...................................................................... Spreading Depression: A Simplified Neuron Model Department of Mathematics and Statistics, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Cortical spreading depression (CSD) is a slow wave phenomenon in the cortex of the brain that is associated with the spread of depression of the electroencephalogram signal. Although CSD was discovered over 65 years ago, we still do not have a good understanding of how the different mechanisms conspire to form this coherent phenomenon. In this talk, we will present a simplified neuron model, based on the work by Kager et al. (2000 and 2002). We will show that CSD can be instigated and subsequent spreading occurs with or without action potentials. A possible connection between CSD and some clinical conditions will also be discussed. This is joint work with R.M. Miura and W. Yao.
Last Modified: Nov 28, 2007 Horacio G. Rotstein h o r a c i o @ n j i t . e d u Last modified: Fri Oct 2 13:57:19 EDT 2009 |