Gennady Gor: Publications

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Full list of my publications with the citations information is available Google Scholar


* - corresponding author, underlined - students advised by G. Gor


76. Gor, G. Y.*; Kolesnikov, A. L. "What Drives Deformation of Smart Nanoporous Materials During Adsorption and Electrosorption?" Langmuir 2024, 40, 31, 15949-15956, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c00443, [Invited Perspective]

75. Gurevich, B.; Nzikou, M. M.; Gor, G. Y.* "Modeling Patchy Saturation of Fluids in Nanoporous Media Probed by Ultrasound and Optics" Phys. Rev. E 2024, 109, 064801 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.109.064801

74. Kenzhebayeva, Y. A.; Kulachenkov, N. K.; Rzhevskiy, S. S.; Slepukhin, P. A.; Shilovskikh, V. V.; Efimova, A.; Alekseevskiy, P.; Gor, G. Y.; Emelianova, A; Shipilovskikh, S.; Yushina, I. D.; Krylov, A.; Pavlov, D. I.; Fedin, V. P.; Potapov, A. S.; Milichko, V. A. "Light-driven anisotropy of 2D metal-organic framework single crystal for repeatable optical modulation" Commun. Mater. 2024, 5, 48 DOI: 10.1038/s43246-024-00485-5

73. Senyurt, E. I.; Arzideh, S. M.; Venerus, D. C.; Gor, G. Y.; Schoenitz, M.; Dreizin, E. L. "Viscosity and Density of Organophosphorus Liquids and Their Aqueous Solutions" J. Mol. Liq. 2024, 399, 124476 DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2024.124476

72. Gor, G. Y.*; Scherer, G. W.; Stone, H. A. "Bacterial Spores Respond to Humidity Similarly to Hydrogels" PNAS 2024, 121 (10) e2320763121, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2320763121


71. Ivanova, E. V.; Gor, G. Y.* "Molecular Dynamics Predictions of Viscosity for Organophosphorus Liquids" AIChE J. 2023, 69(12), e18235 DOI: 10.1002/aic.18235, [Invited Paper for the 2023 Futures Issue]

70. Ogbebor, J.; Valenza, J. J.; Ravikovitch, P. I.; Karunarathne, A.; Muraro, G.; Lebedev, M.; Gurevich, B.; Khalizov, A. F.; Gor, G. Y.* "Ultrasonic Study of Water Adsorbed in Nanoporous Glasses" Phys. Rev. E 2023, 108, 024802. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.108.024802 Preprint is available on arXiv:2303.12193 [cond-mat.soft]

69. Emelianova, A.; Balzer, C.; Reichenauer, G.; Gor, G. Y.* "Adsorption-Induced Deformation of Zeolites 4A and 13X: Experimental and Molecular Simulation Study" Langmuir 2023, 39, 32, 11388-11397 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c01248, ACS Editor's Choice

68. Flores Roman, S. A.; Barbosa, G.; Gor, G. Y.* "Elasticity of Confined Simple Fluids from an Extended Peng-Robinson Equation of State" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2023, 62, 8972-8980, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.3c00549

67. Ivanova, E. V.; Vasudevan, A.; Senyurt, E. I.; Schoenitz, M; Khalizov, A. F.; Dreizin, E. L.; Gor, G. Y.* "Surface Tension of Organophosphorus Compounds: Sarin and its Surrogates" Langmuir 2023, 39, 15, 5569-5578, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c00460

66. Emelianova, A.; Reed, A.; Basharova, E. A.; Kolesnikov, A. L.; Gor, G. Y.* "Closer Look at Adsorption of Sarin and Simulants on Metal-Organic Frameworks" ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 14, 18559-18567 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.3c02713

65. Maksimov, A. V.; Molina, M.; Maksimova, O. G.; Gor, G. Y.* "Prediction of Swelling of Polypropylene Separators and its Effect on the Lithium-Ion Battery Performance" ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2023, 5, 3, 2026-2031, DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.2c02074


