Week 3

Homework Solutions (Ch 3 a)

4. The molar absorptivities e of two compounds, A and B were measured with pure samples at two wavelengths. From these data determine the amount of A and B in the mixture.

at 277 nm

(M-1 cm-1)

at 437 nm

(M-1 cm-1)

A 14780 5112
B 2377 10996

The absorbance of a mixture of A and B in a 1.0 cm cell was determined to be 0.886 at 277 nm and 0.552 at 437 nm. Calculate the amount of A and B in the sample.


at 277 nm 0.886 = (14780 x 1.0 x CA) + (2377 x 1.0 x CB)

at 437 nm 0.552 = (5112 x 1.0 x CA) + (10996 x 1.0 x CB)

Solve simultaneously to give: CA = 5.6 x 10-5 M, CB = 2.5 x 10-5 M

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