NJIT Physics
Department Seminar
April 25th, Monday, 2016
All the Sky, All the Time:
The Owens Valley Long
Wavelength Array
Prof. Gregg Hallinan
Dept., Caltech
(Radio Astronomy, Host: Gary)
Time: 11:45am-12:45pm with 11:30am tea time
Room: ECE 202
The Owens Valley Long Wavelength Array (OVRO-LWA) is a new array at
Caltech's Owens Valley Radio Observatory built to target key science in the
sub-100 MHz radio sky. When complete, it will consist of 352 antennas spaced
over a 2.6 km diameter. To date, 288 antennas have been completed, spanning 1.6
km, and the array has entered early science operations. Full
cross-correlation of each antenna enables instantaneous imaging of the entire
viewable sky every few seconds with a spatial resolution of ~5 arcminutes,
delivering a survey speed 50 times greater than any other array operational in
this band. The primary science goals for the project are i)
searching for low frequency radio transients, particularly radio bursts caused
by coronal mass ejections on nearby stars and the associated auroral radio emission from extrasolar planets ii) probing
the Cosmic Dawn era by measuring the HI signature at z~20 iii) dynamic imaging
spectroscopy of the Sun and iv) continuous monitoring of the ionosphere.
I will discuss the science motivation and technical challenges for the Owens
Valley LWA and present all-sky images from the first science runs.