1. Radio emission from acceleration sites of the solar flares (taken by Li, Yixuan).

2. Sub-THz component of large solar flares (taken by Ulanski, Emily).

3. Low-frequency radiation from the Galaxy; intensity and anisotropy (taken by Urtiev, Fedor).

4. Pulsations of the solar radio bursts due to different MHD loop oscillations (taken by Shaw, Bryan).

5. Radio emission from Masuda sources (taken by Park, Sung-Hong).

6. Distribution of X-ray emission at the shock front of the supernova remnants (taken by Kim, Yong).

7. Physics of noise storms (type I metric solar radio bursts).


Each written report must contain detailed introduction in the research topic including

description of available observations and models as well as original research section, where

a specific model (models) discussed and approved by instructor is (are) analyzed.