Object-Oriented Systems

There are lots of object-oriented things:

Programming languages (Java, C++)
Object models (UML)

Meilir Page-Jones
Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design in UML
Addison Wesley

UML = Unified Modeling Language

Now go to (4).  Skip (1), (2), (3).  

(1) Problems with Relational Modeling: Problems with Modeling.  
Try to model something simple as MEN and WOMEN.  

Solution 1: 1 Table.  

Problems: Men could be pregnant.  Schema implies it.  
Data easily wrong.  Many Null values.

Solution 2: 2 Tables.  Problem: Can't easily compute simple
things like average age.  Big amount
of duplication in schemas (age, name, address).

Solution 3: 3 Tables: PERSON, MAN, WOMAN.  Problems:
Need foreign keys.  Need joins.  Psychologically, we want
all information on one object at one place. 

For data modeling, the relational model is not ideal!
OODB model tries to solve these problems.

(2) Technical problems of the relational databases:

Due to normalization, considerable numbers
of expensive joins are necessary.
Information about one real world object is
spread out over many tables.

(3) New (in the 80s) Demands on relational databases:

Version information (Computer Aided Design
= CAD, Objects appear in many versions)

Long duration transactions ("atomic units")
are necessary in CAD.

Grouping (clustering) of related objects
(parts of an object) is desirable.

Support for group activities is needed.
An object might have been modified by
somebody else or might be "unavailable".

Schema evolution is the rule not the
exception. (That means, the schema keeps changing.)

Complex mathematical evaluation must
be supported ("air flow on the wing").

Protection (security) on an object level must be
supported ("keep all information on the
FYZ fighter plane secret").

It was the vision of the OODB community
that OODBs are better in supporting some
or all of the new demands.

(4) Object-Oriented Modeling with UML (Unified Modeling Language)
[Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson and Jim Rumbaugh]

Look here.  There are now 14 diagrams.

Before you start programming you make an object-oriented
model of your domain.
Object-Oriented modeling uses a graphical language,
typically a version of UML.

Most earlier programming approaches concentrated
on functions.  


The big idea of object-oriented
programming was this:  We are writing programs
about real world things.  Cars, students,
employees, tax payers, DVDs, library book,
etc.  So there should be one "thing" in the
program that models one "thing" in the real
world.  These "things" are called "objects".


Next we notice that there are many "things"
that have a lot in common.  All cars have
certain things in common.  All people have 
certain things in common.  Thus we create 
our objects from "templates" that capture
what is common.  Such a template is called a
"class."  Graphically these are boxes.
The class name is at the top inside the box.


Now we know that all real world objects
have certain attributes:  Cars have colors.
Students have grades. Employees have salaries.
Library books have authors.  So, we need to
model real world attributes of "things" as
"attributes of objects".  Graphically these
are text lines in the box below the class name.
These lines consist of attribute name and
data type.  Attributes have simple data values
for example number or string.


There are certain things that can be done
with objects of a specific class. 
Operation implementations for objects from a specific
class are called "methods."  Basically these
are functions where the first argument must
be an object of the class and is written
BEFORE the function name.  Graphically
operations are text lines in the box at the bottom,
below a separator line.  Such a text line consists
of the operation header. 


Next we notice that real world things 
"relate" to each other.  Thus a person may
have borrowed a book from a library.  Of course
he may have several books from several libraries.

A person may own a car, be married to another person,
etc.  We will call each such connection between two classes
a relationship.

Note that this approach is a simplification of the usual
UML approach based on "associations."
See here for some criticism of the UML approach:

Relationships appear as arrows from one box to the other 
box with a label on the arrow, expressing the name
of the relationship.

In the Box diagram, relationships may appear just like attributes,
but the "data type" is the name of another class.
Still draw the arrow, but without label.

Class Hierarchies

Next we notice that some classes are more
general than other classes. Thus, the 
"specialized" class has all the attributes,
and operations of the general class 
plus some additional attributes and operations.

