Chapter 7

Mass Spectrometry

Important Topics

Interpretation of simple spectra
Instrumental resolution
ion sources
chemical ionization
mass analyzers
ion detectors
Data handling

Important Skills

Determine resolution needed to separate two close ions
Understand the function of the various parts of a MS instrument
Understand the differences between the types of ion sources and how they are applied
Understand the differences in the mass analyzers and their applications
Understand what information a mass spectral library search will provide


Discussion question: In a lawsuit against an industrial company, people who claim that the company did not properly monitor their air emissions of various chemicals are demanding compensation. The company does have records of chromatographic analysis done using a FID GC which show insignificant air concentrations. The plaintiffs claim that the analyses should have been done by GC-MS as that is more accurate. What arguments can you make to support either the defendent or the plaintiffs in this case. Does the time frame in which the alleged exposure took place (i.e. in the 1970's vs. the 2000's) affect your arguments?

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