NJIT Physics Department Seminar
9/24/07, Monday
Direct imaging of nano-scale
electronic phase separation in La1-xCaxMnO3
Dr. Jing
Tao, Brookhaven National Laboratory
(Condensed Matter Experiment,
Host: Tyson)
*** Room: 202 ECE ***
(Note the room change)
Time: Noon-1 pm with 11:30 am
tea time
Manganites exhibit very complex phase diagrams and phase
separation (PS) has been believed to be a key phenomenon to understand their
rich physical properties, including the well known colossal magnetoresistance
effect. Recently, charge ordered (CO) nano-clusters
were found near the CMR temperature and suspected to have a possible role
underlying the insulator-metal transition in manganites.
However, the real space distribution and the nano-scale
origin of the CO phase in manganites still remains
elusive. This talk will present our in-situ
electron microscopic study in La1-xCaxMnO3
system over a wide doping range 0.3 < x < 0.8. Scanning electron nano-diffraction (SEND) and electron energy loss spectra
(EELS), using an electron probe about 1 nm in size, were combined to
investigate the structural and electronic information from individual nanoclusters. The real space evolution of the
temperature-dependent CO phase at different doping levels will be discussed and
correlated to the physical properties. Our results consistently show that the
charge density associated with the CO structure inside the CO nano-clusters is different with the charge density in the
bulk materials. This spontaneous electronic phase separation has great influence
on the transport properties in the systems.