorical Model of Risk Communication." Green Culture: Environmental Rhetoric in Contemporary America. Eds. Carl G. Herndl and Stuart Brown. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1996. 111-140.

John Opie and Norbert Elliot. "The Rhetorical Character of American Environmental Advocacy." In The Symbolic Earth: Discourse and Our Creation of the Environment. Ed. James Cantrill and Christine Oravec. University Press of Kentucky, 1996. 9-37.

David R. Holtgrave et al. "Encouraging Risk Reduction: A Decision-Making Approach to Message Design." Maiback and Parrot 24-41.

Assignment 6: Critical Reading of an Article on the Communication of Risk in Health (5 pts)

Week 7

Topic: Preparing the Seminar Project Proposal

Objective: To enable students to write a researched project proposal, a skill useful both within and beyond the seminar.

Streamed Audio/PowerPoint Lecture 7: The Seminar Project Proposal (Elliot)

Assignment 7: Statement of Project Intent Due. (The student's Statement of Project Intent is to incorporate the information provided in Weeks 1-6 in order to research and prepare a proposed health communication strategy for a specified context. In addition, the student is to identify one print document (e.g., an informed consent document or a brochure) or hypertext document (e.g., a website or a section of a website) to be used in the specified setting. The print or hypertext document-along with the completed health communication strategy that determines its use-will be due at the conclusion of the course. (15 pts)

Part II: Analysis-Case Studies in Health Communication:Public and Corporate Campaigns; Clinical Trials

(Note: The cases may change to include examples of other types of health campaigns [e.g., campaigns conducted by non-profit organizations].)

Week 8

Topic: Case Study Research in Health Communication-How to Perform an Analysis

Objective: To introduce methods of case study analysis so that students may critically evaluate past and present examples of health communication in context

Streamed Audio/PowerPoint Lecture 8: Analyzing Case Studies in Health Communication (Elliot)

Background Reading:

Paul M. Swiercz. SWIF Learning: A Guide to Student Written, Instructor Facilitated Case Writing. New York: Houghton Mifflin 2004.

Topic: The Design of Public Health Campaigns

Objective: To enable students to evaluate the design of public health campaigns

Case: America Responds to AIDS (1987-1990); Medicare.gov (Present)

Readings on the Design of Public Health Campaigns:

D. R. Woods, D. Davis D, and B. J. Westover. " 'America Responds to AIDS'-Its Content, Development Process, and Outcome." Public Health Reports 106.6 (1991): 616-22.

Glen J. Nowak and Michael J. Siska. "Using Research to Inform Campaign Development and Message Design: Examples from the "America Responds to AIDS" Campaign." Mailback and Parrot. 169-185

Sid J. Schneider, et al. "Evaluating a Federal Health-Related Website: A Multimethod Perspective on Medicare.gov." Rice 167-188

R. E. Rice. "The Internet and Health Communication: A Framework of Experiences." Rice 5-46.

Philip M. Napoli. "Consumer Use of Medical Information from Electronic and Paper Media: A Literature Review." Rice 79-98.

Philio Aspden et al. " Use of the Internet for Professional Purposes: A Study of New Jersey Physicians." Rice 107-120.

Cynthia Bauer, et al. "ehealth: Federal Issues and Approaches." Rice 355-384.

Week 9

Assignment 8: Case Study Analysis-Group Discussion and Individual Analysis (10 pts)

Week 10

Topic: The Design of Corporate Campaigns for Pharmaceuticals and Health-Related Products

Objective: To enable students to evaluate the design of corporate health campaigns

Case: AstraZenica-Nexium

Readings on the Design of Corporate Health Campaigns:

Tobi Elkin. "Web Ads Convey Nexium Attributes." Advertising Age 15 Aug. 2003: 8.

Rich Thomaselli and Tobi Elkin. "Pills with Own Web Pages Key to Marketing." Advertising Age 12 May 2003: 62.

Jennifer J. Preece and Kambiz Ghozati. "Experiencing Empathy On-Line." Rice 237-261.

Week 11

Assignment 9: Case Study Analysis-Group Discussion and Individual Analysis (10 pts)

Week 12

Topic: Documenting Clinical Trials

Objective: To enable students to evaluate the practice of communication in a clinical trial setting

Case: The Salk Polio Vaccine Trial (1954); The Johns Hopkins Asthma Study (2001)

Readings on communication in a clinical trial setting:

Liza Dawson. "The Salk Polio Vaccine Trial of 1954: Risks, Randomization, and Public Involvement in Research." Clinical Trials: Journal of the Society for Clinical Trials 1.1 (2004): 122-130.

Clinicaltrials.gov: A Service of the National Institutes of Health.

P. Smaglak. "Asthma Study Death Spurs Inquiry." Nature 21 June 2001: 873.

J Savulescu and M Spriggs. " The Hexamethonium Asthma Study and the Death of a Normal Volunteer in Research." Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (2002): 3-4.

Charles H. Grant, et al. "Patients' Processes of Physicians Communication and Outcomes of the Accrual to Trial Process." Health Communication 12.1 (2000): 23-39.

Week 13

Assignment 10: Case Study Analysis-Group Discussion and Individual Analysis (10 pts)

Part III: Application-Student Projects in Health Communication

Week 14

Topic: The Final Project and the Final Print or Hypertext Document

Objective: To ensure that students are able to craft a researched health communication strategy for a specific context and a print or hypertext document to be used within that context. Week 14 focuses on peer review to ensure that students are able (a) to critically review each other's work according to specific criteria and (b) to make suggested revisions before the expert review of the instructor.

Streamed Audio/PowerPoint Lecture 9: Presenting the Final Project (Elliot)

Assignment 11: Final Project Due to Seminar for Peer Comment and Revision (The student's Final Project-proposed in Week 7 as the Statement of Project Intent and deepened in Weeks 8-12 through the case studies-will include a researched health communication strategy and a print or hypertext document to be used in context.) (5 pts)

Week 15

Assignment 12: Final Project Due to Instructor (20 pts)