64. Ivanova, E. V.; Emelianova, A.; Khalizov, A. F.; Gor, G. Y.* "Molecular Simulation of Benzene Adsorption in Graphitic and Amorphous Carbon Slit Pores" J. Chem. Eng. Data 2022, 67, 7, 1765-1778, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.2c00063 [Special Issue: Equilibrium Adsorption Data for Energy and Environmental Applications]


63. Kolesnikov, A; Budkov, Y. A.; Gor, G. Y. "Models of adsorption-induced deformation: ordered materials and beyond" J. Phys. Condens. Matter 2022, 34, 063002, DOI: 10.1088/1361-648X/ac3101 [Topical review]

62. Emelianova, A.; Gor, G. Y.* "Molecular Simulations of Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium of Isocyanates" J. Phys. Chem. B 2021, 125, 45, 12528-12538, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c07132

61. Dobrzanski, C. D.; Gurevich, B.; Gor, G. Y.* "Elastic Properties of Confined Fluids from Molecular Modeling to Ultrasonic Experiments on Porous Solids" Appl. Phys. Rev. 2021, 8, 021317, DOI: 10.1063/5.0024114 [Invited review], Editor's Pick

60. Emelianova, A.; Basharova, E.; Kolesnikov, A; Villaseco Arribas, E.; Ivanova, E. V.; Gor, G. Y.* "Force Fields for Molecular Modeling of Sarin and its Simulants: DMMP and DIMP" J. Phys. Chem. B 2021, 125, 16, 4086-4098, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c10505

59. Kityk, A. V.; Gor, G. Y.; Huber, P. "Adsorption from Binary Liquid Solutions into Mesoporous Silica: A Capacitance Isotherm on 5CB Nematogen/Methanol Mixtures" Mol. Phys. 2021, e1909160, DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2021.1909160, preprint is available at arXiv:2102.06908 [cond-mat.soft]

58. Maximov, M. A.; Molina, M.; Gor, G. Y.* "The Effect of Interconnections on Gas Adsorption in Materials with Spherical Mesopores: a Monte Carlo Simulation Study" J. Chem. Phys. 2021, 154, 114706 DOI: 10.1063/5.0040763 [Special Topic: Fluids in Nanopores]

57. Ludescher, L.; Morak, R; Braxmeier, S.; Balzer, C.; Putz, F.; Busch, S; Hüsing, N.; Reichenauer, G.; Gor, G. Y.; Paris, O. "Adsorption-induced deformation of hierarchical organized carbon materials with ordered, non-convex mesoporosity" Mol. Phys. 2021, e1894362, DOI: 10.1080/00268976.2021.1894362


56. Kolesnikov, A; Budkov, Y. A.; Gor, G. Y. "Adsorption-Induced Deformation of Mesoporous Materials with Corrugated Cylindrical Pores" J. Chem. Phys. 2020, 153, 194703 DOI: 10.1063/5.0025473

55. Ivanova, E. V.; Khalizov, A. F.; Gor, G. Y.* "Kinetic Model for Competitive Condensation of Vapor between Concave and Convex Surfaces in a Soot Aggregate" Aerosol Sci. Technol. 2021, 55(3), 302-315, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2020.1846677

54. Kolesnikov, A; Budkov, Y. A.; Gor, G. Y.* "Density Functional Theory Model for Adsorption-Induced Deformation of Mesoporous Materials with Non-Convex Pore Geometry" J. Phys. Chem. C 2020, 124, 37, 20046-20054, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c03963

53. Emelianova, A.; Maximov, M. A.; Gor, G. Y.* "Solvation Pressure in Spherical Mesopores: Macroscopic Theory and Molecular Simulations" AIChE J. 2020, 67(3), e16542, DOI: 10.1002/aic.16542

52. Dobrzanski, C. D.; Corrente, N. J.; Gor, G. Y.* "Compressibility of a Simple Fluid in Cylindrical Confinement: Molecular Simulation and Equation of State Modeling" Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59(17), 8393-8402, DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.0c00693

