NJIT Physics Department Seminar
November 12th, 2007, Monday
The Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope:
On the Cusp of the Future
Prof. Dale Gary, NJIT
(Solar & Terrestrial
Room: 373 Tiernan
Time: Noon-1 pm with 11:30 am
tea time
Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope (FASR) is a
concept for a modern solar-dedicated radio array that has been under intense
study for more than 12 years, since the first science workshop held in 1995.
It is finally on the verge of becoming a reality. The science
motivation for the facility is discussed through examples from fore-runner
instruments such as NJIT's Owens Valley Solar Array,
the NRAO Very Large Array, the
questions that will be addressed. These include the first true
measurement of magnetic fields in the solar corona, the direct imaging of sites
of magnetic energy release and subsequent acceleration of relativistic
electrons, and initiation of eruptions from the Sun that are the drivers of
space weather. The status of the project and NJIT's
role is described.