...................................................................... Shape optimization for tumor location Department of Matheamtics, FAMaF, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba n non-invasive thermal diagnostics, accurate correlations between the thermal image on skin sur- face and interior human physiology are often desired, which require general solutions of the bioheat equation. In this work an estimation methodology to determine unknown geometrical parameters of an embedded tumor is proposed. We de.ned a functional that represents the mismatch between a measured experimental temperature pro.le, may be obtained by infrared thermography, at the skin surface and the solution of an appropriate boundary problem. This functional is related with the geometrical parameters through the solution of the boundary problem, in such a way that .nding the minimum of this functional form also means to .nd the unknown geometrical parameters of the embedded tumor. The Barzilai and Borwein gradient method was implemented to solve the optimiza- tion problem of .nding the optimal geometric parameters and sensitivity analysis using the adjoint method was considered to compute the shape derivative of the functional.
Last Modified: Nov 28, 2007 Horacio G. Rotstein h o r a c i o @ n j i t . e d u Last modified: Tue Sep 7 14:30:34 EDT 2010 |