Problem Solutions

To help non-vegeterian people finding a good diet plan in which they can get the same amount of proteins , vitamins and carbs without harming other animals here is a healthy vegan diet:

 The diet logo

1. Iron : It plays a key role in the production of red blood cells. These cells help carry oxygen throughout your body. Good sources of iron include beans, broccoli, raisins, wheat, and tofu. Iron-fortified cereals also are a good source.

2. Protein: People can get protein from nuts, peanut butter, seeds, grains, and legumes.Non-animal products like tofu and soymilk also provide protein. rice and beans or corn and beans also provide enough protein.

3. Calcium: Soybeans and dark leafy greens, like broccoli, bok choy, and kale contain calcium. You also can drink fortified soymilk and juices.

4. Vitamin D: soymilk, rice milk, and some cereals help getting enough vitamin D for your system.

Stop animal abuse:

 The animal logo

It is very important to start bringing awareness in people how important it is to think about animals and their lives. Animals are also living beings just like human beings. As human beings, it is our responsibility to save animals and do as much as we can to save animals. It is very big responsibilty and it can take time.As you read this, another innocent animal is being abused, neglected or forced to fight. The first step to creating positive change for these animals is recognizing the cruelty that threatens them.To start at small steps , we can start it by filling out the petition to save animals. We come across many petitions everyday but this petition will start taking votes on how many people would like to stop animal cruelty and to stop the use of animals in their food. It will start from just one area, and then it will go further in other areas! It is certain that there are many people like you who want to make changes by stopping the animal abuse, but they are not able to do it because they think they are the only one and they won't be able to make any changes. So, if you want to make changes to the world by saving animals , please kindly contact us by filling out the form on our contact page. Your one vote can save from being getting abused and killed. Think about it!

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