Horacio G. Rotstein (he/him/his)
Federated Department of Biological Sciences Rutgers University / NJIT
Graduate Faculty
Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience
CMBN - Rutgers University
Core Faculty
Institute for Brain and Neuroscience Research
Corresponding Investigator
National Scientific and Technical Research Council
CONICET - Argentina
We develop and use mathematical modeling, numerical simulations, dynamical systems tools, parameter estimation and inference algorithms, and we have a well-developed network of collaborations with experimental scientists carrying out research both in vitro and in vivo.
We particularly focus on oscillatory networks of the nervous system, which play important roles in cognition and motor behavior both in health and disease. This includes the investigation of the mechanisms of selection of frequencies, amplitudes and additional observable activity attributes, and the network response to external, often oscillatory, inputs (e.g., resonances) as the result of the interplay of nonlinearities, time scales and levels of neuronal organization (cellular, synaptic, micro-, meso- and macrocircuit). This research extends to biological networks in the context of chemistry and systems biology (e.g., biochemical, genetic).
Our efforts also include the investigation of the relationship between experimental and observable data to models in collaboration with statistical neuroscientists and data scientists. These projects include the resolution of unidentifiability in models and data (multiple parameter sets producing identical or similar observable activity patterns) and the determination of correlation and causal rules in neuroscience data.
Our group is strongly committed to teaching and mentoring and the dissemination of science with the goal of having a societal impact, in particular on the education of young scientists.
(strongly recommended by the NJIT Sabbatical Committe
based on academic achievements).
Guest Editor
Chaos (An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science)
Focus Issue on Rhythms and Dynamic Transitions in Neurological Disease
  December 2013
NSF IOS 2002863 Dynamic interactions of individual neurons in supporting hippocampal network oscillations during behavior
NSF DBI 1820631 Workshop: Present and Future Theoretical Frameworks in
NSF DMS 1715808 (Mathematical Biology) - The role of neuronal ionic current correlations on network activity
CRCNS NSF DMS 1608077 Network Resonance: Revealing the Neuronal Mechanisms
NSF DMS 1313861 (Mathematical Biology) - Mechanisms of frequency preference in neurons and networks: biophysics and dynamics
Ionic conductance correlations tune neuronal network activity to natural inputs
NSF DMS 0817241 (Mathematical Biology) - rhythmic oscillations in the entorhino-hippocampal system: biophysics and dynamics
Neuronal Oscillations Journal Club (modeling, computations, experiments & data analysis)
Neuronal Oscillations Collective (NYC area)
Research Interests
The goal of our research group is to understand how biological oscillatory networks generate patterns of activity, how these networks process information and perform computations, and how all this depends on the dynamic properties of the participating nodes, the connectivity and the network topology.
Mathematical and Computational Neuroscience
Biophysical Mechanisms of Generation of Brain Rhythms
Dynamical Systems / Nonlinear Dynamics
Data Analysis and parameter estimation
Systems Biology
Oscillations in Chemical, Biological, and other Systems
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits - Albert Einstein
Letter to the NJIT Board of Trustees
on ocassion of the denial of my
Sabbatical Leave
Office address:
Horacio G. Rotstein
Department of Biological Sciences
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University Heights
Newark, NJ, 07102, USA.
tel: (1-973) 596-8460
fax: (1-973) 596-5591
E-mail: horacio (at/arroba/strudel)njit(dot/punto/nekuda)edu
Declaración Universal de Derechos Humanos (Castellano)
Chaos (An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science)
Focus Issue on Mixed Mode Oscillations: Experiment, Computation, and Analysis   March 2008
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horacio g rotstein math faculty/staff
Last modified: Thu Sep 2 10:40:43 EDT 2010