51. Ludescher, L.; Braxmeier, S.; Balzer, C.; Reichenauer, G.; Putz, F.; Hüsing, N.; Gor, G. Y.*; Paris, O. "Capillary Bridge Formation between Hexagonally Ordered Carbon Nanorods" Adsorption 2020, 26(4), 563-578 DOI: 10.1007/s10450-020-00215-6

50. Corrente, N. J.; Dobrzanski, C. D.; Gor, G. Y.* "Compressibility of Supercritical Methane in Nanopores: a Molecular Simulation Study" Energy & Fuels 2020, 34(2), 1506-1513 DOI: 10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b03592


49. Maximov, M. A.; Galukhin, A. V.; Gor, G. Y.* "Pore Size Distribution of Silica Colloidal Crystals from Nitrogen Adsorption Isotherms" Langmuir 2019, 35(47), 14975-14982, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b02252

48. Ludescher, L.; Morak, R.; Balzer, C.; Waag, A. M.; Braxmeier, S.; Putz, F.; Busch, S.; Gor, G. Y.; Neimark, A. V.; Hüsing, N.; Reichenauer, G.; Paris, O. "In-situ small-angle neutron scattering investigation of adsorption-induced deformation in silica with hierarchical porosity" Langmuir 2019, 35(35), 11590-11600, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b01375

47. Sun, Y.; Gurevich, B.; Gor, G. Y.* "Modeling elastic properties of Vycor glass saturated with liquid and solid adsorbates" Adsorption 2019, 25(5), 973-982, DOI: 10.1007/s10450-019-00123-4

46. Balzer, C.; Waag, A. M.; Putz, F.; Hüsing, N.; Paris, O.; Gor, G. Y.; Neimark, A. V.; Reichenauer, G. "Mechanical Characterization of Hierarchical Structured Porous Silica by in-situ Dilatometry Measurements during Gas Adsorption" Langmuir 2019, 35(8), 2948-2956, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b03242

45. Galukhin, A. V.; Bolmatenkov, D.; Emelianova, A.; Zharov, I.; Gor, G. Y. "Porous Structure of Silica Colloidal Crystals" Langmuir 2019, 35(6), 2230-2235, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b03476


44. Maximov, M. A.; Gor, G. Y.* "Molecular Simulations Shed Light on Potential Uses of Ultrasound in Nitrogen Adsorption Experiments" Langmuir 2018, 34(51), 15650-15657, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b02909 Correction: DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c00995

43. Chen, C.; Enekwizu, O. Y.; Fan, X.; Dobrzanski, C. D.; Ivanova, E. V.; Ma, Y.; Gor, G. Y.; Khalizov, A. F. "A single parameter for predicting the morphology of atmospheric black carbon" Environ. Sci. Technol. 2018, 52(24), 14169-14179, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.8b04201

42. Yurikov, A.; Lebedev, M.; Gor, G. Y.; Gurevich, B. "Sorption-Induced Deformation and Elastic Weakening of Bentheim Sandstone" J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 2018, 123(10), 8589-8601 DOI: 10.1029/2018JB016003

41. Gor, G. Y.*; Huber, P.; Weissmüller, J. "Elasto-Capillarity in Nanopores: Sorption Strain from the Actions of Surface Tension and Surface Stress" Phys. Rev. Materials 2018, 2, 086002, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.086002

40. Dobrzanski, C. D.; Maximov, M. A.; Gor, G. Y.* "Effect of Pore Geometry on the Compressibility of a Confined Simple Fluid" J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 148, 054503, DOI: 10.1063/1.5008490, preprint is available at arXiv:1710.05220 [physics.chem-ph]


39. Gor, G. Y.*; Gurevich, B. "Gassmann Theory Applies to Nanoporous Media" Geophys. Res. Lett., 2018, 45(1), 146-155, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL075321, preprint is available at arXiv:1710.05216 [physics.geo-ph]

