The IEEE Communications North Jersey Chapter The IEEE Signal Processing North Jersey Chapter The Center for Communications and Signal Processing PRESENT Speaker: Dr. Li-Chun Wang from AT&T Laboratories. Place: 202 ECEC, NJIT. Date: October 21, 1997 Time: 4:45pm (refreshments start at 4:45pm). TITLE: Cellular Architectures for Wireless Personal Communications ABSTRACT: Hierarchical microcell/macrocell architecture has been proposed for future personal communications systems. This architecture provides capacity relief to a macrocell system and offer many advantages over a pure microcell system. Unlike the pure microcell system, which requires extensive microcell base station (BS) deployment throughout the whole service area, a hierarchical architecture allows gradual deployment of microcells as user demand increases. The hierarchical architecture also protects investment cost in the existing macrocellular system, while a pure microcell system requires replacement of the macrocell BSs. Furthermore, the fast handoff requirement in a pure microcell system can be relieved in the overlaying architecture by temporally connecting the call to a macrocell BS. The method of sharing the radio spectrum is the key issue for hierarchical microcell/macrocell systems. In this talk, different kinds of frequency sharing schemes for hierarchical microcell/macrocell systems is discussed. We present an innovative hierarchical microcell/macrocell architecture and its frequency management methodology. By applying the concept of cluster planning, the proposed sectoring arrangement can provide good shielding between micro- and macro-cells. As a result, underlaid microcells can reuse the same frequencies as overlaying macrocells without decreasing the macrocell system capacity. With the proposed method, microcells not only can be gradually deployed, but they can be extensively installed to provide complete coverage and increase capacity throughout the service area. With these flexibilities, the proposed method allows existing macrocellular systems to evolve smoothly into a hierarchical microcell/macrocell architecture. BIO: Li-Chun Wang received the B.S. degree from National Chiao Tung University in 1986; the M.S. degree from National Taiwan University in 1988; the M.Sci. and Ph.D. degrees from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1995 and 1996, all in electrical engineering. From 1990 to 1992 he was with the Telecommunications Laboratories of Ministry of Transportations and Communications in Taiwan (currently the Telecom Labs of Chunghwa Telecom Co.). In 1995 he worked at Bell Northern Research of Northern Telecom Inc. (currently Nortel Inc.) in Richardson, Texas. Since July 1996, Dr. Wang has been with AT\&T Laboratories, where he is a Senior Technical Staff Member in the Wireless Communications Research Department. His current research interests are in the area of cellular architectures, radio resource management, and propagation channel modeling. Specific topics include hierarchical cellular architectures, macrodiversity cellular systems, dynamic channel allocations, power control, and micorcellular interference modeling. NOTE THAT election for next year COMSOC chapter officials will be held prior to the election.