...................................................................... Modeling rhythmic neuronal networks Department of Biological Sciences, NJIT Computer modeling has proved to be very useful in understanding how changes at the level of individual ion channels affect the output of a neural network. I will discuss the use of modeling in the study of a neural network in the medicinal leech that generates the rhythmic motor output. One of the advantages of studying this network is that all of the neurons may be characterized due to the small total number of neurons. I will then discuss modeling work that has been done by various groups on the neural network in the mammalian brainstem that generates the respiratory rhythm. One of the major challenges of studying this network is that the large number of neurons precludes that possibility of characterizing each one. It is known, however, that the neurons are heterogeneous. Some are pacemakers, others non-pacemakers. Among the pacemaker neurons some depend on calcium whereas others depend on sodium based mechanisms to generated bursting activity. Finally, I will discuss the idea that measuring the resonant properties of neurons may be one way to characterize the heterogeneity of the neurons with the respiratory network.
Last Modified: Nov 28, 2007 Horacio G. Rotstein h o r a c i o @ n j i t . e d u Last modified: Wed Sep 10 13:53:58 EDT 2008 |