38. Balzer, C.; Waag, A. M.; Gehret, S.; Reichenauer, G.; Morak, R.; Ludescher, L.; Paris, O.; Putz, F.; Elsaesser, M.; Hüsing, N.; Bernstein, N.; Gor, G. Y.*; Neimark, A. V. "Adsorption-induced deformation of hierarchically-structured mesoporous silica - effect of local anisotropy" Langmuir 2017, 33 (22), p. 5592-5602, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b00468

37. Gor, G. Y.*; Huber, P.; Bernstein, N. "Adsorption-Induced Deformation of Nanoporous Materials - a Review" Appl. Phys. Rev. 2017, 4, 011303 DOI: 10.1063/1.4975001 [Invited review]

Publications prior to joining NJIT


36. Gor, G. Y.* Siderius, D. W.; Shen, V. K.; Bernstein, N. "Modulus-Pressure Equation for Confined Fluids" J. Chem. Phys. 2016, 145, 164505 DOI: 10.1063/1.4965916

35. Balzer, C.; Cimino, R.; Gor, G. Y.; Neimark, A. V.; Reichenauer, G. "Deformation of microporous carbons during N2, Ar, and CO2 adsorption: Insight from the density functional theory" Langmuir 2016, 32 (21), p. 8265-8274, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b02036

34. Gor, G. Y.*; Bernstein, N. "Adsorption-Induced Surface Stresses of the Water/Quartz Interface: Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Study" Langmuir 2016, 32 (21), p. 5259-5266 DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b00923

33. Gor, G. Y.*; Bernstein, N. "Revisiting Bangham’s Law of Adsorption-Induced Deformation: Changes of Surface Energy and Surface Stress" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2016, 18, 9788-9798 DOI: 10.1039/C6CP00051G


32. Gor, G. Y.*; Siderius, D. W.; Rasmussen, C. J.; Krekelberg, W. P.; Shen, V. K.; Bernstein, N. "Relation Between Pore Size and the Compressibility of a Confined Fluid" J. Chem. Phys. 2015, 143, 194506 DOI: 10.1063/1.4935430

31. Gor, G. Y.*; Bertinetti, L.; Bernstein, N.; Hofmann, T.; Fratzl, P.; Huber, P. "Elastic Response of Mesoporous Silicon to Capillary Pressures in the Pores" Appl. Phys. Lett. 2015, 106, 261901 DOI: 10.1063/1.4923240

30. Gor, G. Y.*; Cannarella, J.; Leng, C. Z.; Vishnyakov, A.; Arnold, C. B. "Swelling and Softening of Lithium-Ion Battery Separators in Electrolyte Solvents" J. Power Sources 2015, 294, p. 167-172 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.06.028


29. Gor, G. Y.* "Adsorption Stress Changes the Elasticity of Liquid Argon Confined in a Nanopore" Langmuir 2014, 30 (45), p. 13564-13569, DOI: 10.1021/la503877q

28. Gor, G. Y.*; Cannarella, J.; Prevost, J. H.; Arnold C. B. "A Model for the Behavior of Battery Separators in Compression at Different Strain/Charge Rates" J. Electrochem. Soc. 2014, 161(11), F3065-F3071, DOI: 10.1149/2.0111411jes

27. Cannarella, J.; Liu, X.; Leng, C. Z.; Sinko, P.; Gor, G. Y.; Arnold, C. B. "Mechanical Properties of a Battery Separator under Compression and Tension" J. Electrochem. Soc. 2014, 161(11), F3117-F3122, DOI: 10.1149/2.0191411jes

26. Cao, Q.; Gor, G. Y.*; Krogh-Jespersen, K.; Khriachtchev L. "Non-Covalent Interactions of Nitrous Oxide with Aromatic Compounds: Spectroscopic and Computational Evidence for the Formation of 1:1 Complexes" J. Chem. Phys. 2014, 140, 144304, DOI: 10.1063/1.4870516


