
NJIT Mathematical Biology Seminar

Tuesday, January 26, 2010, 2:30pm
Cullimore Hall 611
New Jersey Institute of Technology


An Analysis of Amax, LMA, and Phenolics of Shrubs within the Local Temperate Deciduous Biome

Timothy Blockus

UBM Program - New Jersey Institute of Technology


The rate at which carbon is assimilated during photosynthesis under near optimal conditions with high intensity light, known as Amax, can vary amongst plant species. Plants that tend to have a higher leaf mass per unit area (LMA) tend to fix carbon at a slower rate and have leaves that live longer. Leaf thickness can be thought as an inherit safety mechanism against the environment and instances of herbivory. If the carbon sequestered were to be constant, it may be advantageous for carbon to be allotted in chemical defense as opposed to physical defense, as phenolic defense may be cheaper than physical defense. The relationship between a ubiquitous chemical compound in the plant kingdom, phenolics, and a plant^Rs Amax and LMA may give further insight into shrubs growing prevalence within the local biome

Last Modified: Nov 28, 2007
Horacio G. Rotstein
h o r a c i o @ n j i t . e d u
Last modified: Wed Jan 20 10:55:40 EST 2010