Physics Dept Seminar
September 26th, Wednesday
and Modeling of Flare-productive Active Regions on the Sun
Dr. Shin Toriumi
Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Physics - MHD Modeling, Host: Wang)
*SPECIAL TIME: 3:45pm-4:45pm with 3:30pm teatime
solar flares and coronal mass ejections are known to occur in complex active
regions (ARs). What kind of AR structures are important for producing these
events, and how can we model them? This talk aims at answering to these
questions. First, we introduce the statistical analysis on various
flare-productive ARs, in which we investigate all >M5.0-class events within
45 deg from disk center for six years from May 2010. We classify them into four
categories, namely, (1) Spot-Spot, a complex AR with AR-sized polarity
inversion lines (PILs), (2) Spot-Satellite, in which a newly-emerging flux
appears adjacent to the pre-existing spot, (3) Quadrupole, where two emerging
fields collide against each other, and (4) Inter-AR, the flares occurring
between two apparently separated ARs. We find that the characteristics of the
flare eruptions strongly depend on the groups; for example, the flare duration of
the majority group (1) is four times longer than that of another majority group
(2). Second, we show the numerical attempt to model various flaring ARs, where
we reproduce these four types (1-4) by conducting a series of flux-emergence
simulations. We reveal that the sheared PILs in these ARs are created through
the stretching and advection of horizontal magnetic fields due to the
large-scale flux emergence. As ARs develop, free magnetic energy becomes stored
in the corona, which could be released through the flare eruptions.
Biography: 2005-2009:
B.S., U. of Tokyo; 2009-2014: Ph.D. U.
of Tokyo; 2014-now: National
Astronomical Observatory of Japan