Example: Vehicle is a more general class than
car, truck, airplane, ship.  
Car is a more general class than SUV, Sedan,
sports-car, etc.

Instead of saying that you need
- a license to drive a sports-car
- a license to drive an SUV 
- a license to drive a truck
- a license to drive an airplane
etc. etc. 

We say you need a license to operate any vehicle.
Then we say that a car IS-A vehicle, a truck IS-A vehicle,

Graphically, we express this fact by drawing
a triangle hollow head arrow from the specialized class to 
the general class.  This arrow is called
IS-A link or subclass link.  

Now that we know that the subclass (= specialized
class) has all the information of the
general class we don't need to write 
the general information !!! This is Software Reuse!
We try hard to draw the general classes ABOVE the
specialized classes.

Together, all the classes and IS-A links 
(= SUBCLASS links) form 
That means, the SUBCLASS LINKS never form
a cycle.  (You can't get back to the
starting point.)

In UML arrow heads are shared.  They may be marked
as disjoint (no object in two subclasses) and
complete (all objects in at least one subclass).
Also, we are *trying* to keep lines horizontal/vertical.

Parts:  Composition and Aggregation

Composition is a whole-part relationship.
It is graphically marked by a full diamond
head arrow at the "whole."

E.g. Axe has parts handle and head.

Aggregation is a set-membership relationship.
It is graphically marked by a hollow diamond
head at the "whole."

E.g. Committee has as parts people.

This maps very cleanly to C++/Java

Class -> Class of Java or C++
Attribute -> Data Member
Relationship -> Pointer Data Member in C++ or Reference in Java
Object -> Object (Instance) created with "new"
Operations -> Member functions in C++
             "non-static" functions in Java 
IS-A -> extends key-word of Java
        subclass of C++

For more on UML check here:


(5) Where to look things about DB research up:

DBLP Database and Logic Programming
Archive on the Web:

(6) Micro History of OO ideas:

Object-Oriented Programming languages:

SIMULA (Dahl & Nygaard, 1966)
SmallTalk   (Adele Goldberg & David Robson)
C++ (Bjarne Stroustrup, 1986)

Object-Oriented Databases were invented here:

A. James Baroody Jr., David J. DeWitt: An Object-Oriented
Approach to Database System Implementation. ACM Trans.
Database Syst. (TODS) 6(4):576-601 (1981)

George P. Copeland, David Maier: Making
Smalltalk a Database System. SIGMOD
Conference 1984: 316-325 

The simple idea was to take the 
SmallTalk Object-Oriented Language and
make it persistent.

Persistence is the most fundamental 
feature of databases.  Something (data, procedure) is persistent
if it is created by a program or person, but is still
there after the program has finished.

That means, if your program creates objects,
next time you log in, they are still
there.  Like tables are still there if
you log out and log back in.

Today few companies that make OODBs exist.

Versant disappeared...
and then reappeared, see email by Dingersoll
(David Ingersoll).

Object Store
now marekts itself primarily as in-memory database system.

Ontos does not seem to exist anymore.
It went "Chapter 7" in 2007.

The following is based on the book
Object-Oriented Database Systems
by Elisa Bertino and Lorenzo Martino
Addison Wesley. 1993.

(7) Features of Object-Oriented Databases:
[This is a shortened version.
Longer versions are in "Old".]

1. Unique Object Identifier (OID)

An Object ID is a unique number within
a database.  Every object has a different
OID.  OIDs "never" change.  


2. Complex Objects with Attributes

Arrays of objects are also considered objects.
The same applies to sets and list of objects.
An operation defined for the complex object
could be "count". 

3. Encapsulation

Two aspects:

1: Data is hidden behind a wall and
not accessible.  For instance private
data in C++.

