...................................................................... A novel bifurcation diagram arising from the dynamics of an oscillator-follower inhibitory network with A-current Department of Mathematical Sciences, NJIT We use a three-variable mathematical model to examine the role of the A-current in a rhythmic inhibitory network, as is common in central pattern generation. We focus on a feed-forward architecture consisting of an oscillator neuron inhibiting a follower neuron. The trajectory of the follower neuron within each cycle can be tracked by analyzing the dynamics on a 2-dimensional slow manifold that as determined by the two slow model variables: the recovery variable and the inactivation of the A-current. The steady-state trajectory, however, requires tracking the slow variables across multiple cycles. Tracking the slow variables, under simplifying assumptions, leads to a one-dimensional map of the unit interval with at most a single discontinuity depending on gA, the maximal conductance of the A-current, or other model parameters. As the value of gA is varied, the trajectory of the follower neuron goes through a set of bifurcations to produce n:m periodic solutions where the follower neuron becomes active m times for each n cycles of the oscillator. Using a generalized Pascal triangle, each n:m trajectory can be constructed as a combination of solutions from a higher level of the triangle.
Last Modified: Nov 28, 2007 Horacio G. Rotstein h o r a c i o @ n j i t . e d u Last modified: Thu Sep 17 18:34:08 EDT 2009 |