--   This is an introduction to objects in Oracle.

create type address_type as object(
    street varchar2(10),
    zip    number(5))

create type person_t as object (
    name      varchar2(10),
    address   address_type,                   -- SEE ABOVE
    birthyear number,
    member    function age(empid in number) return number, 
    -- ^^^ method header
    pragma    restrict_references(age, WNDS)  -- This  means
)                                            -- Don't let it change the DB!!

-- Write No Database State.
-- Note:  You can only use a method in a SELECT statement if it is WNDS.
-- There is also RNDS.  That means:  No queries allowed.
-- The method implementation comes at the end.

-- Member procedures are also possible.

create table employees (
    person      person_t,    -- defined above
    employeeid  number(4)

insert into employees values
    (person_t('Jones',                -- use type as constructor
	      address_type('123 Main', 07102),    -- nested constructor

insert into employees values
	      address_type('43 Elm', 07112),

-- The following shows you your objects.

select * from user_objects

-- Now we can define select statements for an object.

select * from employees

select c.person.name --table/column/field in object
from employees c

select c.person.address.street  -- table/column/field/nested field
from employees c

select c.person.address  -- table/column/field
from employees c

select c.person.name, c.person.address.street 
from employees c
where c.person.name = 'Jones'

-- Now write the method!
-- The following works only in 2016.
-- At the end is a "year safe" method.

create or replace type body person_t as
   member function age(empid in number) 
   return number is
      diff employees.person.birthyear%type;  -- The variable "diff" 
                                       -- is the same type as the
                                       -- column birthyear in
                                       -- table employees !!
      cursor joe is
         (select e.person.birthyear
         from employees e
         where e.employeeid = empid);
      open joe;
      fetch joe into diff;  -- Get birthyear
      diff := 2016 - diff;  -- Compute age
      close joe;
      return diff;  -- Return age

-- Now use the method in a select statement. 

select c.employeeid, c.person.birthyear,
       c.person.age(c.employeeid) from employees c

select c.person.age(4413) from employees c

select c.person.age(4413) from employees c where c.employeeid=4413

select c.person.age(4412) from employees c where c.employeeid=4412

select c.person.age(4411) from employees c where c.employeeid=4411

select unique c.person.age(4413) from employees c
select distinct c.person.age(4413) from employees c

-- We need the unique, because really, this is executed
-- once for every row of the table...

-- If that seems strange, remember what this does:
-- select 3*4 from employees;

-- We have achieved what we wanted.  
-- We have written a method.
-- Used in a select statement.

select c.employeeid, c.person.age(c.employeeid) from employees c   -- shows all correctly

-- ------------------------

-- Now inheritance

-- Here is a class.
-- It is meant to describe people at a university.

create type parenttype as object
( name        varchar2(50),
  description varchar2(1000),
  id          number(2)

-- NOT FINAL means it can have children.  It's not a leaf.
-- NOT INSTANTIABLE means that you cannot create instances.

-- If you leave out the NOT FINAL you get a compiler error.
Because if you cannot create instances AND you cannot create
children the type is useless.
-- If you leave out the NOT INSTANTIABLE, that compiles correctly.
Because you CAN create children for a type that has instances.

-- Here is a subclass.

create type childtype UNDER parenttype
(department varchar2(20)

-- Note: overriding is not permitted in inheritance

[First surprise.  When I created a grandchild type
I got an error message.  And YET it created the grandchild type.]

create type grandchildtype UNDER childtype
(specialization varchar2(20))

-- Here is a table with subclass data.
create table inheri (oneobj childtype)

-- Now we insert data.

insert into inheri values (childtype('tom','teacher',12, 'cs')

create table inherit2 (oneobj grandchildtype)

insert into inherit2 values (grandchildtype('joe','teacher',12, 'cs', 'AI')

select * from inheri
select * from inherit2

You can use constructors in WHERE of SELECT
You can use constructors in SET and in WHERE of UPDATE
You can use triggers with objects in tables.

-- Object constructor in where clause

select c.person.name, c.person.address, c.person.zip
from employees c
where c.person.address = ADDRESS_TYPE('123 Main', 7102);

-- Update of an object column

update employees c
set c.person.address = ADDRESS_TYPE('123 Main', 8202)
where c.person.address = ADDRESS_TYPE('49 Elm', 7102)

-- Trigger on object column

create or replace trigger jennifer
after update on employees            -- Note AFTER trigger
for each row
  dbms_output.put_line('Here I am after changing');

-- This update works together with the above:

update employees c
set c.person.address = ADDRESS_TYPE('68 Mull', 9202)
where c.person.address = ADDRESS_TYPE('123 Main', 7102)

-- Multiple inheritance is not possible

-- The above method is not "year safe".  Now comes the year-safe version.

select sysdate from dual

select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY') from dual
select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD') from dual
select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual
select to_char(sysdate, 'HH-MI-SS') from dual

   dbms_output.put_line( to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY'));

For more look here:


Don't really need a second cursor!!!  Because only one value is returned.

create or replace type body person_t as
   member function age(empid in number) 
   return number is
      diff number;
      nowyear varchar2(4);
      cursor joe is 
         (select e.person.birthyear   -- I had a wrong column.. no error msg
         from employees e
         where e.employeeid = empid);
      select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY') into nowyear from dual;
      open joe;
      fetch joe into diff;
      close joe;
      diff := nowyear - diff;
      return diff;

drop table inheri
drop table inherit2
drop type grandchildtype
drop type childtype
drop type parenttype