Physics Department Seminar
January 30th, Monday, 2017
Magnetic Reconnection in
Space and Laboratory Plasmas
Prof. C. Z. “Frank” Cheng
of Space and Plasma Sciences
Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
(Solar Physics, Host: Gary)
Time: 11:45am-12:45pm with 11:30am tea time
Room: ECE 202
Magnetic reconnection is a key physical mechanism of
converting magnetic energy into plasma energy. In solar and stellar flares,
magnetic reconnection plays the essential role of accelerating electrons to MeV
energy and ions to GeV energy. In the planetary magnetospheres, magnetic
reconnection plays the critical role of solar-wind magnetosphere interaction so
that solar wind particles can enter magnetosphere and be stored in the plasma
sheet. In laboratory magnetic confinement fusion plasmas, magnetic reconnection
is the mechanism of causing plasma disruption in tokamaks. It has also been used
to convert magnetic energy into plasma energy to startup plasmas with high ion
temperature in the fusion reactor plasma regime. In this talk I will first
review the historical development of magnetic reconnection
theories/simulations. Then, I will present the kinetic physics of magnetic
reconnection and show how and where electrons and ions are accelerated/heated.
I will also present the electron and ion heating results obtained in the
laboratory magnetic reconnection experiments. Then, I will present the magnetic
reconnection process in solar flares and coronal mass ejections phenomena. In
particular, I will discuss how the kinetic theory of magnetic reconnection can help
resolve the “electron number problem” in the solar flares.
Short Bio of Prof. C. Z. (Frank) Cheng:
Prof. C. Z. (Frank) Cheng received a PhD
degree in physics from University of Iowa in 1975. Then, he worked at Prince
Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), Princeton University for 30 years (1975-2005),
and was a Distinguished Research Fellow when he retired in 2005. Then, he joined
National Space Organization (NSPO), Taiwan during 2005-2007 as its Chief
Scientist. In 2006 he moved to National Cheng University (NCKU), Taiwan as a
Chair Professor and established Plasma and Space Science Center (PSSC) and then
established the Institute of Space and Plasma Sciences (ISAPS) in 2008. He is
now an MOST Chair at NCKU for one year (2016-2017). Prof. Cheng’s research is
mainly in theory and simulation of plasma physics with applications in fusion
plasmas, basic laboratory plasmas, and space plasmas. Prof. Cheng is an APS
fellow since 1991 and a Fellow of Physical Society of Republic of China
(Taiwan) since 2009. He received the “Award For Excellence In
Plasma Physics Research” by American Physical Society in 2004. In 2013 he also
received the “John Dawson Prize for Numerical Simulation of Plasmas” by the
International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas.