...................................................................... Implementing entorhinal grid fields in biophysical neuronal models Center for Neural Science, New York University The responses of rat medial entorhinal cortical neurons form characteristic grid patterns as a function of the animal's position. A recent model of grid fields proposes a mechanism based on intrinsic single cell properties. It relies on interference patterns emerging from multiple distinct and independent oscillations maintained in the dendritic tree of the cell. I examined the requirements necessary to implement this idealized mechanism in a biophysically realistic model. I find that appropriate grid field-formation by a single cell is exquisitely sensitive to intra-dendritic interactions. Mathematical analysis shows how these effects depend on properties of the dendritic oscillators and the (active) membrane segments that connect them. This work gives explicit requirements for a single cell implementation of grid-field activity.
Last Modified: Nov 28, 2007 Horacio G. Rotstein h o r a c i o @ n j i t . e d u Last modified: Wed Feb 11 13:26:10 EST 2009 |