2: Data and the functions that manipulate
the data are bundled together into the
object.  So the functions that operate
on an object are also behind the wall.
At least in principle. (In practice
we don't copy the code over and over.)
Typically we make the functions "public"
so that they can be called from outside
of the object. (Here: function=methods).

OODBs cannot support encapsulation
completely.  It is impossible to query
data if you don't know the names of
the data fields!   With perfect encapsulation
you would not know the data fields!

4. Classes

The hierarchy of classes is considered the
"schema" of the object-oriented database.
Diagram ---> Schema

5. Inheritance

Inheritance means that attributes/relationships/methods
defined at a general class automatically
exist at the specialized class.
This gives you a "software reuse" effect.
Imagine the attributes are "trickling down" along
the IS-A arrows (against the direction of the arrow head).

Multiple parents (multiple inheritance) causes
practical problems.  Example:  If you inherit the same
attribute name with two different types from two 
different classes, which one should you use?

Restrictive solution (C++): Prohibit
inheriting the same thing from two
parents.  Make it a compiler error.

JAVA: Doesn't allow multiple inheritance at all. 
(But "interfaces" provide some of the functionality
of multiple inheritance.)

6. Overloading, Overriding, Late Binding


4 + 5
4.7 + 6.2

When you add two numbers with +,
the compiler decides whether to use
INT addition or FLOAT addition,
which are different machine language instructions!!!

If the actual code of a function
(or an operator like +) depends on the type
of its arguments, this is called POLYMORPHISM.


In OODB you can define a function high up
in the class hierarchy.  This will be
inherited down.

Overriding means, you can define a function
of the same name at a lower class, and that
one will be used, not the inherited one.

In other words, what the function actually DOES
depends on the class of the object the
function gets as argument!! (It's polymorphic!)

That means, the actual code is only
known at runtime. That is why it is called
late binding.  In "normal" programs the code
is known at compile time already!

Example of overriding:
Assume a hierarchy:  PRODUCT, with 2 children:

Variable:  thing_I_buy gets assigned an object.


Now, for any objects of the class PRODUCT the
tax is computed by adding 7% to the price.
However, for objects of the class FOOD, there
is no sales tax in NJ.  For objects of the class
CIGARETTES there is a tax of $2.70 on every pack
of cigarettes.  


So, you have three different methods,
all called "compute_tax" at three different classes.
The methods at the lower classes override the method
at the parent class.

Overriding: Same Function Name, Same Argument at Different
Classes [at different hierarchy levels]


Same Function Name, Different Arguments, at the Same Class

Overloading means that the same function name
defined at the SAME class does different things
depending on the number or types of the arguments!


In Elizabeth there is a special business development
district.  The tax rate there is only 3.5%.  So, 
we could add a parameter LOCATION to compute_tax.
If that parameter is empty, the tax rate is 7%.
If we supply a parameter: a city, if that city is
Elisabeth, then the tax would be 3.5%.

compute_tax() does something different from
compute_tax('SOME ARGUMENT')

(8) Basic Idea of Object-Relational Databases
Most OODB companies ran into problems.

See Michael Stonebraker's book.
Object-Relational DBMSs - The next great wave (1996).

Oracle supports these extensions and we will discuss them.

The main construct is still the TABLE.
(Like relational, unlike Object-Oriented.)

However, it is possible to create objects
and to place one object into one column
of one row (a field) of a table.

In the relational model only "primitive"
data types such as number, string or date
may be placed in one column of one row of
a table. 1NF (First Normal Form).
Object-relational databases are
NFNF (Non-First Normal Form).

Methods (operations) may be defined for objects in the
object-relational model.  Thus, this is like
the OO model.  The relational model has no
code associated.

As a reminder, in the OO model, there are no
tables at all.

      | Relational   | Object-Oriented | Object-Relational
Data  | Tables only  |Objects only     |Objects and data in tables
Code  | No methods   |Methods          |Methods
Schema| Table headers|Class Hierarchy  |Table headers and classes