25. Gor, G. Y.*; Stone, H. A.; Prevost J. H. "Fracture Propagation Driven by Fluid Outflow from a Low-permeability Aquifer" Transport Porous Med. 2013, 100 (1), 69-92, DOI: 10.1007/s11242-013-0205-3

24. Gor, G. Y.*; Paris, O.; Prass, J.; Russo, P. A.; Ribeiro Carrott, M. M. L.; Neimark, A. V. "Adsorption of n-Pentane on Mesoporous Silica and Adsorbent Deformation" Langmuir 2013, 29 (27), p. 8601-8608, DOI: 10.1021/la401513n

23. Landers, J.; Gor, G. Y.; Neimark, A. V. "Density Functional Theory Methods for Characterization of Porous Materials (Review)" Colloids Surf. A 2013, 437, p. 3-32, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2013.01.007 [The most cited paper in the journal within last 5 years].

22. Gor, G. Y.; Elliot, T. R.; Prevost, J. H. "Effects of Thermal Stresses on Caprock Integrity During CO2 Storage" Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control 2013, 12, p. 300-309, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijggc.2012.11.020 [This paper was awarded the Best Paper Award for Postdoctoral Fellows from Princeton Carbon Mitigation Initiative]

21. Lee, M.-T.; Vishnyakov, A.; Gor, G. Y.; Neimark, A. V. "Interactions of Sarin with Polyelectrolyte Membranes: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study" J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117(1), p. 365-372, DOI: 10.1021/jp308884r


20. Pollock, R. A.; Gor, G. Y.; Walsh, B. R.; Fry, J.; Ghampson, I. T.; Melnichenko, Y. B.; Kaiser, H.; DeSisto, W. J.; Wheeler, M. C.; Frederick, B. J. "The Role of Liquid vs. Vapor Water in the Hydrothermal Degradation of SBA-15" J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116 (43), p. 22802-22814, DOI: 10.1021/jp303150e

19. Gor, G. Y.; Rasmussen, C. J.; Neimark, A. V. "Capillary Condensation Hysteresis in Overlapping Spherical Pores: Monte-Carlo Simulations Study" Langmuir 2012, 28 (33), p. 12100-12107, DOI: 10.1021/la302318j

18. Cychosz, K. A.; Guo, X.; Fan, W.; Cimino, R.; Gor, G. Y.; Tsapatsis, M.; Neimark, A. V.; Thommes, M. "Characterization of the Pore Structure of Three-Dimensionally Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Using High Resolution Gas Sorption" Langmuir 2012, 28 (34), p. 12647-12654, DOI: 10.1021/la302362h

17. Rasmussen, C. J.; Gor, G. Y.; Neimark, A. V. "Monte Carlo Simulation of Cavitation in Pores with Non-wetting Defects" Langmuir 2012, 28 (10), p. 4702-4711, DOI: 10.1021/la300078k

16. Gor, G. Y.; Thommes, M.; Cychosz, K.; Neimark, A. V. "Quenched Solid Density Functional Theory Method for Characterization of Mesoporous Carbons by Nitrogen Adsorption" Carbon 2012, Vol. 50 (4), p. 1583-1590, DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2011.11.037


15. Gor, G. Y.; Tapio, S.; Domanskaya, A. V.; Rasanen, M.; Nemukhin, A. V.; Khriachtchev, L. "Matrix-isolation Study of Phenol-Water Complex and Phenol Dimer" Chem. Phys. Lett. 2011, Vol. 517 (1-3), p. 9-15, DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2011.09.089

14. Lee, M.-T.; Vishnyakov, A.; Gor, G. Y.; Neimark, A. V. "Interactions of Phosphororganic Agents with Water and Components of Polyelectrolyte Membranes" J. Phys. Chem. B 2011, Vol. 115 (46), p. 13617-13623, DOI: 10.1021/jp207469h

