Joint Physics Dept - MtSE Seminar
March 11th, Monday
X-ray Vision of Quantum
Materials: From Fundamental Insights to Technological Perspectives
Dr. Ignace Jarrige
National Laboratory
(Experimental Condensed
Matter/Materials Physics, Host: Ahn)
*SPECIAL TIME: 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm with 2:30 pm
tea time
Room: ECE 202
In today’s ongoing quest to harness quantum
materials for practical applications, the control of collective quantum states
has emerged as a promising way to tune the functional behavior of these
materials. This requires a fundamental understanding of the complex electronic
states and phases hosted by quantum materials. Resonant inelastic x-ray
scattering (RIXS) is a novel synchrotron-based probe of the electronic
structure with a remarkable sensitivity to low-energy charge, spin and orbital
excitations. In this talk, I will present RIXS studies of two fascinating
classes of quantum materials, high-temperature superconductors and Kondo
lattice systems. These studies reveal the collective electronic interactions
underlying the rich phase diagrams of these materials, and show how tuning
these competing interactions gives rise to quantum phase transitions. I will
also discuss opportunities for x-ray spectroscopic and scattering techniques
to help the development of prototype devices for quantum information