Course Information: Environmental Analysis

Textbook for this course is Environmental Chemical Analysis, by Kebbekus and Mitra, published by CRC Press. It should be available from the NJIT bookstore or search for it on-line.

An initial review problem set is posted for you. These are basic problems you should be able to do readily. If they seem difficult to you, get a general chemistry textbook, and work through them. If they seem trivial, skip it--you are prepared to go on with the course work. The answers are posted, but you should work the problems through before consulting the posted answers, if you expect to learn anything from the exercise!

You should read each chapter before the lecture on the subject. The lectures closely follow the book, so a careful reading will make note taking much easier. The problems at the end of each chapter should be worked by the week after the lecture on that topic. These problems will not be collected or graded, but they are the type of problems which will be on the examinations, and it is strongly recommended that you work them out. There will be an opportunity in class to ask questions on the assignment to clarify any difficulties. Worked out problem solutions will be posted here after each assignment is due.

On-line discussion. An on-line discussion will be set up. You are expected to sign in and post information on the topics as they are assigned. You should also read other students comments, and respond to them if you feel you have more to add, or a different point of view. Discussion will be accessed through the Highlander Pipeline. Select MY NJIT on the NJIT home page ( and MY COURSES from the top bar. Choose EVSC 612 and Message Board.

Grading: Your final class grade will depend on the two examinations, a term paper and oral presentation, and participation in the on-line discussion. The examinations will each count for 30%, the project paper and presentation for 25%, and on-line discussion participation for 15%.

Dr Kebbekus is most easily reached at any time, by e-mail, at Be sure to put EVSC 612 in the subject line, so I can separate your messages from the spam!!

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