Introduction to C++ Programming Language

A set of lectures to introduce computer programming to high school students presented in a brief summary below. Course has a span of four days with approximately two hours per session. Emphasis is placed on presenting the essential grounds to primary facilitate students¡¯ scientific work rather that exhibiting computer science aspects of the programming platform. Supplements include two electronic books, essential web links, free distribution compiler. Lectures prepared by Tsezar F. Seman.

Day I

¡×         Why study a programming language.

¡×         Conceptual differences between C and C++.

¡×         Programming steps and execution model.

¡×         Source code. First program. Examples.

Assignment: Install free compiler, implement all given examples.

Day II

¡×         Variables. Variable types. Constant variable.

¡×         Aggregate variables: Array, Structure, Array of structures.

¡×         Notion of function. Library functions. Standard math library. Numerical limits.

¡×         User defined functions.

¡×         Controlling structures. ¡°for¡± loop and ¡°while¡± loop. Differences and similarities.

Assignment: Implement all given examples.


¡×         Special operators. Relational expressions.

¡×         Branching. ¡°if-else¡± statements.

¡×         Logical operators and ¡®truth¡¯ table.

¡×         ¡°switch¡± structure.

¡×         Writing data into a file. File stream.

¡×         Plotting graphs in MS Office Excel (not related to C++).

Assignment: Compile, run and explain given examples (no coding).

Day IV

¡×         Notion of scope.

¡×         Classes and objects. Long comprehensive example introducing various concepts of a class.

Final Assignment: Write a code to calculate individually assigned complex mathematical function, output data into a file in a specified form. Plot results using Excel, and finally electronically submit the work for review.