NJIT Physics
Department Seminar
December 5th, Monday, 2016
HamSCI and the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell
of Physics, NJIT
(Terrestrial Physics)
Time: 11:45am-12:45pm with 11:30am tea time
Room: ECE 202
Amateur (ham) radio operators are technically astute hobbyists with
intense interests in radio communications and science. Many hams routinely
communicate using High Frequency (HF, 3-30 MHz) trans-ionospheric links, which
are affected by space weather activity. Hams around the world have voluntarily
created automated, global-scale networks that monitor these communications. We
demonstrate that ionospheric effects can be observed and quantified using
these systems. This large, citizen-science radio dataset can provide valuable
information about ionospheric regions that might not otherwise be sampled by
conventional instrumentation. In order to connect professional researchers with
the volunteer-based ham radio community, HamSCI (Ham
Radio Science Citizen Investigation, www.hamsci.org) has been established. HamSCI
is working with the ARRL (American Radio Relay League, www.arrl.org) to organize an extensive
amateur radio operating event during the Great American Total Solar Eclipse of August
21, 2017 in order to study the effect of the eclipse on the ionosphere and
upper atmosphere.