13. Gor, G. Y.; Neimark, A. V. "Adsorption-Induced Deformation of Mesoporous Solids: Macroscopic Approach and Density Functional Theory" Langmuir 2011, Vol. 27 (11), p. 6926-6931, DOI: 10.1021/la201271p

12. Vishnyakov, A.; Gor, G. Y.; Lee, M.-T.; Neimark, A. V. "Molecular Modeling of Organophosphorous Agents and their Aqueous Solutions" J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, Vol. 115 (20), p. 5201-5209, DOI: 10.1021/jp200509u


11. Gor, G. Y.; Neimark, A. V. "Adsorption-Induced Deformation of Mesoporous Solids" Langmuir 2010, Vol. 26 (16), p. 13021-13027 DOI: 10.1021/la1019247

10. Grinin, A. P.; Gor, G. Y.; Kuni, F. M. "On the Theory of Aerosol Particle Growth: Non-Steady Transport Problems" Atmos. Res. (ICNAA Special Issue) 2011, Vol. 101, p. 503-509 DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.10.007

2009 and earlier

9. Gor, G. Y.; Kuchma, A. E. "Steady-state composition of a two-component gas bubble growing in a liquid solution: self-similar approach" J. Chem. Phys. 2009, Vol. 131, 234705 DOI: 10.1063/1.3276708

8. Grinin, A. P.; Kuni, F. M.; Gor, G. Y. "The rate of nonsteady gas bubble growth in liquid supersaturated with gas" J. Mol. Liq. 2009, Vol. 148, No. 1, p. 32-34 DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2009.06.002

7. Gor, G. Y.; Kuchma, A. E. "Dynamics of gas bubble growth in a supersaturated solution with Sievert's solubility law" J. Chem. Phys. 2009, Vol. 131, 034507 DOI: 10.1063/1.3176896

6. Kuchma, A. E.; Gor, G. Y.; Kuni, F. M. "Stages of Steady Diffusion Growth of a Gas Bubble in Strongly Supersaturated Gas-Liquid Solution" Colloid Journal 2009, Vol. 71, No. 4. p. 520-528. DOI: 10.1134/S1061933X09040140

5. Grinin, A. P.; Kuni, F. M.; Gor, G. Y. "Theory of Nonsteady Diffusion Growth of a Gas Bubble in a Supersaturated Solution of Gas in Liquid" Colloid Journal 2009, Vol. 71, No. 1 p. 46-54. DOI: 10.1134/S1061933X09010050

4. Grinin, A. P.; Gor, G. Y.; Kuni, F. M. "Self-Similar Solution of a Nonsteady Problem of Nonisothermal Vapour Condensation on a Droplet Growing in Diffusion Regime" J. Phys. Chem. C 2008, Vol. 112 No. 48, p. 19069-19079. DOI: 10.1021/jp806903s

3. Grinin, A. P.; Gor, G. Y.; Kuni, F. M. "Self-Similar Theory of Non-isothermal Condensation of Vapor on a Growing Drop in Vapor-Gas Mixture" Colloid Journal 2008, Vol.70, No. 2, p. 158-167. DOI: 10.1134/S1061933X08020075

2. Zhuvikina, I. A.; Gor, G. Y.; Grinin, A. P. "Statistical Approach to the Description of Homogeneous Nucleation in the Vapor-Gas Medium: Effects of the Heat of Phase Transition" Colloid Journal 2005, Vol.67, No. 6, p. 710-717. DOI: 10.1007/s10595-005-0153-x

1. Grinin, A. P.; Zhuvikina, I. A.; Gor, G. Y. "Non-Steady-State Temperature Field of the Vapor-Gas Mixture in the Vicinity of a Growing Droplet: Balance of the Heat of Phase Transition" Colloid Journal 2005, Vol.67, No. 3, p. 295-303. DOI: 10.1007/s10595-005-0096-2


