NJIT Physics Department
3/31/08, Monday
Solar Coronal Magnetic Fields:
Source of Space Weather
Dr. Thomas Wiegelmann
Max Planck
Institute for Solar System Research
(Solar &
Terrestrial Physics, Host: Wang)
Room: 373 Tiernan
Noon-1 pm with 11:30 am tea time
Instabilities in the solar corona like flares and coronal mass ejections can
cause harmful effects, e.g., power cut-offs, damage to satellites and thread
exposure of astronauts to energetic particles. It is therefore important to
investigate these processes, in particular with aim of a better prediction of
eruptive phenomena. The key for these processes is the magnetic field, which
couples the solar interior with the solar atmosphere and dominates all other
forces by several orders of magnitude in the corona. As high accuracy direct
measurements of the coronal magnetic field are not available, we extrapolate
ground based and space-born measurements of the photospheric
magnetic field vector into the corona. Time series of the reconstructed
3D-magnetic field and plasma equilibria are analysed, for example regarding the amount of free energy
available to trigger coronal eruptions, which are the cause of space weather.