  • Gor, G. Y.; Dobrzanski, C. D.; Emelianova, A. "Thermodynamic Fingerprints of Nanoporous Materials on the Fluids Confined in their Pores" in World Scientific Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Volume 20 Soft Condensed Matter on the Nanoscale (Volume 2: Soft Matter under Geometrical Confinement: From Fundamentals at Planar Surfaces and Interfaces to Functionalities of Nanoporous Materials) 2020, pp. 227-258 Ed. Oleg Gang and Patrick Huber DOI: 10.1142/11763


  • Gor, G. Y.; Ivanova, E. V.; Khalizov, A. F. Condensation-Induced Restructuring of Atmospheric Soot Aggregates, Conference Proceedings Workshop GRK 2462 Processes in Natural and Technical Particle-Fluid-Systems (PintPFS), 2022, p. 143-154, Hamburg University of Technology, Ed. J. Grabe DOI: 10.15480/882.4640

  • Gor, G. Y. Python for Chemical Engineers: an Efficient Approach to Teach Non-Programmers to Program 2022 Spring ASEE Middle Atlantic Section Conference (April 22-23, 2022, NJIT, Newark, NJ, USA) link [peer reviewed]

  • Gor, G. Y. Bulk Modulus of Not-So-Bulk Fluid Poromechanics VI (Proceedings of the Sixth Biot Conference on Poromechanics) 2017, 465-472 Ed. by Matthieu Vandamme; Patrick Dangla; Jean-Michel Pereira; and Siavash Ghabezloo DOI: 10.1061/9780784480779.057 [peer reviewed]

  • Gor, G. Y.; Chen, C. & Khalizov, A. F. Kinetic Model for Condensation-Induced Restructuring of Atmospheric Soot Agglomerates Report Series in Aerosol Science vol. 200, P. 345-348 (Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols) Eds: Halonen, R.; Nikandrova, A.; Kontkanen, J.; Enroth, J. A. & Vehkamaki, H. [PDF of the whole volume]

  • Gor, G. Y.; Prevost J. H. Effect of CO2 Injection Temperature on Caprock Stability Energy Procedia 2013 Vol. 37 P. 3727-3732 Proceeding of GHGT-11 Conference. Ed. by Tim Dixon and Kenji Yamaji DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2013.06.267

  • Gor, G. Y.; Kuchma A. E.; Kuni, F. M. Gas Bubble Growth Dynamics in a Supersaturated Solution: Henry's and Sievert's Solubility Laws in Nucleation Theory and Applications Ed. by J. W. P. Schmelzer, G. Roepke and V. B. Priezzhev JINR Dubna, 2011, P. 213-233. Arxiv: 1205.5471

  • Grinin, A. P.; Gor, G. Y.; Kuni, F. M. Non-Steady Problem of Nonisothermal Vapor Condensation on a Growing Droplet Proceedings of the 18th International Conference Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols Ed. by Jiri Smolik and Colin O'Dowd, 2009, P. 552-555.

  • Grinin, A. P.; Gor, G. Y.; Kuni, F. M. Non-steady Theory of Heat Effects at Droplet Diffusional Growth in Nucleation Theory and Applications Ed. by J. W. P. Schmelzer, G. Roepke and V. B. Priezzhev JINR Dubna, 2008, P. 81-96.

  • Grinin, A. P.; Kuni, F. M.; Gor; G. Y. Diffusion Growth of a Bubble in a Gas-cut Solution with Account to the Movement of Solvent Caused by a Bubble Metastable States and Phase Transitions. Collected Articles Vol. 9. Yekaterinburg, UrO RAS, 2008, P. 65-75. [in Russian]

  • Grinin, A. P.; Zhuvikina, I. A.; Gor, G. Y. Self-Similar Solution for Non-Steady Profiles of Vapor Concentration and Temperature of Vapor-Gas Medium Around a Growing Droplet Metastable States and Phase Transitions. Collected Articles Vol. 8. Yekaterinburg, UrO RAS, 2006, p. 95-102. [in Russian]

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